Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 710 True Shadow Clone

Inside [Wanfei Palace].

Wan Zhen'er lay lazily on the bed, scolding Ye Gucheng and others angrily.

Why don't these people who have killed a thousand swords surrender as soon as possible if they fail to rebel?

I have to run around and disturb people's dreams.

None of the eunuchs or maids dared to speak.

He was afraid that if he said something to make her unhappy, his tongue would be cut out.

Suddenly, Wan Zhen'er paused, sat up quickly, and said politely:

Go, go, you all give me, get out.

No one can come in without my order.

do you know?

The maids and eunuchs looked at each other, wondering what Wan Zhen'er was up to.

After hesitating for a moment, they all bowed and left.

And the moment they closed the palace door, Wan Zhen'er was already held in someone's arms.

My lord, where have you been for so many days? It makes me want to die.

Murong Fu laughed haha and put him on the soft bed.

Almost arrogantly, he took off his gauze.

Without any nonsense, he began his crusade.

It was as if the desire that she had just climbed up the mountain was poured into Wan Zhen'er's body.

It wasn't until the rooster crowed at dawn on the second day that he put down the opponent's ketone body.

Wan Zhen'er's whole body was limp, lying on Murong Fu's body, and said coquettishly:

My lord, you can't treat others lightly.

Just this time, I won't be able to get off the ground for three days.

Wouldn't it be terrible if Zhu Qizhen calls someone else?

Murong Fu pinched Wan Zhen'er Aofeng hard.

Wan Zhen'er was so hurt that tears flowed out.

Zhu Qizhen may not be able to wake up within thirty years.

What do you mean? Wan Zhen'er, who was crying sadly, was suddenly stunned and looked at Murong Fu with a puzzled face.

Murong Fu smiled and said, I gave him [Tianxiang Cardamom].

I'm afraid a minister will be looking for you soon.

When Wan Zhen'er heard this, she stood up excitedly.

With a face full of joy, he asked: The prince is not deceiving the slave family, is he?

Didn't many people try to assassinate him yesterday but failed!

Uh-huh. Murong Fu said, Ye Gucheng's plan was discovered by me.

Through the honest monk's mouth, I told Lu Xiaofeng.

This... Wan Zhen'er's beautiful eyes couldn't help but blink again and again.

In my heart, I actually felt a little bit of fear towards Murong Fu.

A fear of being manipulated.

My lord, you have known for a long time that Ye Gucheng is going to rebel?

So, you took advantage of the situation and deliberately chose last night to force Zhu Qizhen to take [Tianxiang Cardamom]?

So that you can put all the responsibility on Ye Gucheng?

Murong Fu touched Wan Zhen'er's charming cheek and said with a smile:

Yes, you are right.

But... Wan Zhen'er said in confusion: Then how do others know that the slave family has a child?

Haha, I told Zhu Qizhen about you before he took [Tianxiang Cardamom].

Although he was very unhappy, he still left a message. Murong Fu said.

What are you talking about? Wan Zhen'er asked.

Murong Fu said: Wan Fei is pregnant with a child.

Just...that simple? Wan Zhen'er said.

Murong Fu nodded and said: Haha, don't say that you are really pregnant with the dragon heir now.

No, bring back a child.

No one dares to object.

Impossible! Wan Zhen'er immediately retorted: It's impossible for him to just sit idly by and ignore the Tie Guan Shenhou Zhu Wuli.

If the slave's guess is correct, the first thing he will do is to bring the imperial doctor to diagnose the slave's pulse.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Then you guessed wrong. He was beaten to death by me a week ago.

So now no one in the entire palace will make things difficult for you.

What about Cao Zhengchun! Wan Zhen'er asked: [Dongchang] is not as good as before now.

But it must not be underestimated. There are also many ministers on his side.

He will take the initiative to resign and go take care of Zhu Qizhen.

Hee hee, that's great, Your Majesty! In this way, no one in the slave family can compete with him in this palace. Wan Zhen'er pressed against Murong Fu's body and kissed her red lips several times.

Murong Fu joked: That's it? Are you also thanking me?

Hehe, I understand! Wan Zhen'er said, stood up and ordered: Come here, bring me a glass of iced grape juice.

The maid outside heard Wan Zhen'er's words.

Don't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

After a while, a bucket of cold grape juice was brought up.

After pouring a cup, he brought it to Wan Zhen'er.

Unexpectedly, he saw Murong Fu on the bed.

I couldn't help but be surprised.

Almost shouted.

Well, very good, you can just watch from here.

When I get tired in a while, you can continue to serve me.


I understand, I understand, I understand! The palace maid did not expect that Wan Zhen'er would be so arrogant now.

How dare you openly take a man to bed.

If the emperor knew about this, wouldn't it be a capital crime?

Wan Zhen'er looked at the frightened palace maid and enjoyed it very much.

Put the cool, delicious grape juice into your mouth.

The body slowly went down, and the delicate forehead was lowered.

An hour later.

Sure enough, Yu Huatian, with an excited look on his face, came to the Wanfei Palace.

But before he could enter the palace gate, he was shocked by a powerful aura.

He stiffened, reacted immediately, and said respectfully:

Yuhuatian has something important to report, and I hope Wan Fei will see him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the palace doors opened from both sides.

Then he saw Wan Zhen'er, dressed in a phoenix robe, walking out domineeringly.

Haha, Xiaotian, why did you come here? I'm already tired of waiting.

Empress, you already know? Yu Huatian was stunned and said slightly surprised.

Wan Zhen'er said with a proud look on her face: Haha, I knew it earlier than you did.

Yuhuatian looked at the door and said, Did he do it?

That's right! Wan Zhen'er tossed her sleeves, walked out, and said loudly: From now on, you are the one who has the final say in this palace. My master and servant have the final say.

Yuhuatian was overjoyed and immediately raised his hand to support Wan Zhen'er and complimented: Your Majesty is right.

From now on, no one can stop you in this palace, not just you and me.

After the two left, Murong Fu also walked out of the palace.

He did not go to the [Qianqing Palace], but went to the palace where Murong Shu was and took her out of the palace.

From then on, the sky is high, birds can fly, and the sea is wide, and fish can jump.

Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission and obtaining the [True Shadow Clone].

Then, the voice of the system sounded in my head.

A strange information filled the brain.

Murong Fu raised the corner of his mouth and laughed loudly:

This secret method is quite good.

Except for being inferior to me in various abilities, other aspects are pretty much the same.

There is a saying called 'attack from the front and back'.

If you have a chance, you can try it with your sister-in-law.

Murong Shu on the side, seeing Murong Fu so happy, couldn't help but curiously said:

My lord, what happy event is there?

Haha, yes, there is, but it's not convenient to say now.

Murong Fu casually explained.

In an instant, he disappeared into the [Forbidden City] with Murong Shu.

The next step is to go to the Qing Dynasty to celebrate Kangxi's birthday.

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