Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 706 Yuanying, Demonic Infant

After Murong Fu absorbed the [Nectar of Heaven], he slowly opened his eyes.

He glanced at the people below and walked down step by step.


Everyone in the [Money Gang], including Shangguan Danfeng, couldn't help but swallowed.

All because there was no trace of emotion in Murong Fu's eyes at this time.

They looked like celestial beings, looking at them like ants on the ground.

Prince, you... Shangguan Danfeng asked bravely.

My king...what's wrong? Murong Fu's voice was like thunder, deafening.

Everyone in the [Money Gang] was so frightened that their hearts were in their throats.

Thump and thump they all knelt on the ground.

Shangguan Danfeng's legs went weak and she threw herself into Murong Fu's arms.

Are you okay? Murong Fu asked emotionlessly.

It's's okay... Shangguan Danfeng suppressed Murong Fu's own aura.

Perseverance without being crushed to the ground.

Murong Fu looked around, and strange voices kept coming from his head.

There were insects chirping, birds chirping, and people whispering.

His eyes gradually regained their human emotions.

However, when he looked at the beauty in his arms again.

He actually felt possessive.

Desire continues to escalate in my heart.

I wish I could have Shangguan Danfeng executed on the spot.

In an instant, Murong Fu's heart trembled, and he felt something was wrong!

Something is terribly wrong!

It stands to reason that he is now in the Nascent Soul stage and should be pure and devoid of desires.

How could I feel lust when I saw a woman?

Unless, he is not taking the serious path.


Murong Fu looked inside and saw the naked little Nascent Soul in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He was lying on the bed with an arrogant look on his face, and there was a purple and gold dragon printed on his back.

Very much like the gangster in Young and Dangerous.

What's wrong with my Yuanying?

Could it be that something went wrong when I was conceiving a baby?

Even the inner demons...

Suddenly, Murong Fu finally understood.

where is the problem!

His method of conceiving a baby comes from the Devil.

The Heavenly Demon comes from a demon sect in [Daru Realm].

Doesn't it mean that he is married to a demon baby?

To live for one's own selfishness, one's own desires, little selfishness, and living for desires is a devil!

My lord, are you okay? Shangguan Danfeng saw that Murong Fu remained silent.

I don't know why, but I became extremely scared.

It was as if the Murong Fu in front of him was the same person as the one he had seen before.


Murong Fu recited the [Pure Heart Mantra] silently and suppressed the desires in his heart.

There is no difference at all between cultivating demons and cultivating immortals to him.

As long as it doesn't delay his return to the country.

Gui Hai held the blood counter with his knife, walked up to Murong Fu and said, Your Majesty! How should he deal with it?

Murong Fu's palms emitted a strange gray color and he pressed them against the blood operator's head.

Everyone saw that the blood operator's face suddenly turned pale.

All the flesh and blood in his body seemed to have been drained out all at once, making him dry and haggard.

Immediately, he fell down!

A ball of pure energy entered Murong Fu's sea of ​​consciousness and was swallowed by the soul.

In an instant, scenes from his life appeared in his mind.

A person who has been a slave of the [Blood God Cult] since he was a child has worked hard step by step.

Became Deng Yin's subordinate.

I got some skills that were so ordinary that they couldn't be more ordinary.

Finally, in order to be able to make contributions, climb up one level.

I would rather sacrifice my life's skills and choose to cross the border.

The only thing that surprised Murong Fu was that the realm of the Blood Operator was actually Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

[Blood Nerve] The first three layers, [Eight Yao Wentian Algorithm].

These two skills are considered to be the only things that the blood fortune teller can come up with in [Daru Realm].

[The Great Soul-Searching Hand of Heaven and Earth's Destruction]!

An elder of the [Money Gang] who has some experience.

He summoned Murong Fu's martial arts skills and interrupted Murong Fu's train of thought.

Huh? Murong Fu raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party.

With a thought in his mind, a burst of blood energy emitted from his body.

The elder immediately felt the blood in his body boiling and wanted to leave his body.

He screamed in pain and fell to the ground rolling around desperately.

Spare your life! King Yan, spare your life!

I am the gang leader's confidant!

Other members of the gang also responded by begging for mercy:

Please also ask the prince to spare Elder Ma, he is really the gang leader's confidant.

Confidant? Murong Fu said calmly: Next time, remember to control your mouth.

Yes...yes...yes, I will keep my mouth shut. Elder Ma said.

Murong Fu snorted coldly and tapped lightly at the entrance of the hole.

A ray of purple light shot out with a bang sound.

In an instant, all the stones blocking the entrance of the cave were smashed into powder.

There should be some people alive inside. Go and save them.

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

Seven days have passed, how could anyone still be alive?

Shangguan Danfeng kindly reminded:

Even if your blood hasn't been drained for so many days, you're still starving to death, right?

Murong Fu replied: There is abundant spiritual energy in the cave, which can make people full of vitality.

If some people are weak, they probably won't die.

I will go as you are told.

After being taught a lesson, Elder Ma immediately transformed into a good boy.

Not daring to hesitate at all, he rushed into the cave with the members of the [Money Gang].

Wait a minute! Murong Fu suddenly remembered that the woman inside was not wearing any clothes: The women will prepare some clothes to go in, but the men will not need them if they stay behind.

There were only a dozen women in the gang, and they felt embarrassed after hearing Murong Fu's words.

Where can I find clothes in this barren mountain?

Elder Ma reacted quickly and said, Men, take off your coats and give them to women.

Seeing this, Murong Fu nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the moonlight and said, Is this a battle of two swords today?

Your Majesty, today is the battle of the Forbidden City. Shangguan Danfeng replied.

Haha, it seems that I came out at the right time. Murong Fu smiled domineeringly and said, Yidao, you stay here and watch them save people.

My king, I need to go back first.

Gui Hai Yi Dao hesitated and asked again and again: Your Majesty, God is waiting for him...

Dead! After Murong Fu finished speaking, he turned into a purple shadow and disappeared in front of everyone.

On a full moon night, on the top of the Forbidden City, a sword comes from the west, and a fairy flies from the sky!

Above the palace building, sword shadows fill the sky.

Two immortal swords.

Exuding a cold sword energy.

The sword edges did not touch each other, and the sky and the earth were already colorless.

Ye Gucheng's sword was like a gust of wind outside the white clouds.

However, Ximen Chuixue's sword seemed to be tied with an invisible thread.

After hundreds of rounds.

The two of them are close at hand!

The two peerless swords have been thrust out with all their strength!

This is the last sword, the sword that determines victory or defeat. M..

Ye Gucheng flew into the sky, like an immortal in the sky.

A ray of white sword light shot out, cutting a sword mark several feet long in the void. Its power was rarely seen in the world.

Ximen Chuixue has the same sword, and his sword light melts into a point and into a snowflake.

With the overwhelming momentum, stab at Ye Gucheng!


The tips of the two swords collided and intertwined.

Ximen Chuixue was immediately shocked. He found that his sword was a step slower.

If you use this sword, you will be swallowed to death!

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