Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 738 Conversation between Two Orions

Princess Jianning and Wei Xiaobao enjoyed themselves at the same time, especially Wei Xiaobao.

He knew how powerful Murong Fu was, so he said respectfully:

As long as the prince takes action, he will succeed immediately.

Princess Jianning frowned and said, It's almost done!

Uh? Wei Xiaobao said with a hehe smile: One meaning, one meaning.

Murong Fu smiled haha, helped Princess Jianning up and said, Princess's filial piety is admirable.

In the future, please don't give me such a big gift.

Princess Jianning wiped away her tears and said with a sweet smile:

Hey, after you cure my concubine, I won't even kneel down if you want me to.

Haha, easy to say, easy to say. Murong Fu said calmly.

Wei Xiaobao reminded: My lord, you must be careful when you go on this trip.

The snowmen there are huge, and I hear that.

Whenever they get angry, black smoke will emit from all over their bodies.

It's as scary as it gets.

Breaking black smoke? Murong Fu looked at Wei Xiaobao questioningly.

This kid likes to brag.

You're not exaggerating on purpose, you're trying to scare yourself!

Maybe he didn't lie. Luo Tianxi said in Murong Fu's consciousness.

What? Do you know what that black smoke is? Murong Fu asked again. M..

If I'm not wrong, it's not black smoke at all, but demonic energy.

Don't forget, there is a [Well of Gods and Demons] nearby, although it has been blocked.

However, since the two barriers are the closest around, it is very likely that there will be space cracks.

Let the demonic energy of [Chi Demon World] flow into this world.

Luo Tianxi told Murong Fu what he was thinking.

Murong Fu suddenly said: It's very possible!

After some discussion, the matter was settled.

All that's left is to go to Kangxi's dinner.

When Kangxi knew that there was a way to save Jia Fei, his face was slightly excited:

Haha, since Jianning agreed, I will just be a favor.

Don't choose two, just three.

I allow you to go to the treasure house to find three treasures.

Murong Fu cupped his hands and said, Thank you, Your Majesty.

Haha, I was originally thinking of having a good drink with you today.

Since you have important things to do, I won't leave you alone.


Kangxi waved his hands, completely ignoring Murong Fu and not even putting a morsel of food into his mouth.

An expulsion order was issued.

The scene became very embarrassing for a time.

Of course, everyone can understand the eighty-year-old man's desire to save people.

[Imperial Palace] Outside.

Princess Jianning replaced Kangxi and personally sent Murong back to the palace, apologetically saying:

I'm sorry, King Yan.

Father, he is old and does not think carefully.

I didn't even let you have a good meal.

Murong Fu said calmly: It doesn't matter, didn't His Majesty say it again?

When you come back, you will drink with me for three days and three nights.

Um... Princess Jianning did not expect Murong Fu to be so open-minded and said seriously: Prince Yan, you are such a kind person.

Murong Fu waved his hand and said, Princess, I will trouble you to take care of my sister-in-law.

Princess Jianning immediately replied:

Well, don't worry, I will bring her and Xiao Ruolan to live with me in the palace.

Well, that's troublesome! Murong Fu bowed his hands and saluted, turned and left.

Wait a minute, Your Majesty! I've prepared a fast horse for you. Princess Jianning said quickly upon seeing this.

Murong Fu smiled and did not answer him.

It turned into a breeze and disappeared in front of the palace gate.

Princess Jianning was stunned and rubbed her beautiful eyes vigorously.

If she hadn't known that Murong Fu was a peerless master, she would have thought she had seen a ghost.


What a brilliant qinggong.

As expected of a master that even Eunuch Wei is full of praise for.

As everyone knows, what Murong Fu used was not Qing Gong at all.

But the secret method [Little Immortal Sect].

It only took half a breath to appear in the Changbai Mountain Range.

After a few steps, I saw two hunters hurried down the mountain, saying as they walked:

Have you heard that Ganfan built a Qiuqiu skirt?

I heard, six, four, eighty... plus three, five, zero and ninety-one, right!

Yes, yes, hurry up and add it!

Murong Fu was very happy when he heard this and said to himself: I must add it immediately when I get back.

Changbai Mountain is a world-famous sacred mountain.

The Changshengtian of the Yuan Kingdom is said to live in this sacred mountain.

Standing in the mountains, even Murong Fu, who had a heart full of heaven and earth, felt small.

Cold, desolate, empty, profound and unfathomable.

Beautiful, gentle, meandering and wonderful.

Its greatness cannot be described in words.

A moment of forgetfulness.

Murong Fu also realized that there was a bigger problem.

With such a big mountain, where do you want me to find a [Fairy Flower]?

At this moment, someone passed by again.

Looking carefully, they are seven young men and women in their twenties, carrying long swords on their backs. Judging from their clothing, they should be from the same sect.

Behind them, there were several foreigners wearing different clothes.

After several people saw Murong Fu, their eyes couldn't help but become cautious. They deliberately distanced themselves from him and walked past him quickly.

Murong Fu naturally didn't care about the teeth of a few children, and he was worried about how to find the [Uccasion Flower].

Boy, you are so stupid. [Udanxianhua] is obviously a treasure, so it will naturally require a lot of energy. Luo Tianxi reminded.

What do you mean?

Murong Fu instantly understood what Luo Tianxi meant.

Let go of your spiritual consciousness and explore where the spiritual energy is strong in the mountains.

At this time, a rush of footsteps suddenly sounded in my ears.

A group of soldiers wearing black armor rushed towards Murong Fu quickly.

The leader had a bald head, wore a leather sculpture, and carried a machete. He stopped in front of Murong Fu and said arrogantly:


My concubine was kidnapped, so they should have gone up this mountain.

Did you see that?

Murong Fu looked at the bald man in front of him and was startled.

I have to say that the person in front of me is not very strong, but he has a full aura.

At first glance, it was a man walking out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

When the bald man saw that Murong Fu was silent, he cursed: I'm asking you a question, why don't you answer?

Pah! Murong Fu raised his hand and used a big mouth to whip the bald head away, joking: Why don't you ask me, does watermelon keep its sweetness?

When the bald men saw their boss being slapped away, they all wanted to attack Murong Fu.

Stop! Upon seeing this, the bald man quickly covered his mouth, stood up and stopped his subordinates, and said respectfully: I'm here, the vanguard of the [Forbidden Military Camp] will be on fire. I don't know which prince in the capital you are.

[Forbidden Military Camp]? Murong Fu said Oh: I've heard that the [Qing Kingdom] does have such an organization specifically to deal with the [Tiandihui].

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