[Qing Kingdom]? Fenghuo Liancheng frowned, showing a ferocious expression, and said: So you are not the king of [Qing Kingdom]?

No! Murong Fu said calmly: I am the king of [Song Kingdom], and my name is Murong Fu!

The king of [Song Kingdom], what the fuck... When Fenghuo Liancheng heard that Murong Fu was not the king of our country, he immediately lost his temper and reached out to fight back.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the three characters Murong Fu, the old man's face suddenly stiffened, and his demeanor immediately changed from a big bad wolf to a little sheep: You said your name is Murong Fu?

Is that the arrogant Murong Fu?

That's right! It's me! Murong Fu had no interest in talking nonsense to the bald man in front of him, and did not hide it at all.

Fenghuo Liancheng looked at Murong Fu dozens of times, and then said with a smile: Hey, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!

If I had known it was you, even if I had 800 courage, I wouldn't have dared to bare my teeth to you.

General, could he be fake? Fenghuo Liancheng's subordinates reminded cautiously.

Bah! Fenghuo Liancheng turned around and yelled, Who dares to show up as the King of Yan Murong Fu?

I'm afraid I don't know how I died.

Murong Fu looked at Fenghuo Liancheng for a few times, looked at his morbid temperament, and smacked his lips: You are so humble, so humble!

My lord, what are you talking about? Fenghuo Liancheng touched his bald head and said with a smile.

What I mean is that if you are put here to ban martial arts, it is better to send you to [Japan].

“Engage in humanitarian gender genocide.”

Huh? Fenghuo Liancheng looked at Murong Fu with a confused look on his face and asked, Your Majesty, what is humanitarian gender genocide? M..

To put it simply, it means killing all their men and robbing all their women. Murong Fu explained that Fenghuo Liancheng was a good prospect.

Are you rich? Fenghuo Liancheng asked curiously.

Of course, 80% will be transferred to the public and 20% will be kept for yourself. Murong Fu raised his hand and gestured.

When Feng Huo Liancheng heard this, his eyes shone brightly. He knew that there were many rich Japanese people who had a good life.

If you can loot a lot, you can turn around and become a rich man.

The essential…

I heard that Japanese ladies are obedient, gentle, and can do whatever they want with them. It’s definitely a good deal to go there, so I quickly asked:

May I ask, Your Majesty, how can I go to Japan?

I want to take my brothers and make a fortune!

Murong Fu said: It's simple, as long as you swear allegiance to this king, you can take your group of men and go to Japan by boat today.

Okay! Fenghuo Liancheng was very happy. He knelt on the ground and swore to the sky: I, Fenghuo Liancheng, swear that I will be loyal to King Yan Murong Fu in this life.


Murong Fu stared coldly into Feng Huo Liancheng's eyes.

An invisible killing intent surrounded him.

He likes this person's character. If he is well cultivated, he will definitely be a hunting dog!

Aren't you afraid that this king will trick you?

Fenghuo Liancheng said loudly: Don't be afraid, your current reputation, King Yan, is unparalleled.

Besides, we people have to make a living on the edge of a knife. It's the same everywhere.

Being able to kill little devils and still get money is considered a good thing to honor our ancestors.

Murong Fu said calmly: I believe that you are telling the truth. There is no peace in the mountains today. You can take your troops to [Japan].

After saying that, he walked towards the mountain without looking back.

General, we are not really going to [Japan], are we? Fenghuo Liancheng's subordinates saw Murong Fu walking away and quickly helped him up, asking in confusion.

Nonsense! Fenghuo Liancheng said: How could you miss such a good opportunity?

But [Japan] is separated from us by a sea, and I'm afraid we won't be able to get across for a while! The subordinate said in confusion.

Shut up and go back immediately to prepare food and grass. We will leave tonight. Fenghuo Liancheng said: If you want to make a fortune with me, just follow me to Japan.

If you don't want to go, I won't force you. Go back wherever you came from.

After hearing this, all the subordinates howled. Most of them were Fenghuo Liancheng's old subordinates when they were bandits.

Naturally, wherever he goes, they follow him.

It was the same in the Qing Dynasty, and it was the same in Japan.

Killing someone...is more of the same.

Boy, are you so relieved that he will listen to you? Luo Tianxi asked.

So what if I don't worry? Murong Fu said nonchalantly: Anyway, I won't suffer any loss.

Haha, no wonder you are able to cultivate a demon baby, you are somewhat as ambitious as my demon clan. Luo Tianxi said.

Murong Fu joked: Do you demons still have any ambition?

Nonsense! Luo Tianxi was displeased: Other than being warlike, we demons are no different from your human race.

Speaking of insidiousness and cunning, you humans are actually more despicable.

When Murong Fu saw that Luo Tianxi had escalated to the point where the two clans were in conflict, he quickly stopped:

Okay, my dear Tianxi, don't be so serious. There are good people and bad people in every ethnic group.

There's really no point in arguing this.

Humph! Luo Tianxi rolled his eyes at Murong Fu, with a hint of shyness on his face: Who is your Tianxi baby?

“You’re still young and you’re not ashamed to say disgusting things!”

Murong Fu was startled and said awkwardly:

This king is not yet thirty years old.

It's never normal to talk about love.

Oh! Luo Tianxi said angrily: Are you so young?

Is it because I'm not good enough for you? Is it because I'm too old? Is it because I...

Murong Fu was left speechless when questioned.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of woman.

When you act coquettishly, you are always so unreasonable.

Just didn't wait for a reply.

There was a sound of weapons clashing in his ears.

Looking around, it was the same group of juniors from before.

They didn't know why, but they actually started fighting with a group of people.

Murong Fu couldn't help but be surprised when he took a closer look.

Because their enemy is actually the [Sun and Moon God Sect]!

Where did you come from, this idiot? I don't know that this place has been blocked by our [Sun Moon God Sect].

I don't want to die! Get out of here!

The speaker, Murong Fu, recognized him as an elder from the Sun Moon Sect, named Bao Dachu.

I vaguely remember that he seemed to have been poured out by Xianyu Tongpo.

Unexpectedly, the old guy was lucky enough to survive and come here.

Hmph, even a mere [Demon Sect] dares to oppose our [Tianshan Sect] and [Wudang Sect].

Be wise and don't block the road, otherwise I will invite my master and let you all die here.

When Bao Dachu heard about the two factions [Tianshan] and [Wudang], he couldn't help but be startled. He looked at the woman who was speaking and asked curiously:

Who is your master?

The woman said proudly: My master's name is Lian Nishang.

Bao Dachu's eyes widened and he shouted: The white-haired witch is practicing neon clothes! Are you her apprentice?

Murong Fu heard the conversation between the two and suddenly realized:

No wonder the sword in the opponent's hand is extraordinary.

Emotions are the seven famous swords of [Tianshan] and [Wudang].

If these little guys want to deal with the [Sun Moon God Sect], I'm afraid they will suffer a big loss.

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