Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 705 The Nectar of Heaven

Inside [Shuntian Mansion].

The princes, nobles and common people all felt this terrible depressive atmosphere.

They all looked up.

Zhu Qizhen looked at [Yudu Mountain] with palpitations, wondering: What is going on?

The dark clouds are covering the top, but only on that mountain?

It bores me to the extreme.

Cao Huachun said: Your Majesty, this is the legendary disaster.

It seems that some peerless master is about to appear.

Zhu Qizhen frowned and said nothing more.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

The momentum on [Yudu Mountain] is getting more and more solemn.

Shangguan Xiaoxian and others were stunned and did not dare to get even half a step closer.

Hundreds of people were brought in, but they all became decorations.

Gang leader, today is the night of the full moon, and it is the battle between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng.

As the largest gang in the Ming Dynasty, you have to go. The elder of the [Money Gang] reminded us.

Shangguan Xiaoxian was in trouble, and Murong Fu was uncertain about his life or death.

If the other party comes out, I'm afraid there will be a gap in my heart, which will be detrimental to my future plans.

Cousin, if you have something to do, you can go first. I'll stay and wait for King Yan. Shangguan Danfeng saw Shangguan Xiaoxian's hesitation and said with a smile.

Shangguan Xiaoxian thought for a while and realized that she really had no role here. She nodded and said, Then I'll help you, sister.

Haha, you're welcome. Shangguan Danfeng smiled gracefully.

Then, he watched Shangguan Xiaoxian leave with some people from the Money Gang.

Inside the cave.

Murong Fu's expression became more and more solemn. This was the critical moment for forming the elixir.

Every step is extremely difficult.

If you fail at any step, you will fall short.

At this time, the baby's body was confused and confused.

It gives people the illusion of being completely powerless and unconscious.

But there is a vague connection with Murong Fu's mind.

Suddenly, he had a whim and injected all his dragon energy into the Nascent Soul.

The baby's facial features gradually became clearer, and a purple golden dragon slowly emerged from its back.

Just when all the purple golden dragons were printed on Yuanying.

The baby suddenly opened his eyes, and a brilliant light broke through the mountain wall and rushed into the sky.

A boundless fighting spirit arose in Murong Fu's heart.

The huge black clouds outside the mountain were gathering thicker and thicker, and they shrouded Murong Fu's head with boundless pressure.

【Forbidden City】Enter.

Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng stood on both sides of the palace roof.

The two people who should have been the center of attention today seemed a little embarrassed.

No one among the people below looked at them.

All eyes were turned to [Yudu Mountain].

Mom, what is this cloud going to do?

I heard from my mother that when there is a natural disaster, monsters will definitely appear.

Nonsense, I heard from my dad that it's a vixen in disguise, and will come to us in the future to eat you bad men.

Brother Ye, how about we compete at another time? Ximen Chuixue asked.

Ye Gucheng shook his head when he heard this and replied seriously:

You and I are competing with each other, why should we be disturbed by the outside world?

What does it matter if no one is watching?

Okay! Ximen Chuixue put his hands in front of his chest and stood with his eyes closed, waiting for the time to come.

Ye Gucheng was secretly happy.

If he had known that [Yudu Mountain] would appear like this, there would be no need for him to have a fight with Ximen Chuixue.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to complete the plan.

Time passed by, and the moon in the sky became more and more round, as if it was hanging above the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Suddenly, there was a dragon roar and sword energy soared into the sky.

Ye Gucheng's sword has been unsheathed, and the sword seems pale in the moonlight.

The pale moon, the pale sword, the pale face, palely said please!

At the same time, there was a boom!

[Yudu Mountain] A natural disaster breaks out.

The monk's Nascent Soul is shaped by thunder and calamity, the heart is refined by heavenly fire, and the wisdom is calmed by the wind.

No regrets, no fear, no arrogance!

Thunder fell with a crash.

At this moment, looking at the thunder falling in the sky, everyone in the [Money Gang] felt extremely ridiculous and stunned.

But when the first divine thunder fell, the power of thunder from heaven and earth was immense.

It cuts straight through the mountain, as if it wants to cut through [Yudu Mountain].

The majestic calamity cloud.

Huge and boundless pressure.

A silver snake several feet long.

The huge thunder frightened Murong Fu.

However, the fright is just frightened.

No fear at all.

His eyes suddenly opened, his arms stretched out, and he shouted loudly.


The palm-sized Nascent Soul in his body, with a purple gold dragon tattooed on his back, held a stick in his hand, bent his legs and rushed out from Murong Fu's Dantian.

One stick shattered the several-foot-long silver snake.

The power of thunder instantly turned into little stars and entered his body.

The little Nascent Soul was numbed by the electricity, and his whole body shivered, and his whole body became hard.

Immediately afterwards, the second divine thunder struck.

The power of this thunder is several times stronger than the first divine thunder.

With a bang, the Erjiu Divine Thunder struck the Nascent Soul body.

I saw a purple light flashing from Yuanying's body.

In an instant, Tianlei was sucked into the body.

A jade spot suddenly appeared between Nascent Soul's eyebrows, it was [Jade Linglong]!

This... Murong Fu didn't expect that [Yu Linglong] still had this kind of ability.

It was a great deal when I exchanged it for a [Heavenly Fragrant Cardamom].

As he spoke, the third and fourth thunder tribulations crackled fell.

The Nascent Soul baby was energized by its previous experience and became more confident.

No more picking up sticks and pestles!

Instead, he lowered himself cross-legged and let the opponent hit him.

Every time a thunderbolt falls, the [Jade Linglong] in the center of the eyebrows flashes.

Nascent Soul's body froze.

After several thunder strikes.

The head of the little Nascent Soul exploded, and every hair stood on end.

Seemingly losing patience, he stood up.

With a fair face, he opened his small mouth and took a deep breath, swallowing it forcefully.

Before the silver snakes in the sky were completely formed, they were swallowed into the belly of Nascent Soul in an instant.

His little belly immediately swelled like a mother who was ten months pregnant.

Keep rubbing.

The [Jade Linglong] between the eyebrows is more like a fully charged machine, always bright and everlasting.

Murong Fu was one with the soul and could clearly feel his pain.

Shout take it!

The Nascent Soul returned to the body in an instant, and the little guy couldn't help but burp, and spit out a trace of silver light from his mouth.

Murong Fu suddenly felt numb all over his body and almost fell to the ground.

Not daring to be careless in the slightest, he quickly activated his skills.

Start to absorb the power of thunder with your body.

It is strange to say that the thunder travels in the body, not only does it not damage the internal organs, the extra meridians and the eight meridians.

Instead, he repaired all the injuries he had suffered previously.

Wound healing is almost visible to the naked eye.

And just after Xiao Yuanying spit out the last mouthful of Razer.

The clouds in the sky also disappeared.

The next moment, before everyone could react, a powerful spiritual energy storm swept over.

Heavenly reward!

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with a brilliant light, and he rushed out of the mountain void without hesitation and stood in the center of the storm, letting the spiritual energy hit him.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual energy was too mellow and turned into raindrops.

[Nectar of the Way of Heaven], [Nectar of the Way of Heaven], this is [Nectar of the Way of Heaven]!

How much potential does this kid have?

To be able to receive a gift from heaven in this world!

After the blood operator saw Murong Fu, he couldn't help but exclaimed to the sky!

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