Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 752 Heading to the Treasure House

Are you a saint from the [Tianli Sect]?

Murong Fu almost stared out of his eyes. He couldn't believe that the beloved concubine beside Kangxi was actually a saint from the Tianli Sect!

Wait, then why are the saints of the [Tianli Sect] almost dead and they have no intention of saving her.

It seems that even Kangxi is acquiescing to the fact that Concubine Jia died?

Could it be that there is some secret hidden in it?

Yes, I am a saint from the [Tianli Sect]. Although my strength is not as good as that of Zhao Wuji, my status in the sect is not inferior to him. Concubine Jia's tone was full of pride.

Then... Murong Fu asked, Why didn't they save you themselves?

Because there is something hidden in my heart. Concubine Jia said solemnly: A major event that concerns all the people in the world.

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help feeling a chill down his back. He could sense that this matter could change the entire [original world].

Then, he couldn't help but frown and said, What is this matter about?

I can't say it. If I say it, I will die miserably! Concubine Jia said.

Murong Fu was stunned and said domineeringly: With me here, even if the evil emperor comes to Yutian, he can't do anything to you.

Xiang Yutian? Concubine Jia shook her head: He is very strong, but I was not afraid of him in my heyday.

I wipe it!

This woman?

He seemed to underestimate her.

Since you are not even afraid of Xiang Yutian, what are you afraid of?

Restriction! There should be a restriction in her body. Luo Tianxi said.

Restriction! Murong Fu asked: Is it the kind of thing that can control other people's life and death?

Same as the life and death talisman of Tianshan Tonglao?

Luo Tianxi was stunned and asked: Who is Tianshan Tonglao?

Um, it's okay. Murong Fu shook his head and said bluntly: Is there any restriction in the queen's body?

Huh? You actually know the restrictions?

Concubine Jia looked at Murong Fu in surprise. She didn't expect that there were people in this world who knew about the existence of the restriction.

Of course! Murong Fu replied calmly.

In this way, I will save my words. Concubine Jia sighed and continued: This matter concerns the people of the world. Once it is done, all living beings will be in trouble.

I wanted to stop it, but unfortunately, I couldn't do it in the end.

But [Tianli Sect] wants to subvert the imperial power? Murong Fu guessed.

No! The relationship between Zhao Wuji and His Majesty is superior to mine! Concubine Jia replied.

Murong Fu thought for a while and revealed a hint of weirdness. Could it be that the emperor of all ages is still as good as Long Yang? Broken love?

However, after thinking about it, I immediately shook my head.

Self-deprecation is too dirty.

Since Zhao Wuji will not rebel, the Qing Emperor believes in him.

Shouldn't this be a good thing?

Concubine Jia said: You don't understand this matter, and I can't speak out.

I said all this because I want you to take Jianning away and go to [Song Kingdom] with you.

Come back to [Song Kingdom] with me? Murong Fu was so wise. From just these words, he could tell that [Qing Kingdom] seemed to be experiencing something extremely dangerous.

Concubine Jia knew that there is no free lunch in the world, so she smiled and said: If you agree, I will give you a certain amount of compensation.

Not as good as money or anything else.

If I take her away, will the Qing Emperor cause trouble for me? Murong Fu did not directly state the benefits, but wanted to see Kangxi's attitude.

Haha, don't worry about this, I will go and tell His Majesty. Concubine Jia replied.

In that case, I can help you with this, Murong Fu said.

Later, after the two discussed some details, Jianning led the palace maid to bring hot pumpkin porridge and some pastries.

Haha, Jianning, I'm tired. You and King Yan can eat these. Concubine Jia said with a smile.

Uh, concubine, you don't want to eat at all, right? Jianning asked with concern.

Concubine Jia did not speak, but gave the imperial doctor a look, who immediately understood and said: Don't worry, princess.

My queen's current health is actually more effective if she drinks some ginseng soup.

Well, if the Queen Mother doesn't want to eat, King Yan and I can eat. Jianning rarely made a willful request.

She asked the palace maid to wait on her and Murong Fu's meal, and then stayed by Concubine Jia's side all night. It wasn't until the morning of the next day that she was completely relieved after confirming that the other party was really fine.

At this time, a consular eunuch came to Jia Fei's palace with Kangxi's imperial edict and said with a smile:

Your Majesty, Prince Yan, Your Majesty already knows that you took back the [Udanxian Flower] and cured the empress as agreed.

I specifically asked this slave to take you to the treasure house to fulfill your promise.

If everything is fine, King Yan, please go with me.

Murong Fu was not surprised, Kangxi knew that he appeared here.

After all, among the four major countries.

The emperors of [Song] and [Ming] were relatively weak.

The emperors of the Qing Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty were very shrewd and had the world in mind.

It is normal for Kangxi to be able to completely control every plant and tree in the palace.

Okay! Let's go. Murong Fu didn't talk nonsense. He straightened his clothes, said goodbye to Concubine Jia, and left with the eunuch.

Prince Yan, don't forget your agreement with me. Concubine Jia reminded her again.

If the Qing Emperor agrees, I have no objection. Murong Fu said.

Concubine Jia smiled and asked the eunuch to leave Murong Fu.

Concubine, what agreement did you make with King Yan? Why didn't I know about it? Jianning asked curiously.

Haha, it's not urgent. You will know about it later. Concubine Jia replied calmly, but her eyes were looking at Murong Fu's back, looking extremely deep.

Your Majesty, your Majesty asked your servant to take you around and introduce you to the beautiful scenery of our Qing Palace. The consul eunuch said as he walked.

Murong Fu was speechless. Why did every emperor like to show others his palace?

Could it be that this is a special way of establishing authority?

After you dare to love me, will you do this to scare foreign ministers?

Your Majesty's kindness, of course I cannot live up to it. You can go wherever you want.

Um, I wonder if King Yan has anywhere he wants to go? the consul eunuch asked respectfully.

I just want to get benefits now and don't want to see the scenery. Murong Fu didn't hide anything and said bluntly.

Haha, I understand, I will take you to visit the treasure house in our Qing Palace. The consul eunuch was also shrewd.

He deliberately led Murong Fu in circles without being sarcastic. After getting a clear answer, he took Murong Fu directly to the treasure house.

The treasure house of the Qing palace is very different from that of the Ming and Qing countries.

Its shape is closer to the palace form of Nepal, like a cylinder.

Outside the palace was guarded by a group of imperial guards. After seeing the consul eunuch, they did not relax their vigilance.

Instead, he showed a cautious look, holding the handle of the knife with his right hand, and asked sternly: Who dares to break into the treasure house?

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