Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 746 The smooth-talking Murong Fu

Prince Yan, are you okay?

When Zhuo Yihang saw Murong Fu stopped exercising, he respectfully stepped forward to ask.

This king is fine. Murong Fu slowly opened his eyes and said.

Zhuo Yihang saw this and quickly gave Qijian and others a look.

The latter all saluted and thanked Murong Fu.

Thank you so much, King Yan, for saving me today. We will remember it in our hearts.

Murong Fu nodded and looked at this group of juniors who were only ten years younger than him.

Suddenly I feel old.

Alas, I have just turned thirty.

Why do I have the illusion that I am over fifty years old?

He stood up and said:

Haha, you all are the pillars of the future martial arts world, there is no need to be formal.

Zhuo Yihang was honest, and before Murong Fu could speak, he took the initiative to explain the location of [Utanxian Flower].

My lord, what you said earlier seems to be justified by Zhuo.

Please come with me and I will take you to get the flowers.

Murong Fu nodded slightly. Zhuo Yihang, apart from being a little pedantic, was actually a good and honest person. He knew how to repay kindness, which was satisfying.

Uncle Zhuo, my master... Fei Hongjin reminded him without giving up.

Hongjin, I will explain it to your master, so you don't have to worry. Zhuo Yihang said solemnly.

This... Fei Hongjin sighed, knowing that he shouldn't say anything more, so he stepped aside.

Prince Yan, please! Zhuo Yihang extended his hand to invite, and then led Murong Fu towards the mountains.

Along the way, neither far nor near.

Several young people could not keep their mouths shut and soon became familiar with Murong Fu.

Murong Fu saw one of them, a foreign woman, with a sad face.

In an instant, I understood.

She should be the beloved concubine of the city, Luzhu.

Lu Zhu saw Murong Fu looking at her.

Unable to avoid being embarrassed, he nodded his forehead slightly as a greeting to Murong Fu.

When no one is around, he will come up and thank him.

Murong Fu asked, No need to thank you much.

This king is not happy to see you. Is there something on your mind?

Lu Zhu thought for a moment, bit her red lips, and explained:

To be honest, the little girl has offended a [Qing Dynasty] dignitary and is running for her life. She is worried that he will suddenly catch up with her.

Murong Fu smiled and said bluntly: The person you are talking about is a war-torn city?

Lu Zhu looked at Murong Fu in great surprise: How do you know?

I met him before, and he must have gone to Japan now. Murong Fu said truthfully.

He... went to Japan? Luzhu couldn't believe her ears, but she knew that Fenghuo Liancheng had great ambitions.

How could he go to Japan for no reason?

He likes to kill people, and I need someone who can kill people.

Naturally, we hit it off immediately.

Murong Fu did not hide his relationship with Fenghuo Liancheng at all.

It's not shameful to kill the Japanese.

Then I...

Luzhu didn't care where Fenghuo Liancheng went or who he killed. All she cared about was whether she could escape from that demon.

You're safe. Don't worry about him coming to find you again. Murong Fu said calmly.

Luzhu was overjoyed and said gratefully: Thank you, Your Majesty, for saving the slave family from the sea of ​​fire.

Murong Fu waved his hand and said no more.

Soon, everyone followed Zhuo Yihang to the foot of the [Changbai Mountain].

Two strange flowers, one white and one red, appeared in front of me.

The red one is like rouge, and the white one is like white jade, exactly like the legend.

Wow, Master Zhuo, is this the [Utan Immortal Flower]? Several women's eyes flashed with strange colors, deeply attracted by the beauty of the fairy flower.

Zhuo Yihang sighed with emotion: Yes, this flower is the [Emperor's Flower]. Legend has it that when it blooms, it will be even more beautiful.

Uncle Master, how long will it take for it to bloom? Yi Lanzhu asked curiously.

Zhuo Yihang showed a wry smile and said:

I don't know, it's just that it was here when I came here. As for how long it will take to bloom, I can only wait slowly.

Ah? Everyone was surprised. You must know that Zhuo Yihang has been here for at least twelve years, that is to say.

The minimum age of this flower is twelve years.

According to legend, it blooms once every sixty years: Doesn't it mean that Uncle Zhuo is very likely to stay here for forty-eight years?

Zhuo Yihang was startled. He only wanted to cure Lian Nishang's white hair, but he had never thought about this problem.

Haha, it doesn't matter how long it takes, I owe her this.

Everyone was moved by his deep affection after hearing this.

Only Murong Fu had an old face and was extremely unhappy. Zhuo Yihang could afford to wait, but he couldn't.

He smiled bitterly and said, I don't know, if this flower doesn't bloom, will it still have any effect?

This... Zhuo Yihang shook his head and said truthfully: Back to King Yan, I haven't thought about this matter.

Haha, Brother Zhuo's innocent heart is rare for ordinary people to see. Murong Fu replied calmly.

I felt troubled in my heart.

Why doesn't he wait here until forty-eight?

Even if his life is long, Princess Jianning and her mother cannot wait.

It's really not a matter of staying or leaving.

Haha, why are you panicking? I have a way to make it bloom quickly. Luo Tianxi's sweet voice sounded in Murong Fu's mind.

Like a timely rain, it nourished Murong Fu's soul.

Haha, great, I knew it, Madam, you have a way! Murong Fu was very happy.

The super thug was so powerful that he continued to ask: What can I do, madam?

Luo Tianxi didn't bother to care about the title in Murong Fu's words, and said: It's actually very simple. [Udanxian Flower] needs spiritual nourishment.

Now that the spiritual energy in the mountain has revived, all it lacks is the inability to gather it.

You only need to set up a simple [Spirit Gathering Array] around the fairy flowers. I think it will only take a few hours for the fairy flowers to bloom.

Murong Fu was confused and said embarrassedly: I have heard of the [Spirit Gathering Formation], but I don't know how to arrange it.

Stupid, this is not easy, I told you to do it. Luo Tianxi glanced at Murong Fu, his disdain fleeting.

Immediately, a flash of white light appeared from the Yuan Shen, and fell into Murong Fu Yuan Shen's eyebrows.

A strange and mysterious information spread in Murong Fu's mind, and the methods and diagrams for setting up the [Spirit Gathering Array] were absorbed by him in every detail.

So detailed! Murong Fu opened his eyes and said gratefully, Thank you, Madam Tianxi.

Don't be stupid, if you really want to thank me, then quickly rebuild my physical body for me. Luo Tianxi said angrily and shyly.

Murong Fu glanced at the women in Seven Swords and asked curiously: These little girls have good qualifications, do you have any one you like?

Them? Luo Tianxi shook his head: Forget it, your human body is too weak, I'd better reshape the body with the treasures of heaven and earth.

Well, isn't that difficult? Murong Fu said.

The difficulty is difficult, but it will have extraordinary benefits for me to advance to the Great Dao. Luo Tianxi said seriously.

Okay, if there is anything you need, just tell me, and I will find it for you even if you have to go up a mountain of swords or into a sea of ​​fire. Murong Fu said with great seriousness.

Luo Tianxi felt warm in her heart. In all her life, no man had ever said these words to her. Her face turned red unconsciously and she pretended to be cold:

Hmph, stop talking nonsense and hurry up and set up your [Spirit Gathering Array].

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