Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 745 Xiaoxianmen’s meritorious service

Sorry, this king is not dead!

Murong Fu's cold voice sounded in Fang Shisan's ears.

Accompanying the sound was an ultimate stick shadow.

The [Mirror of Delusion] that went straight to his hand made him curse Damn it in his heart.


The dull sound of a stick hitting the flesh rang in everyone's ears.

what happened?

Everything happened so fast that Qijian and others did not react at all.

Fang Shisan's figure flew back quickly.

They rubbed their eyes vigorously.

I couldn't believe that Murong Fu would appear next to Fang Shisan in an instant.

Even Luo Tianxi couldn't help but said in surprise:

You can actually [teleport]?

Haha, this king is not called [Teleport], it is called [Little Immortal Sect]!

Luo Tianxi did not feel the difference between the two secret methods and said disdainfully:

Haha, there are just two ways to do it. I can only say that you are too ignorant.

Murong Fu didn't bother to explain. The secret method of system reward must have its own uses.

It's definitely not something that will be ruined on the street.

He glanced at the demon cautiously, and then he became fierce and attacked Fang Shisan again.

You bastard! Fang Shisan was shocked and angry.

He simply didn't understand how Murong Fu could suddenly appear next to him.

But once you let him get entangled, you will either die or be injured.

The demon in the mirror said in a deep voice: Let's leave quickly. The demonic energy is no longer enough to support me. I'm fighting with him.

Moreover, there must be an expert behind this kid to teach him, otherwise, it would be impossible to learn [Teleport].

Fang Shisan asked unwillingly: But what about the space cracks?

I have just mastered the magic technique, but I haven't completed it yet. Isn't it because I gave up halfway?

The demon said disdainfully: Don't you humans have a saying that you can keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood now?

As long as Zhao Wuji's plan succeeds, the entire [Qing Kingdom] will become the base of my demon clan.

When the time comes, how much demonic energy do you want?

Fang Shisan woke up instantly and couldn't help but feel happy.

As long as Kangxi’s birthday passes, the [Qing Kingdom] will no longer be the human race’s [Qing Kingdom].

Haha, you are right, I was short-sighted and forgot about this level.

After thinking about everything, Fang Shisan no longer misses this place.

Taking advantage of the power of Murong Fu's stick, he ran away without looking back!

This... Murong Fu didn't expect Fang Shisan to run away so easily.

Looking at the demon in surprise, he found that it also turned into a black mist and dissipated in the air.

Bao Dachu, Fan Song and other [Sun Moon God Sect] followers ran away when they saw their leader.

No one dares to miss this place.

They ran away one by one, for fear that Murong Fu would go on a killing spree and take it out on them.

Within a few breaths he disappeared without a trace.

Wu Qiongyao looked at Murong Fu in confusion, cupped her hands and said:

King Yan, why don't you kill them directly so that they don't go out to harm others again.

Murong Fu turned back to look at the speaker, his expression turned cold.

When other people saw this, they were scared to death.

Zhuo Yihang quickly saluted and said, I'm sorry, King Yan.

They are all juniors who are just starting out.

I don't know how dangerous the world is, so please don't mind what they say.

Murong Fu did not open his mouth to refute Zhuo Yihang, but felt his breath was in confusion.

A stream of essence and blood flowed upstream, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

In an instant, everyone was so frightened that they backed away.

Yi Lanzhu, who had been rescued by him before, immediately stepped forward and expressed concern:

My lord, are you okay?

It's okay, just take a rest. Murong Fu swayed a few times and waved his hands.

He quickly sat cross-legged on the ground and began to perform exercises to heal his injuries.

In order to avoid the attack of the demon, he used [Little Fairy] forcibly, causing him to be backfired by the power of space.

When Zhuo Yihang and others saw this, they all wisely stayed several steps away from Murong.

Uncle Zhuo, what should I do? King Yan just said he wanted [Utanxian Flower].

But, that is the treasure you gave to Uncle Trainer. Gui Zhongming asked.

Zhuo Yihang said thoughtfully: The King of Yan is right.

Since he wants it, I can only give it to him.

But... what should my master do? Fei Hongjin asked.

Zhuo Yihang thought for a long time and replied: I can save your lives with two [Emperoral Flowers].

Even if Nishang is here, she will agree.

Yi Lanzhu sighed: It's all because we are weak.

Instead of helping Uncle Zhuo, it has actually hindered you.

After I go back, I will practice harder and harder. I can't go down the mountain until I have reached a higher level of skill.

Zhuo Yihang shook his head. His juniors lacked more than just martial arts.

You're right, wait until this time is over.

You walk around the world, accumulate some experience, and then go back to the mountains to practice hard.

Qijian and others nodded after hearing this.

Yi Lanzhu's beautiful eyes looked at Murong Fu with gratitude:

Uncle Zhuo, King Yan saved my life, tell me how I should thank him!

This... Zhuo Yihang was speechless.

There are only two ways to repay life-saving grace in the world.

Those who are good-looking will give their bodies to each other, while those who are ugly will be like cows or horses.

However, he really couldn't say these two sentences, so he smiled and said:

You need to think about this matter carefully. I can't say more.

Yi Lanzhu said thank you as if she didn't understand.

His beautiful eyes reflected Murong Fu's handsome figure.

Boy, I can't believe that you actually defeated the evil demon.

It makes me look at you with admiration. Luo Tianxi joked.

Humph! Murong Fu replied to Luo Tianxi angrily.

He had an extraordinary physique and easily suppressed the backlash of the secret technique, saying:

Who would have thought that old boy Fang Shisan would cherish his life so much.

If he had persisted for a few more breaths, I would probably be the one running away in embarrassment today.

Luo Tianxi said coldly:

Even if you still have some self-awareness, you have to know that the [Mirror of Delusions] still has functions.

In case, that person has a back-up plan, you will probably be plotted by him.

Murong Fu was startled and said: What can a mere mirror do to me?

Luo Tianxi rolled his eyes at Murong Fu and said as if he was looking at an idiot:

Monks are divided into physical cultivation and legal cultivation.

Physical cultivation is powerful in itself, and what it pursues is to use force to defeat the law.

Dharma cultivation is the opposite. What you pursue is the power of nature.

Both take different paths to reach the same destination, no distinction is made between high and low.

However, Dharma cultivators will always come up with some weird magic weapons.

It is often very powerful and has the ability to conquer the heaven and earth.

If you underestimate their magic weapon, you will suffer big losses in the future.

Murong Fu's face became serious when he heard this.

Although he came through time travel.

But in the world of warriors, after staying for too long, my thinking has become solidified.

Wishful thinking is that the only one is strong martial arts.

Now when I meet practitioners, I still regard them as warriors with high martial arts skills.

If it weren't for Luo Tianxi, he would probably suffer a big loss in the future.

He said seriously: Thank you for reminding me!

I will never underestimate them in the future.

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