Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 753 Three Bronze Swords

The consular eunuch glanced at the Ouchi guards indifferently, respectfully took out Kangxi's imperial edict, opened it and said:

Your Majesty has a decree for Foreign Minister Murong Fu to go to the treasure house and choose any three treasures.

Don't stop it.

According to the order! The Ouchi guards quickly bowed and saluted, not daring to go any further.

After the consular eunuch finished reading, he smiled and said: Guys, get up.

We are all errands, there is no need to be so rigid.

Several imperial guards looked at each other, nodded, and stood up together. They were no longer as murderous as before: Father-in-law, you are right. You two can come in.

The captain of the guard waved his hand as he spoke, and the man behind him immediately opened the door of the treasure house and made a please gesture.

Prince Yan, please invite me. The consul father-in-law smiled calmly.

My father-in-law is not with me? Murong Fu was stunned. He would not be allowed to enter such an important place alone, right?

Haha, the treasure house is an important place, and slaves like us are not allowed to enter it. The consul father-in-law replied: There are people inside who have contact with the prince.

That's it. Murong Fu suddenly realized.

He knew that it was impossible for someone so heavy to be watched.

He said goodbye to the consul and walked into the treasure house alone.

Look up.

A white plaque is rectangular in shape, with a strong middle and the word Treasure House written in a pen like a dragon.

This shows that the person who wrote the inscription has profound skills.

As soon as he entered the door, several big-bodied Buku came up, stood in front of Murong Fu, and said arrogantly:

King Yan Murong Fu! Our brothers already know His Majesty's will. Please come with us.

Murong Fu nodded, not dissatisfied with it.

Buku is also a wrestler. He is a relatively special existence in the Qing Dynasty. He is the iron among Kangxi's irons.

When he dealt with Obai, the first warrior in Manchuria, he relied on Buku's power.

However, it is said that Obai did not resist at all at that time.

It's all just Kangxi's random suspicion with a villain's heart.

The boss of Buku, who was two heads taller than Murong Fu, crossed his arms and introduced everything about the treasure house to Murong Fu.

On the first floor of the treasure house is a large hall with a circle of vermilion shelves that exudes old moisture.

The window is high and small, and no light can enter it, making the treasure house extremely dark.

There is a huge wooden ladder in the middle, which makes this layer very heavy.

The shelves are densely filled with various treasures and books.

Murong Fu took a few glances and found that most of the weapons on this floor were relatively large.

King Yan, I don't know, what kind of treasure do you want?

Our [Qing Kingdom's] treasure house has the most complete treasures in the world. You can get everything you want.

Buku Lao spoke loudly like a bell, which was even more deafening in the empty room.

Just let it go. When I came here, I didn't know what treasures there were here. Murong Fu replied with a smile.

Oh, that's right. Boss Buku agreed, Then let's stay with the prince and watch slowly.

Just don't worry.

Murong Fu smiled when he heard this, and gained a new understanding of these rough men: Okay, then there are some Lao Ji.

It's okay, it's okay. Boss Buku was a straightforward man and introduced Murong Fu as he walked.

This gun weighs three hundred kilograms. It is said to have been used by famous generals in the pre-Qin Dynasty.

This bow requires the strength of a hundred stones to draw it.

You are looking at this painting. The person drinking in this painting is Li Bai, the Poetry Immortal that you scholars like the most.

Murong Fu glanced at the purple gold bronze hammer standing by the wall.

I picked it up casually and after weighing it a few times, I felt that it was not as heavy as my [Tianji Wand].

He threw it back gently.


The ground couldn't help but tremble, and a small hole was made in the floor tiles by the copper hammer.

When Murong Fu saw this, his old face turned red and he explained: Well, I'm sorry, I am not sure.

Boss Buku was suddenly startled, looked at Murong Fu in disbelief, and said:

This copper hammer can weigh more than 800 kilograms. Normally, it would take two brothers to lift it.

You...can pick it up with one hand, it's really amazing.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Using internal energy is quite common among warriors.

Can't you?

Yes, but not comprehensively. Boss Buku shook his head. What they cultivate is different from what warriors cultivate.

Murong Fu continued to select treasures, but after searching for several times, he still didn't see what he wanted.

Boy, don't move! Luo Tianxi suddenly said.

What? Murong Fu asked curiously.

The three simple copper swords in front of you seem to be good spiritual weapons. Luo Tianxi said.

Spiritual weapon! Murong Fu was overjoyed. This was something used by pre-Qin Qi refiners.

Each one has different powers.

However, because it took so long, very few can be preserved.

[Tianji Stick] can be regarded as the best among them.

That's right, but I can't guarantee whether they are still spiritual and can be used normally. Luo Tianxi said.

Haha, anyway, I don't like anything else in this treasure house, so I'll just take these three.

After Murong Fu finished speaking, he decisively picked up three simple copper swords.

Boss Buku was stunned and said in confusion:

Your Highness Prince Yan, why do you take this gadget?

He is just an antique and does not fit your status.

Murong Fu smiled and said: It doesn't matter, most of them are weapons.

The others are just some literary works, calligraphy and painting, and there is no treasure that I like.

Boss Buku suddenly said: That's right. With your status, you will have everything.

Now that the choice has been made, let's go out.

Murong Fu admired Boss Buku's straightforward character.

He said Okay and followed him out of the treasure house.

The consul and eunuch outside came up to him with a smile and said curiously:

I wonder what kind of treasure King Yan has chosen.

Buku Laodaodao: His Royal Highness the King of Hell only chose three antique swords.

Not worth much in my opinion.

The consular eunuch was stunned: I can remember that the treasure house seems to contain secret books, weapons and other treasures.

Didn't King Yan choose one or two?

Boss Buku rolled his eyes at the consul eunuch, as if to say he was stupid:

With the status of King Yan, would you still lack such a thing?

The consul eunuch was stunned and said quickly: Yes, that's right.

Prince Yan is very noble, and there is no shortage of treasures and skills. It's just that the old slave has become too small.

Murong Fu waved his hands and said: Haha, father-in-law, you're welcome, let's go back!

Please! the consul eunuch said respectfully.

Away, Treasure House.

Murong Fu couldn't help but look forward to it.

I want to refine three bronze swords quickly.

As a result, I just entered Jianning's palace.

Then he saw Wei Xiaobao and Yinzhen coming out to greet him.

The latter laughed and said: My King Yan, you are finally back.

Yin Zhen has been waiting for you for a long time.

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