Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 727 Meeting with Jianning

[Peach Blossom Temple], the most famous dim sum restaurant in Shengjing.

Wei Xiaobao was busy inviting everyone to sit down.

He smiled and introduced the history of this store.

My lord, please don't underestimate this little snack shop.

It has a history of almost two hundred years.

I heard that the original store owner was Tang Bohu, one of the four most talented people in the Ming Dynasty.

Murong Fu suddenly said: Is this the Tang Bohu who made Peach Blossom Temple?

Wei Xiaobao said with a smile:

That's right, it's the Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, the Peach Blossom Fairy in Peach Blossom Temple.

The Peach Blossom Fairy planted peach trees and pried the peach blossoms for wine money.

Jianning looked at Wei Xiaobao with disdain and said:

Humph, I think you can learn a poem. You read it over and over in front of me all day long.

But when I got to the third sentence, I couldn't do it anymore.

Wei Xiaobao looked ashamed and said stubbornly: Who said I can't do it?

The third sentence should be half drunk and half awake day after day...

Day after day...

Jianning shook his head and said, Okay, don't read it anymore.

This princess's face is so embarrassing.

Wei Xiaobao was not angry at all, he still said with a smile:

It's funny, it's funny.

Soon, the store brought out a set of delicious pastries.

Murong Fu didn't find anything novel about the sweet tofu nao that Jian Ning was obsessed with.

After two bites, it was not as delicious as the chef at home.

After a few random compliments, everyone chatted a lot.

Lang Xuici said: By the way, Xiaobao, how did you escape when you were chased last time?

Huh? Wei Xiaobao was stunned and asked: Madam, how do you know that I am being hunted?

Oh? Lang Xuici looked at Murong Fu blankly: Isn't it Fu Lang who saved you?

Wei Xiaobao was also confused when he heard this and looked at Murong Fu with confusion.

Murong Fu smiled and explained: Last time I followed Xiaobao.

Seeing that he persuaded other people to take action.

So I just watched from the side and didn't move.

This... Wei Xiaobao felt warm and grateful, Thank you, Your Majesty, for protecting me.

Haha, I didn't take any action, so I can't say I'm protecting you.

I'm just a theatergoer. Murong Fu shook his head and did not take credit.

But Wei Xiaobao was still very grateful for what he said.

My lord, I know what kind of person you are, Xiaobao.

If you didn't consider me a friend, you wouldn't even look at me twice.

Murong Fu laughed haha, patted Wei Xiaobao and said:

Good brothers are loyal.

Some things don't need to be said.

Yes, yes, good brothers are loyal. Wei Xiaobao listened to Murong Fu's words, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Hey... Jianning looked at the two brothers' respectful expressions and suddenly sighed.

Wei Xiaobao was stunned and asked hurriedly:

What's wrong with the princess? But what's there to be unhappy about?

Hmph! Jianning said, My mother-in-law is seriously ill.

But you don't know how to be anxious at all. If you go back, I will let my father smash your head.

Ah! Wei Xiaobao said aggrievedly, holding his head: When did Concubine Jia become ill?

Jianning said angrily: Why don't you know this?

Humph, you just spend the whole day messing around outside.

You don't even know that my mother-in-law is sick. Think about how hateful you are!

This... Wei Xiaobao smiled bitterly and said, I wonder what disease she has?

Jianning sighed again:

I don't know, I don't know.

None of the idiot doctors in the palace can diagnose this clearly.

Wei Xiaobao heard that Jianning's tone was bad and quickly comforted him:

no problem, no problem.

If it doesn't work in the palace, we'll look for it outside.

There are many miracle doctors in the world, but their abilities are not as good as those of the imperial doctors.

As he spoke, he stared at Murong Fu.

Suddenly, he slapped his hands and said excitedly:

By the way, doesn't the prince have a ghost doctor on his hands?

Murong Fu was stunned and realized who Wei Xiaobao was talking about:

Lie Zhenbei does have a skill.

His medical skills are among the top ten in the world.

Let him help the imperial concubine treat her illness. There should be no problem.

Jianning was extremely surprised when he heard it and asked: Is it true or false?

Is this person really as powerful as you say?

Wei Xiaobao's little head nodded desperately and said:

Yes, yes, yes, when I was in [Ming Kingdom].

I saw with my own eyes that many people asked him to see a doctor.

There are a lot of people from princes and nobles.

Jianning stood up quickly and said: Then what are you waiting for! Go now and find him to treat your mother and concubine.

Wei Xiaobao explained awkwardly:

Princess, this is not okay.

There are palace rules.

Inviting outsiders into the palace must be approved by His Majesty himself.

Jianning frowned and said nonchalantly: This is not easy. I will go back and report to my father now.

Wei Xiaobao looked at Murong Fu and said politely: Your Majesty, Mr. Lie has a weird temper. I need you to come forward and talk about it.

Otherwise, with just a few of us juniors, I'm afraid we won't be able to invite him.

Yes! Murong Fu did not refuse: Don't worry, as long as the Qing Emperor agrees, I will bring Mr. Lie into the palace to treat the imperial concubine.

When Jianning heard this, his heart felt as if grass had grown and he could no longer sit still.

He stood up and exchanged a few polite words with Murong Fu, then took Wei Xiaobao and hurried away to seek instructions from Emperor Kangxi.

Haha, this Princess Jianning has a really hot temper. Lang Xuici looked at the table of snacks left and smiled.

Murong Fu smiled calmly, picked up a piece of pastry, fed it to Tian Ruolan, and then said:

It's not good for me to waste it. Why not let the boss wrap it up and let's go back and eat.

Although Lang Xuici was not willing to waste it, he was a little worried:

Fu Lang, if word gets out and you pack up the leftovers, I'm afraid it will damage your prestige.

Murong Fu shook his head: You can't forget to be hungry when you are full.

The world is currently experiencing a food crisis, and many people do not have enough to eat.

If I take the lead in wasting food, I should worry about being poked in the back by the people.

When Lang Xuici heard this, he immediately reacted and said happily:

I'm worrying too much.

It would be great if all the princes and nobles in the world thought like Fu Lang.

Murong Fu didn't say anything more and called the waiter to pack the remaining cakes.

Then he took Lang Xuici and Tian Ruolan back to the inn.

He also specially asked the waiter to open a room next to it.

Sister-in-law, you go back and rest first. I have some things to do. I'll come back later.

Lang Xuici said with some reluctance: You just came back and you want to go out again?

Murong Fu did not hide anything and said bluntly:

Today I am in front of the [Pure Light Relic Pagoda].

I felt something weird, so I went back to take a look when it gets dark.

Lang Xuici did not stop him and said bluntly: Then remember to be careful.

Murong Fu kissed Lang Xuici and then disappeared.

Not long after, he reappeared in front of the [Pure Light Relic Pagoda].

However, before he could take action, he saw two figures in the darkness.

Strange, why are An Shigeng and Fang Shizhou here?

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