No! Lu Xiaofeng shouted.

This move will undoubtedly hurt both sides, Ye Gucheng will be injured, and Ximen Chuixue will die.

Commander of the Ouchi Guards Wei Ziyun, Desert Condor Tu Fang, and Honest Monk.

All the martial arts masters were also worried about the two of them.

At the critical moment, Ye Gucheng deliberately made a move to the left.

In an instant, Ximen Chuixue's right arm was cut, causing his sword to deflect.

It stabbed hard into the left arm.

Two snowflakes fell on the field almost at the same time.

Ximen Chuixue's eyes were filled with shock and confusion. He looked at Ye Gucheng and asked:


Ye Gucheng smiled slightly and said:

I'm afraid that the beautiful buildings and beautiful buildings will be too cold at high places......

People are lonely at high places. Without you, Kendo will be lonely, and I will be lonely!

But I lost, and I will no longer be worthy of being your opponent. Ximen Chuixue said seriously.

Ye Gucheng shook his head and said:

Do you know where you lost?

Where did you lose? Ximen Chuixue muttered, I don't know!

Care! You have too many worries today, so when you take action, you have a little hesitation. Ye Gucheng replied.

Really? Ximen Chuixue thought for a moment, then turned and left.

Then, slowly left a sentence in the air: Three years later, you and I will fight again.

Three years? Ye Gucheng's mouth curved slightly.

His goal was achieved.

In today's field, no one except Ximen Chuixue can stop his plan.

Your Majesty Ye Gucheng invites you! Cao Zhengchun said slowly after Ximen Chuixue left.

As a result of this victory, he was qualified to meet the emperor.

Ye Gucheng nodded and said calmly: Please!

Cao Zhengchun was stunned. He had long heard of Ye Gucheng's loneliness.

Unexpectedly, he was so arrogant and lonely.

However, he did not want to offend the other party.

Just being ignored by Zhu was enough to give him a headache.

After the two left, the remaining warriors also dispersed.

Wei Ziyun and Lu Xiaofeng also glanced at each other at this moment.

Each turned around tacitly.

However, they left in the same direction.

That is, walking towards Zhu Qizhen's study.

Inside the [Royal Study Room].

Zhu Qizhen dragged his tired body, drank the tea handed by the eunuch, and said curiously.

Wang An, who won?

Wang And said: Your Majesty, it is Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng who wins.

Oh? So it's him. Although Zhu Qizhen didn't care about things in the martial arts world, he still heard about Ye Gucheng. He waved his hand and said, Go down and wait.

Wang An replied respectfully: Yes!

Not long after, Cao Zhengchun brought Ye Gucheng to the [Royal Study Room], glanced at Wang An who was guarding the door, and sneered:

You don't seem to be on duty tonight, do you?

Wang An said respectfully: Your Majesty, let me wait.

Oh? Cao Zhengchun rolled his eyes and didn't know what to say.

Every word the emperor said was an imperial edict. Although he was Wang An's immediate boss, he couldn't say much and could only obey.

After glancing at the other party, he led Ye Gucheng into the room and said respectfully:

Your Majesty, this old slave has brought today's winner - Ye Gucheng.

Zhu Qizhen took a look at Ye Gucheng and found that it was indeed the same as the legend.

He has a white face and a slight beard, and his eyes are like two cold stars.

Wearing a beaded crown and dressed in white clothes as white as snow, he looked like a banished immortal coming to this world. Said casually:

Are you Ye Gucheng? I have heard of your name for a long time, but when I see you today, you are extraordinary.

Ye Gucheng's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: Yes, I am Ye Gucheng.

Zhu Qizhen's expression changed. I heard Cao Zhengchun yelling loudly: How brave! Ye Gucheng, you didn't kneel down when you saw His Majesty.

You are so ignorant of etiquette. Do you want to die?

Ye Gucheng looked at Cao Zhengchun contemptuously and said proudly: I kneel to the sky and the ground, my father and my mother, why should I kneel to him?

Zhu Qizhen frowned and said, Oh? Then I want you to kneel, will you kneel or not?

Ye Gucheng shook his head: Don't kneel!

Zhu Qizhen sneered: In that case, I want to see if it's your mouth or your knees that are tough.

Come here! Capture this traitor and traitor for me!

The words echoed throughout the [Royal Study Room].

The Ouchi guards who were supposed to come in within a few breaths did not move at all.

Outside the [Royal Study Room], it was extremely quiet.

Cao Zhengchun secretly thought something was wrong and shouted loudly again: Where are the people? Where have all the people died?

At this moment, there was finally movement.

The door was slowly opened.

Just when Zhu Qizhen was calm, he saw only one eunuch walking in.

Wang An?

Your Majesty, it's me! Wang An said respectfully.

Where are the guards? Where are they? Cao Zhengchun asked.

Haha, if I want to reply to the Governor, the Ouchi guards asked me to leave. Wang An said truthfully.

Bastard, where do you have the courage? You are going to rebel! Cao Zhengchun roared and was about to take action and slap the opponent to death.

Wait a minute. Seeing that Cao Zhengchun was about to take action, Wang An hurriedly hid behind Ye Gucheng: This servant only wants to invite your majesty to see one person.

Cao Zhengchun's face stiffened and he said, Wang An, you were purified at the age of seven, entered the palace at the age of nine, and now live to be fifty or sixty years old. Could it be that you have forgotten all the rules in the palace?

Wang An was still very insistent and said: I have not forgotten. I was shocked by the Holy Master and I am willing to apologize.

But I still want to ask Your Majesty to meet that person.

Zhu Qizhen's face was very ugly, but he was still calm. After a long time, he slowly asked: Where is he?

Right here. Wang An waved his hand, and two lights suddenly lit up outside the door.

Another person appeared in the light.

A very handsome young man, wearing a yellow robe and an eight-treasure standing water skirt split on the left and right.

Although the light is brighter than the moonlight, people still seem to be standing in the clouds and mist.

Zhu Qizhen couldn't see clearly at first, but as the man got closer and closer, his expression suddenly changed.

Cao Zhengchun on the side even exclaimed: Bold, you are going to rebel!

Wang An came to the man proudly and introduced:

The robes are bright yellow, and the leaders are all decorated with green pieces and gold edges, embroidered with gold and nine dragons, arranged in twelve chapters, and interspersed with five-color clouds.

There is one dragon on the front and back of the collar, one dragon on the left and right and one on the lapel. The lower eight-treasure skirt opens on the left side.

How about it, Your Majesty, is this dress exactly the same as the one you are wearing?

Zhu Qizhen looked at the young man standing in front of him, as if he saw his own shadow.

Same body, same appearance, same clothes.

There is no difference at all except being healthier than my own body.

At this time, even if his Qi-nurturing skills were at their peak, he could not help but feel chills all over his body and asked angrily:

Who is he and why is he so similar to me?

You are going to...revolt!

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