The fairy flowers bloom like a bowl of the sea, as bright as clouds, and the fragrance fills the sky.

The petals are glittering and translucent, with a five-color halo of light flowing around them. You can tell at a glance that they are not mundane things.

What a nice view!

Several women said in unison.

This flower Yuan Shixiao grabbed his white beard and said, it's not simple.

Senior, this is the [Emperoral Flower]. It can produce fluids and return to the source. It is a rare treasure in the world. Fei Hongjin said respectfully.

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Yihang immediately frowned.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows, an evil aura rose up in his heart, he swung it from the air, and slapped Fei Hongjin's face hard, and said disgustingly:

You bitch, how dare you show off your tricks in front of this king!

The red scarf flew out with a pop, and he covered his face and looked at Murong Fu in disbelief: You dare to hit me?

Ha! Murong Fu said domineeringly: Hit you? Even if I kill you, who dares to speak?

You... Fei Hongjin felt the killing intent on Murong Fu and was too frightened to speak.

Zhuo Yihang's heart trembled, and he immediately stood in front of Fei Hongjin and saluted: King Yan, Hongjin is still young and does not know the dangers of the world. Please forgive her once....

Several other people also quickly stood in front of Fei Hongjin and interceded on her behalf.

You're still young? Murong Fu said coldly: I think she is vicious and wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Zhuo Yihang was instantly shocked and said quickly: King Yan, although Hongjin is proud, he is by no means a bad person. Yihang is willing to protect him with his life.

Hmph! Murong Fu rolled his eyes at Zhuo Yihang. He didn't bother to argue with a junior, so he walked to the [Utanxian Flower] and directly reached out to pick it.

Then, he left without looking back.

Yuan Shixiao shook his head and sighed, secretly thinking that the little girl still has too little experience in the world.

It's hard to see that the boy's strength is still higher than that of the old man.

Otherwise, you can play tricks.

Thinking, he shook his head and ran to catch up with Murong Fu.

Why didn't you kill that bitch? Luo Tianxi said angrily: You dare to play tricks at such a young age. If this were in my demon world, I would have skinned her and put her in the [Nine Nether Purgatory] Burn her for three days and three nights.

Haha, you are still too irritable. Murong Fu said calmly: The arena is not about fighting and killing, the arena is about human relations.

Although my personal strength is almost invincible, my foundation is too weak.

Don't do things too casually.

Luo Tianxi said disdainfully: It's just ordinary strength. With your future development, you don't need to care too much about it.

You were so powerful back then, why were you suppressed? Murong Fu asked without answering.

Hmph, I was accidentally attacked by a group of shameless people. If it's one-on-one, do you think I'm afraid of them? Luo Tianxi said unhappily.

What if it's one versus two, versus three, or versus five? Murong Fu said with a smile.

This... Luo Tianxi was startled and couldn't help but fell into deep thought. After a long time, he sighed: I know what you mean.

If I hadn't been too arrogant and attracted two allies, I wouldn't have plotted to this point and been suppressed for a thousand years.

Murong Fu didn't say much when he heard this, he just smiled faintly. Suddenly he felt the sound of footsteps behind him and looked back.

It was Yuan Shixiao, the Tianchi Weird Smile, who asked calmly: Senior, is there something wrong?

Haha, kid, don't be so arrogant. The old man hasn't come down from the mountain for a long time. I want to be your companion. Yuan Shixiao said happily with a big belly.

That's fine. Murong Fu said calmly: Senior Gu Santong is currently in the king's military camp. If you want to see him, I can order someone to lead the way.

Three links? Yuan Shixiao recalled Gu San Tong's naughty appearance in those days, his whole body trembled, and he shook his head: Forget it, forget it.

He and Wang Wu are both art masters, and they don't have a deep relationship with the old man.

I'd better go see Jia Luo.

Haha, it's up to you. Murong Fu thought about returning to the palace so that he could choose three treasures from the palace treasury.

By the way, kid, I want to remind you one more thing. Yuan Shixiao said cautiously.

Murong Fu was stunned and said, Senior, what can I do?

I'll follow you. Yuan Shixiao said seriously: I saw a strange altar in [Tianchi] earlier.

It is filled with strange jars, and the eggs of the devil snake are hidden inside.

Murong Fu was slightly startled and asked, Senior, did you say that there is an altar in the pool?

Yes, I can guarantee that it is definitely newly built. Yuan Shixiao replied.

Murong Fu knew that the altar was built by Fang Shisan and others, but he was confused as to what it was used for.

Luo Tianxi said: You ask him to draw a picture of what the altar looks like and let me take a look.

Okay! Murong Fu asked Luo Tianxi about the style of Yuan Shixiao's altar.

The old man had a pretty good memory, so he drew the exact appearance of the altar to Murong Fu.

After Luo Tianxi saw it, he couldn't help but frown and said in surprise: If I'm not mistaken, this is an altar to summon the devil.

Demon God? Murong Fu was stunned and asked: What is the Demon God? Is it the peerless power of [Chi Demon World]?

No! Luo Tianxi said seriously: [Original World] and [Chi Demon World] belong to the same level of world.

There is no such thing as a summons.

What do you mean? Murong Fu was stunned and said: You mean, a world higher than [Chi Demon World]?

Uh, yes, that's what it means! Luo Tianxi said.

This...isn't necessary! Murong Fu didn't understand what Fang Shisan wanted to do: With such ability, they might as well go directly to ask the powerful people from [Chi Demon World], it's more cost-effective.

Luo Tianxi chuckled and said: Haha, people's hearts are different, how can you see through them one by one?

However, I would like to advise you that the water in [Qing Country] is too deep and you may not be able to control it.

It's better to get out as soon as possible.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment, agreed very much with Luo Tianxi's words, and said: Okay, after Kangxi's birthday, I will immediately leave to return to [Gusu].

Hearing this, Luo Tianxi had a look of surprise on his face: You should listen to my advice. I thought you would rely on your strength to not take people in this world into consideration.

Haha, safety first, safety first. Murong Fu replied with a smile.

Hey, kid, what are you laughing at? Do you know this altar? Yuan Shixiao asked curiously when he saw Murong Fu smiling wildly.

There's something weird about this altar, senior, just remember to be careful. Murong Fu didn't explain too much. He couldn't tell the other party that there was a female devil living in his consciousness. He must know this thing.

Okay! Yuan Shixiao felt more and more mysterious about Murong Fu and became more cautious. He turned his eyes again and said, Haha, boy, I suddenly want to see my three-way disciple.

Why don't I just stay with you first.

Murong Fu raised his brows, looked at Yuan Shixiao seriously, and smiled lightly: Okay, let's go together.

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