Murong Fu hung in the distance.

Seeing Fang Shizhou sneaking behind An Shigeng, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

Doing this feels like a mantis stalking a cicada, with the oriole behind.

[Jinguang Relic Pagoda] Apart from the joyful mythical stories, there is no one guarding it on weekdays.

An Shigeng walked to the window and jumped in.

Afterwards, Fang Shizhou lay down at the window and waited for a few breaths.

Just like a thief, he jumped in.

Murong Fu was not in a hurry, and his consciousness followed the two of them.

I saw them opening a dark partition and walking down one after another.

At this time, he slowly entered the tower and walked into the dark pavilion.

Behind the dark pavilion is a dark passage.

Apart from the biting cold wind, there was only the ladder going down.

The surrounding walls are covered with strange scriptures.

Murong Fu reached out and touched the writing on the wall.

An old and simple breath came from the fingertips.

He couldn't help but feel shocked, he could clearly feel it.

The writing here definitely exceeded any ancient monument he had ever seen.


Except for that place, the underground palace where the [Illustration of the God of War] is recorded.

He had an illusion that the ancientness here surpassed that of Pre-Qin.

Or, beyond the Warring States period.

Is it possible that there is really a [Well of Gods and Demons] suppressed here?

After walking about three floors, he finally saw the ground.

The surrounding area is covered with roots similar to those of large trees.

The area is so vast that it is as big as four or five football fields.

Murong Fu glanced around and quickly found the cautious Fang Shizhou.

Looking past him, he saw An Shigeng not far away, holding a strange gray book in his hand.

Looking for something.

Soon, An Shigeng stopped in front of a well.

No, is there really a [Well of Gods and Demons]?

Murong Fu's heart was pounding.

What if An Shigeng really created a passage to another world? This would be a big deal.

Haha, I didn't expect that, just like what was recorded in the book, there really is a [Well of Gods and Demons] here.

The [Demon Lord's Relic] must be in this well

【Devil Lord Relic】?

Murong Fu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

He had seen this thing in [The Records of Doubtful Treasures].

It is the [relic] that was transformed into the body of the demon king from another world after his death. It contains peerless power and can increase one's skill dramatically.

Anyone who gets it will be able to subvert the world.

But no matter how strong the baby is, it will still be good for Murong Fu.

I really want to recruit an outsider at this time.

He is really not sure that he can handle the other party.

Those who talk about Feng Shui in the world are all different, but without the secret, it will be difficult to enter the Tao.

“How can we seek good fortune and avoid misfortune by digging mountains and digging acupoints for people?”

An Shigeng held up the book in his hand and muttered something.

A dark and strange soul light emanated from the book in An Shigeng's hand.

Slowly plunge into the [Well of Gods and Demons].

After a while, [Well of Gods and Demons] also began to react.

A dark but very bright light slowly rose from the mouth of the well.

If you look closely, you will see that it is a square box made of dark wood with a yellow talisman paper attached to it.

An Shigeng's eyes couldn't help but shine with a sparkle, and he laughed and reached out to take it.

Fang Shizhou was behind him, holding his hands tightly.

He seemed to be struggling internally whether to take action or not.

Just when An Shigeng's hand was about to touch the wooden box.

A Buddha's light suddenly rose throughout the underground tower room.

What followed was bursts of chanting Buddhist scriptures.

Om mani padme hum...

Om mani padme hum...

Om mani padme hum...

On the ceiling, countless Buddha images appeared.

In an instant, An Shigeng was surrounded.

[Thousand Buddha Relic Array]!

An Shigeng was not surprised when he saw this, but showed a trace of disdain:

Do you think something from thousands of years ago can deal with me?

As he spoke, he threw the book in his hand to the sky and shouted:

[Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Buddha Formation], open!

Swish swish...

Countless ghosts followed An Shigeng's book and flew out, entangled with the Buddha's shadow in the sky.

Open your mouth wide and bite.

Buddha and ghosts became entangled in mid-air.

The Buddha's light flashes, and with a wave of his hand, he can take away a group of ghosts.

A thick plume of smoke will rise in the sky.

But countless ghosts are still not afraid of the Buddha's light, and still roar towards the Buddha's shadow.

The battle between the two sides feels magical.

Nothing to brag about.

It's nothing more than comparing the abilities of both sides.

An Shigeng had already planned in advance, and the strange book could only hide tens of thousands of ghosts.

It's like exchanging lives for lives, consuming the power of the Buddha's shadow.

The latter has existed for thousands of years, and now is the Dharma Ending Age.

Not much energy consumption at all.

It takes a long time to eliminate demons.

The image of the Buddha was quickly eliminated.

Inside the tower room, it became dark again.

Then there were crisp crackling sounds.

Click... click...

There were thousands of sounds in Murong Fu's ears.

He knew clearly that the 1,548 relics enshrined in the [Pure Light Relic Pagoda] were broken into pieces.

It's a pity that the hard work of several generations was ruined by An Shigeng once.


However, it seems that Lao An's situation is not good either.

Using the ghost formation in the strange book consumes a lot of energy.

Just after destroying the Buddha's shadow, he also spat out a mouthful of blood due to the backlash.

Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, he still said proudly:

Haha, [Demon Lord Relic] you finally belong to me.

With you, I, An Shigeng, will be invincible in the world from now on.

Wouldn't Murong Fu, Zhang Sanfeng and the like become my defeated generals?

When Fang Shizhou heard An Shigeng's soliloquy, he finally couldn't control his greed.

Internal energy burst out from his Dantian, and his body flashed at an extremely fast and weird speed.

In an instant, he appeared in front of An Shigeng, and without any courtesy, he grabbed the wooden box above the wellhead.

Fang Shizhou, how dare you steal my things! Don't you want to die? An Shigeng was frightened by the sudden appearance of the shadow.

After seeing the person clearly, he roared angrily.

After Fang Shizhou took the wooden box, he quickly took a few steps back and kept a safe distance from An Shigeng.

He played with the wooden box with pride, weighed it a few times, and chuckled:...

Haha, my Prince An, why are you out so late? It turns out there is something good going on.

Return the box to me! An Shigeng said seriously: Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude?

You're welcome? Fang Shizhou laughed and said, Just you, with this broken body?

Which one of us, do you think, will be rude to the other?

As he said that, Fang Shizhou's expression changed, and a murderous intent emanated from his body, locking tightly onto An Shigeng's body.

He decided to get rid of the other party at this time.

As long as An Shigeng dies, no force in the entire [Song Kingdom] can compete with him.

If he picks up the boat, he will become the uncrowned king of [Song Kingdom].

Haha, Fang Shizhou, Mi Cangqiong said you were naive before, and I would like to defend you a few words.

But now, what you do seems to me to be no different than an idiot.

Is it possible that you think An Shigeng's things are so easy to steal?

An Shigeng's demeanor suddenly changed. It was completely different from the decadent look before. Instead, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Fang Shizhou suddenly felt bad and threw away the wooden box in his hand without even thinking.

Little did I know it was already too late.

The wooden box was like the tentacles of an octopus, sucking his hand tightly, and all the strength of his body poured into it.

And he could only scream: Damn it, what the hell is this.

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