The young man smiled proudly and said, Yes, you are right to think so.

Wang An saluted respectfully and said: This is the direct descendant of Emperor Daxing, the eldest son of Prince Nan, and your Majesty's direct cousin.

Uncle Huang? Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but look at the young man again, and said solemnly: But Uncle Huang asked you to rebel?

Prince Nan shook his head and said, No.

Then you know that the crime of rebellion involves nine clans. Have you ever thought about it for the emperor's uncle?

Prince Nan lowered his head and said, I have thought about it!

Now that you've thought about it, you still dare to do it? Zhu Qizhen asked angrily.

Prince Nan Wang raised his head and said: I have been ordered by heaven and entrusted to the late emperor. Is there anything I can't do today?

Zhu Qizhen pointed angrily: How dare you... be so rude to the couplet?

Haha, me? No, no, no, you are not me, I am me. Prince Nan smiled.

Zhu Qizhen is not stupid, and he has naturally seen the other party's conspiracy.

They wanted to use Prince Nan to impersonate him and become the emperor for him, and then kill someone to silence him. He said silently:

How did you come up with the civet cat's trick of replacing the prince? Do you really think that all the ministers in the court are fools?

Wang An said disdainfully: Since Yu Qian was killed by you, are there any loyal ministers in the Ming Dynasty?

They are just selfish, despicable people.

Yu Qian? Zhu Qizhen was stunned and whispered a name he didn't want to mention.

That's right! Wang And said: You kill people who are so loyal to the Ming Dynasty for your own selfish gain.

Think about it, is there anyone in this Ming Dynasty who dares to be loyal to you?

Yu Qian can definitely say that it is Zhu Qizhen's lifelong pain.

Back then, the other party opposed his expedition and reminded himself not to be arrogant.

As a result, I didn’t listen.

[Tumu Fort] In the first battle, the best of the Ming Dynasty's 200,000 elites were lost.

As a result, the Ming Dynasty's national power has been declining and it is almost in decline.

If Yu Qian hadn't turned the tide, the Ming Kingdom would have been annexed by the Yuan Kingdom.

But because of this, the other party became a thorn in his heart.

A thorn that is not easy to remove is a thorn that must be pulled out.

The only purpose of his life is to prove his incompetence!

So Yu Qian must die!

Even if it is an unfounded crime, he will die!

When Prince Nan saw that Zhu Qizhen was silent, he said coldly: Mr. Wang.

Wang An said with a smile: My slave is here.

Prince Nan Wang said: Since I am of the late emperor's bloodline, I will give him a complete corpse.

Wang Anyong glanced at Zhu Qizhen and said mockingly: I really don't understand. Why do you want to go to Beijing to die when you leave such a good young prince alone?

Bastard! Cao Zhengchun suddenly stood in front of Zhu Qizhen and shouted angrily: Do you really think our house is just a decoration?

Zhu Qizhen also sneered and said, Fortunately, I still have a few loyal people around me.

As soon as he finished speaking, a clucking sound came from the wall of the study room.

Immediately, a secret door opened, and out of the secret door came four brothers who were less than two feet tall and had exactly the same figure, appearance, and decoration.

The Yu brothers from [Feiyu Castle]? Ye Gucheng recognized the origins of these four people at a glance.

These four brothers were born from the same child. Although they are not tall, their swordsmanship is extremely high. Especially the four brothers have the same mind.

The four of them joined forces and used their family's heirloom [Flying Fish Seven-Star Sword].

In the Universal Sword Formation, although they are not among the best, there are actually not many people who can break the formation.

Yu Dadao: Haha, I didn't expect that Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng also knew our brothers.

As a swordsman, it is natural to have an understanding of the people who use swords in the world. Ye Gucheng said calmly: Unexpectedly, after you disappeared, you actually became the bodyguard of Emperor Ming.

It's not a shame to eat the emperor's food! Yu Er said.

Prince Nan said: Your Majesty, you don't think that with just five of them, you can defeat my master, do you?

