Murong Fu? Zhu Qizhen looked at the person who had stood opposite him at some point, full of fear.

King Yan, why are you here at this time? Cao Zhengchun asked with a fake smile on his face.

Murong Fu looked at Wang Shi who fell on the ground, then at Cao and Zhu who were gathering together calmly, and said with a smile:

The king has a plan. Is it convenient for you two to listen to it?

Plan? Cao Zhengchun said with a smile: If King Yan has any plans, just tell me, I listen.

Yes. Murong Fu nodded with satisfaction: My king's plan is actually very simple.

The king's stone suddenly exploded and injured His Majesty, causing His Majesty to be seriously injured.

It just so happens that I have a [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] in my hand to help His Majesty survive.

Cao Zhengchun looked at Murong Fu with a confused expression.

Isn't this a rebellion?

I really don’t understand why the other party would do this:

My lord, why are you doing this?

You are not the king of Ming Dynasty, nor are you a minister of Ming Dynasty.

Your Majesty's life and death have no conflict of interest with you at all.

Murong Fu shook his head and said: No, no, no, I think it has something to do with it.

Are you doing it for Concubine Shu? Zhu Qizhen said solemnly: If so, I can order her to go home.

No! Murong Fu said calmly, I think you are not suitable to be an emperor.

Your various behaviors make me feel that you should rest.

Zhu Qizhen was stunned and asked: I am not suitable to be the emperor. Who do you think is suitable?

Hmm... Murong Fu smiled and said: I thought about it and felt that the dragon heir in Concubine Wan Gui's belly is more suitable to be the Ming Emperor than you.

The dragon heir in Concubine Wan Gui's belly? Zhu Qizhen looked at Cao Zhengchun.

The latter also shook his head in confusion, indicating that he did not know anything about it, and asked awkwardly: I don't know, how did King Yan know that Concubine Wan Gui was happy?

Ah, is it convenient? Murong Fu asked again.

Your Majesty, even if you tell me, I guarantee that no fifth person in our family will know about it. Cao Zhengchun promised.

Murong Fu said nonchalantly: It's very simple. The dragon fetus in Wan Zhen'er's belly belongs to me.

What! Zhu Qizhen suddenly became furious, clutching his chest and coughing, pointing at Murong Fu: actually dare to fornicate harem.

Cao Zhengchun's heart sank, Murong Fu dared to tell everything openly.

It can only show that the other party was fully prepared and quickly advised:

Your Majesty, don't get excited. Maybe King Yan is joking with you?


Are you calling this a joke?

Zhu Qizhen was so angry that his whole body was shaking, his fists were clenched and turned white, and he wished he could tear Murong Fu into pieces.

He is the emperor of a country, how could he allow others to humiliate him like this? He yelled like crazy:

Come here, come here, capture this beast for me.

Murong Fu didn't want to talk nonsense with Zhu Qizhen anymore, so he took out the [Tian Fragrance Cardamom] he found from Zhu Qizhen, and said suddenly: By the way, Zhu Wuwu has also been killed by me.

If you don't want to die, just eat it.

You even killed the emperor's uncle? Zhu Qizhen looked at Murong Fu in disbelief.

Likewise, as Zhu Wuli's old rival.

Cao Zhengchun was even more shocked, holding the orchid and pointing: Did you kill Zhu Wuwu?

Murong Fu nodded and said: Well, Governor Cao, good birds choose trees to roost on, if you are willing to submit to me.

In the future, your status will not be lower than it is now.

Our family... Cao Zhengchun was silent for a moment and shook his head: 'Emperor Hongwu' is kind to our family, and our family will not betray the Zhu family until death.

In that case, I will grant you my wish. Murong Fu raised his hand and waved, and a purple palm print appeared in the sky and hit Cao Zhengchun.

[Tiangang Boy Kung Fu]! Cao Zhengchun did not dare to hesitate at all. .

In an instant, he used his strongest defensive posture.

A round red mask rose around him.

Broken! Murong Fu shouted.

The round shield of true energy that blocked Cao Zhengchun immediately shattered.

Purple palm prints landed lightly on his chest.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out from Cao Zhengchun's mouth.

The clothes behind his back suddenly exploded, and he fell to the ground.

Old Cao! Zhu Qizhen couldn't help shouting when he saw Cao Zhengchun falling to the ground.

Your Majesty, I'm afraid this old slave will die. You... just take care of yourself! Cao Zhengchun said weakly.

I... Zhu Qizhen saw that his only support was easily defeated by Murong Fu.

Immediately became helpless.

Okay, if you don't want to die, eat it.

I promise to wake you up in the future. Murong Fu said calmly. emperor, will never...

Zhu Qizhen wanted to say he would never compromise, but when he saw the killing intent in Murong Fu's eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.

Fear and fear arise from the bottom of my heart.

He wants to be a descendant of the Zhu family with integrity.

However, in the face of death, he once again chose to compromise.

With a thought in Murong Fu's mind, his consciousness wrapped in [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] and hovered in front of Zhu Qizhen.

He was so frightened that he thought he had seen a ghost. After calming down, he said in surprise:

The teleportation object?

Haha, your majesty has good eyesight, and it is my king's teleportation object. Murong Fu said with a smile.

His spiritual consciousness was already powerful, but he didn't expect it after breaking through the Nascent Soul.

The spiritual consciousness turned out to be as tough as the real thing.

Can easily pick up hundreds of kilograms of things.

A [Heavenly Fragrant Cardamom] is too simple for him.

Murong Fu, I'm very curious. What realm have you reached?

Are you still human?

Murong Fu said calmly: This king is currently in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

There should be few people in this world who are my opponents.

Haha, it's not unfair for me to lose to you. Zhu Qizhen said: I just hope you can keep your word.

Let me wake up.

Don't worry, it's just [Tianxiang Cardamom], I will find it for you. After Murong Fu finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Qizhen quietly.

The latter gritted his teeth and took the [Tianxiang Cardamom] in front of him in his hand.

Put it in his mouth again.


Zhu Qizhen's Adam's apple twitched, and [Tianxiang Cardamom] fell into his belly.

A feeling of sleepiness came over me, and I wanted to sleep.

Resisting the urge to fall to the ground, he sat back in the chair.

Soon, he completely lost consciousness and became an emperor who could never wake up.

Murong Fu was still alive and Cao Zhengchun said:

Why didn't you stop me if you wanted to die?

But if you don't want to die, Zhu Qizhen will be taken care of by you in the future.

Cao Zhengchun was stunned and didn't believe it:

Aren't you afraid that our family will find [Tianxiang Cardamom] and wake up His Majesty?

Murong Fu was disdainful and said, What will happen if he wakes up?

You don't think that he will be my opponent, do you?

This... Cao Zhengchun covered his chest, forced himself to stand up, and said:

Okay! Our family will stay with His Majesty and wait for the day when he wakes up again.

It doesn't matter, I'll leave the affairs here to you. Remember to handle it efficiently. Murong Fu finished.

Swinging his sleeves and robe, he strode away and headed towards Wan Zhen'er's bedroom.

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