Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 726 Murong Fu’s thick legs

Hey, Prince! I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you? Wei Xiaobao walked up to Murong Fu with a smile and said hello.

Murong Fu nodded and asked curiously: Why are you here?

Wei Xiaobao came close to Murong Fu and explained:

Your Majesty, I told my subordinates.

As soon as you show up in the city, they will come to report you immediately.

Xiaobao, I will come to you specially.

Murong Fu chuckled and said, Haha, you are really thoughtful.

Wei Xiaobao smiled hehe, glanced at the woman in palace clothes next to him, and said:

Your Majesty, let me introduce to you. This is Princess Jianning, His Majesty's most beloved princess.

She often listens to me and mentions your affairs in the world.

So, when I know you appear in the city, ask Xiaobao to bring her to see you immediately.

Murong Fu looked at Princess Jianning.

In his impression, this princess was completely difficult to deal with.

Moreover, he seemed to be a generation older than Kangxi.

However, I feel relieved when I think about it.

Wei Xiaobao can become Wei Tuo's grandson.

It is not surprising that Princess Jianning became Kangxi's daughter.

Princess Jianning walked up to Murong Fu and looked him up and down.

He looked at Princess Zhao Zhao again and said displeasedly: You are a princess from [Song Kingdom].

You actually ran away from me [Qing Kingdom] to act wild.

I'm afraid you're used to being domineering. I think everyone has to give in to you.

Zhao Zhao was a little overwhelmed by what he said, and looked at his husband-in-law Chen Shimei aggrievedly.

The latter bravely said: Princess, I'm afraid you may have misunderstood.

The King of Yan is my [Song Kingdom's] prince, and there is nothing wrong with my princess criticizing him.

Murong Fu smiled hehe and said, Sorry.

My throne was determined by the previous king.

I told you, it has nothing to do with you.

Chen Shimei wanted to refute again, but Jianning was impatient and said:

If nothing happens, get out of here.

Don't disturb this princess's enjoyment.

Chen Shimei was stunned and said: How can you be unreasonable?

Wei Xiaobao looked at Chen Shimei as if he were an idiot:

You are a consort and a freeloader.

What do you want us to tell you?

If I were you, I would quickly take your princess with me.

Leave quickly!

This... Chen Shimei looked at Zhao Zhao blankly.

He seemed to be asking what the other party should do.

Zhao Zhao was so angry that he wanted to instruct Yang Bamei to take action again, but An Shigeng stopped him:

Okay, princess.

We are guests and should not fight with the host.

If anything happens, let's talk about it back home.

Zhao Zhao was stunned. An Shigeng was a person that even her father was extremely afraid of.

The slightest anger would frighten his father so much that he wouldn't be able to sleep well for days and nights.

Now that the other party has spoken, she can only keep her mouth shut. ..

He snorted coldly at Murong Fu, turned around and left.

Upon seeing this, An Shigeng saluted and said, I'm sorry, King Yan.

Zhao Zhao is the apple of His Majesty's eye. It is understandable that he is a bit arrogant.

Jianning said disdainfully: No matter how arrogant he is, can he be as arrogant as me?

Hmph, tell her to stay away next time she sees me!

Everyone looked a little embarrassed when they heard this.

An Shigeng seemed to know Jianning's difficulty and did not refute.

It was just a vague hmm sound.

Then he left with everyone in [Song Kingdom].

Hmph, this stinky man is so rude. Jianning looked at An Shigeng who left without paying attention to him, feeling unhappy in his heart.

However, people ignored him, and there was nothing he could do.

Wei Xiaobao saw that Jianning's face was not kind and cursed at An Shigeng's back.

Murong Fu reminded: An Shigeng has reached the realm of unity between man and nature.

You can hear mosquitoes flapping their wings ten feet away.

You are so loud, he can hear you more clearly.

When Wei Xiaobao heard this, his face suddenly stiffened, he curled his lips and looked sad, so he could only continue to curse.

It wasn't until Jianning came back with a better face that he quickly kept silent and suggested:

Princess, I heard that [Baoxiangju] got some new game.

How about we go try it?

Jianning shook his head: What's the game?

I'm tired of eating it every day in the palace.

What about the southern snacks? Wei Xiaobao suggested again.

Snacks? Princess Jianning raised her pretty eyebrows and said, I want to eat tofu puffs... sweet ones!

Hey! Princess, please! Wei Xiaobao said quickly with a smile, and turned around and asked: Prince Yan, if nothing happens, let's come together.

Jianning nodded and said, Yes, King Yan, let's go together.

The tofu puffs that Xiaobao found are delicious and sweet.

Murong Fu smiled and agreed to their invitation:

Okay, my sister-in-law and I came out just to have fun. It's the same wherever we go.

Haha, let's go! Wei Xiaobao waved his hand and immediately ordered his subordinates to set off.

Jianning glanced at Lang Xuici and then at Tian Ruolan. Before he could move his eyes, he was attracted by Tian Ruolan's cute appearance and smiled:

Sister, your child is so beautiful.

Can you give me a hug?

Lang Xuici looked at Miao Ruolan with questioning eyes and tried to hand her to Jianning, but she just touched the other's hand.

The little guy immediately resisted.

His big watery eyes immediately flashed with tears.

When Murong Fu saw this, he said apologetically: Princess, I'm sorry, Ruolan is just a stranger. Why don't you let her play with you after you get familiar with her.

Jianning thought for a while and said nonchalantly: Okay.

When this little guy gets familiar with this princess, I will teach her how to apply beautiful makeup.

Haha, the princess is wise, the princess is wise. Wei Xiaobao changed the topic with a laugh.

I'm afraid that this girl Jianning will be bad.

He became willful again and offended Murong Fu's thick legs.

Okay, okay, this princess is so wise and powerful, it's not just a day or two.

There's no need for you to flatter me here.

Let's go now! Jianning waved his hands impatiently.

Wei Xiaobao said please to Murong Fu.

He immediately led the way ahead.

Because they were in the city, this group of people did not take a carriage.

The huge group of people was intimidating to those around them.


A rapid dong dong sound sounded in Murong Fu's mind.

Murong Fu couldn't help but turn around and look at the [Pure Light Relic Pagoda].

He felt it clearly in his heart.

The sound came from this pagoda filled with [relics].

Then he looked at Lang Xuici and asked:

Did you hear the strange 'dong-dong' sound?

Lang Xuici shook his head: Fulang, I didn't hear anything.

Haha, it's okay, then I must have heard wrong. Murong Fu was now sure.

The sound coming from the tower should only be heard by you.

It seems like we should find some time to explore this strange tower.

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