Cao Zhengchun said disdainfully: To deal with Ye Gucheng, one person from our family is enough.

[Tiangang Boy Kung Fu]? Ye Gucheng looked at Cao Zhengchun and frowned slightly.

Unless you can hit it with one hit.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to break the opponent's protective aura.

Said truthfully:

It's hard to defeat you, but it's not hard to get past you and kill him!

Zhu Qizhen's face froze, and before he could speak, the sword light flashed on his cheeks.

A ray of sword light flew towards him diagonally, like a startling light and lightning, like a rainbow striking the sky and stabbing at him! M..

Your Majesty, be careful! Cao Zhengchun shouted and stood in front of Zhu Qizhen.

The true energy in Dantian suddenly burst out.

Forming an air shield, it caught Ye Gucheng's blow.

After all, Zhu Qizhen is the great-grandson of Zhu Di, the Hongwu Emperor, and he was also taken to study abroad.

At the critical moment, he still understood the principle of catching the thief first and ordered:

Go and capture Prince Nan!

The Yu family brothers immediately received the order, the seven-handled swords flashed with brilliance, and the stars flashed.

It shrouded towards Crown Prince Nan and Wang An.

Wang An's expression remained unchanged, Prince Nan waved his hand and said in a low voice: Do it!

In an instant, a group of people dressed in Jinyiwei costumes poured in from outside the door.

He stood in front of the Yu family brothers.

Suddenly, sword lights crisscrossed in the [Royal Study Room], and sparks flew everywhere.

It makes a ding, ding, ding, ding sound.

Your Majesty, it seems you are going to die! Ye Gucheng said calmly.

Zhu Qizhen frowned, feeling the second death coming in his life.

Fear couldn't help but arise in his heart, and he said aloud:

How can I be a thief when I am a beautiful woman?

Ye Gucheng's answer was definitely beyond his or anyone's expectations:


Boring! Zhu Qizhen's teeth rang in anger when he heard this.

What a disgusting excuse.

No, this can’t be said to be disgusting!

But...but hateful!

He would rather Ye Gucheng said that he was a foolish king and rebelled because he looked down on him.

Or, like Wang An, take revenge for Yu Qian.

But boring!

What's the reason?

Ye Gucheng showed a trace of murderous intent and waved the sword in his hand.

He wanted to kill the emperor, not for anything else.

Just for fun!

The fragrance of osmanthus floats in the autumn wind, but the fragrance of osmanthus is full of chilling meaning.

The wind blows in from the window, and the moonlight shines in from the window. The wind is as cold as the moon.

But the colder!

Ye Gucheng first forced Cao Zhengchun back with one sword, and then stabbed Zhu Qizhen with one sword.

The sword light turned into a flying rainbow.

A sword comes from the east, and immortals fly from the sky.

Zhu Qizhen knew he couldn't dodge the sword, so he subconsciously stepped back.

In a ten thousandth of a second, when his neck was broken.

A pair of white jade-like fingers clamped the [Feihong].


Ye Gucheng was slightly startled and called out the name of the visitor in surprise: Lu Xiaofeng?

Lu Xiaofeng said sadly: Why?

It's cold at high places! Ye Gucheng replied calmly.

You... Lu Xiaofeng was also disgusted by this reason and excuse.

When Zhu Qizhen saw his own men and horses appearing, he ordered viciously: Kill them all, leaving no one behind.

Ye Gucheng sneered, grabbed Prince Nan and fled through the window.

Just as Lu Xiaofeng was about to chase him, he glanced at Zhu Qizhen, who said in a deep voice, I don't want to see him alive, especially the Crown Prince Nan. it! Lu Xiaofeng replied with difficulty, and then led everyone to pursue Ye Gucheng.

The study room, which was extremely lively for a while, suddenly became quiet.

Cao Zhengchun looked at Wang An who fell to the ground and was furious. Just as he was about to kill him, a playful voice came from his ear:

Hey, I'm not here, but you guys are having a fulfilling life.

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