Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 749 The beautiful night-bloom blooms

Probably not! Luo Tianxi looked at [Tianchi] doubtfully.

Although the space crack can pull the auras of the two worlds, it is currently weak.

Impossible, it must be something alive.

Suddenly, a strange old man flew out of the pool.

He chirped and rushed towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu grinned and raised his foot towards the intruder.

No! The old man's reaction was quite timely.

He quickly put his hands on his chest to block Murong Fu's heavy kick.

However, his body lost its center of gravity again and flew towards [Tianchi].

Suddenly, another huge creature appeared in the lake and gave the old man a hard bite on his ass.

Monster! Luo Tianxi curled his lips and looked indifferent.

Monsters, as the name suggests, are demonized things.

Eighty percent of the time it was around here, the original creature absorbed the demonic energy and became what it is now.

When Murong Fu saw this, he raised his hand and sucked the old man back with a thought.


The monster bit Loneliness, and it couldn't help roaring at Murong Fu angrily.

Noisy! Murong Fu took out the [Tianji Stick] and lightly hit the monster in the pool.

With a bang, blood splashed everywhere, instantly dyeing [Tianchi] red.

The old man who just came out sat down on the ground.

He looked at Murong Fu with a shocked face, and after a long pause he asked:

You...who are you?

How is it possible to crush this devil snake with one stick!

Demon snake? Murong Fu walked to the edge of the pool and looked at the monster floating on the water.

Pfft he said happily: I thought it was something, but it turned out to be a snake.

He turned to look at the old man and asked, Who are you?

Why did it suddenly pop out from under the pool?

The old man curled his lips, glanced sideways at Murong Fu, stood up and said:

Boy, listen up!

My husband, Yuan Shixiao, is nicknamed Tianchi Weixia!

Murong Fu was stunned and said with a smile: So you are Gu Santong and Zhu Wuwu's master, the Tianchi Weixia.

Hey, do you know me? Yuan Shixiao smiled, feeling a little proud.

Murong Fu was stunned and asked curiously: As a master, shouldn't you care about your two disciples?

Hmph, neither of them are good, so I don't bother to care about them. Yuan Shixiao said unhappily.

Murong Fu became interested and asked curiously: Why do you bother them so much?

Yuan Shixiao said unhappily: Huh, San Tong is easier to say. Apart from being naughty and liking to do things to tease people, there's nothing wrong with him!

But that Xiao Zhu has a deep mind and always likes to use the intrigues and intrigues in the court against his fellow disciples.

After he deceived me about the [Absorbing Power Technique], he disappeared without a trace.

Do you think they can be good friends?

With a thought in his mind, Murong Fu dispersed the [Demon Armor].

He looked at Tianchi Weixia carefully again and said truthfully:

Now, you shouldn't see Zhu Wuwu again.

Yuan Shixiao was stunned and asked: Why?

Murong Fu said truthfully: He was snatched away by the devil, so I gave him a stick and beat him to death.

This... Yuan Shixiao was somewhat confused when he heard Murong Fu's words.

Then he shook his head and said: He is very ambitious, so he deserves to have such a misfortune!

Murong Fu didn't expect Yuan Shixiao, but he was open-minded and continued to ask:

By the way, you haven't answered me yet, why did you come out from under [Tianchi]?

Yuan Shixiao curled his lips and said embarrassedly: I live in

Originally it only came out once every ten years.

I didn't expect that, for some reason, a strange snake would suddenly appear.

Ten years? Murong Fu was shocked. How could a person be there?

He asked doubtfully: Aren't you lonely?

Yuan Shixiao said speechlessly: Why are you lonely?

What I practice is [Turtle Breath Technique]. I use sleep to improve my strength.

One sleep lasts for ten years, and one sleep for ten years. When you wake up after three sleeps, things are different and people are different.

Murong Fu said Oh, he was really a bastard, he arched his head and said:

In this case, I will not stay here if I have something else to do.

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shixiao glanced at the big snake in the pond, and his whole body trembled.

He immediately caught up with Murong Fu and said with a smile: I have stayed in the pool for too long, so I'd better go down the mountain for a walk.

Just to see how my good disciple is doing now.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Are you talking about the ancient three links?

No, no, no... he should be very old now. Yuan Shixiao smiled proudly and said, I also have a disciple named Chen Jialuo.

He is a good person and has good qualifications. He must be able to make a difference.

Chen Jialuo? Murong Fu was slightly surprised: You said that the chief helmsman of the [Red Flower Club] is your apprentice?

Uh, what, you don't look like it? Yuan Shixiao asked angrily.

Murong Fu smiled and admired: Chen Jialuo is not an ordinary person. Now he is a famous figure in the world of [Qing Dynasty].

Oh! Really? Yuan Shixiao said with a proud look on his face: He is indeed my most proud disciple.

Haha, please come, senior. I have important matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave.

Murong Fu looked at the devil snake in the pool, resisted the desire to eat it, turned around and walked towards the bottom of the mountain.

When Yuan Shixiao saw this, he rolled his eyes and hurriedly followed Murong Fu. Asked further:

Boy, don't leave in a hurry. I'm bored alone, let's go together.

Murong Fu glanced at Yuan Shixiao indifferently and continued walking down without saying anything, very coldly.

On the contrary, Yuan Shixiao kept chattering and asking questions all the way.

There is no trace of the attitude of a senior person at all.

Prince Yan, you are back! Zhuo Yihang and others saluted respectfully after seeing Murong Fu.

Murong Fu nodded and looked at [Utanxian Flower], feeling suddenly uninterested.

I have the [Illustrated Book of the God of War] in my heart, and I'm afraid I won't have any inner demons in this life.

Whether or not these words actually meant anything to him, that was all.

However, looking at the fairy flowers, they are about to bloom.

So he sat aside and watched carefully.

Zhuo Yihang was stunned, looked at Yuan Shixiao and said politely: I wonder who this senior is?

Yuan Shixiao had a big belly, smoothed his beard, and said proudly: I won't change my name when I'm walking, and I won't change my surname when I sit down.

Tianchi Strange Hero Yuan Shixiao is also.

After Zhuo Yihang muttered twice, he suddenly said in surprise: Are you the Tianchi Weird Man?

Haha! Seeing Zhuo Yihang's surprised expression, Yuan Shixiao couldn't help but said proudly: Yes, I said Tianchi Weixia.

Zhuo Yihang was secretly excited and said:

Presumably, the strong pressure from before must have come from Senior Yuan.

Yuan Shixiao was stunned and asked: What kind of pressure?

Zhuo Yihang smiled and wanted to explain.

Suddenly, the Fei Hongjin on the side yelled: It's blooming! [Udanxian Flower] is blooming!

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