Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 756 Three inches under the skin are white bones

Yes! Yinreng's men responded. ..

They rushed towards Zhuo Yihang, Qijian and others.

Several people were injured to begin with, and they had not rested since coming down from [Changbai Mountain].

Physical strength is also greatly reduced.

Where is Yin Reng, the opponent of his master.

Within a few rounds, he was subdued.

Zhuo Yihang risked his life to protect Yi Lanzhu and Lvzhu from leaving, and the rest were all caught.

I am a member of the [Wu-Dang Sect]. If you arrest me for no reason, are you not afraid of causing my [Wu-Dang Sect] dissatisfaction?

[Wu-Dang Clan]? Yin Reng said disdainfully: [Wu-Dang Clan] will cause trouble for this prince because of you guys?

Are you guys overestimating yourselves too much?

You... Zhuo Yihang and others felt chills running down their backs.

Although Yinreng is domineering, he is not stupid.

Be very clear about your own status and the bottom line of doing bad things.

He waved his hand and said, Take it away!

Yes! the men shouted in unison.

Bahangelong said: Prince, what should we do with the two little girls who escaped?

Yinreng thought for a while and said indifferently:

Send people to chase him and catch him if he can.

If you can't catch me, I'll kill you!

Bahangron was about to take the order, but was preceded by a sweet voice:

Prince, let me go!

I'm better at dealing with girls.

Yinreng took a look and said with a smile: Since the leader's wife is willing to help me, it is naturally the best.

Your Majesty, you're welcome! After Su Quan finished speaking, he turned around and whispered a few words to Hong Antong.

Then he hurried away.

Yinreng praised: Master Hong is really envious of others for being able to find such a good match.

Hong Antong said proudly: Haha, the most discerning thing I have done in this life is to marry Xiaoquan.

Haha, not bad, not bad, let's go! A hint of greed appeared in Yinreng's eyes inadvertently.

the other side.

Murong Fu, Yinzhen and others came to another restaurant.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten their previous unhappiness.

Eat meat and drink wine.

Prince Yan, you must stay with me [Qing Kingdom] for a while this time.

Let me fulfill my duty as a landlord.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Haha, to be honest, I have something to do at home.

We will leave immediately after the Qing Emperor's birthday.

Hearing this, Yinzhen looked disappointed and said:

In this case, then you and I can only meet again another day.

Yeah! Murong Fu raised his wine glass and took a swig with Yinzhen.

After everyone had had enough wine and food, the palace door was closed, and several upper rooms were opened in the restaurant.

Murong Fu arranged Lang Xuici and Tian Ruolan and walked out again.

After all, there was a little girl here, so he still had to pay attention to his behavior.

Suddenly, I felt a familiar breath coming from the next room.

He raised his eyebrows and looked over.

The crack in the door slowly opened, revealing half of a delicate and beautiful face.

There was also half of the charming figure that was looming, which made him surprised and happy:

My wife, why are you here?

Su Quan pursed her lips and smiled, and pulled Murong Fu over.

He dragged him into the room, then forced Murong Fu to the wall and said with a smile:

My good prince, do you miss me?

Haha, I do, of course I do!

Murong Fu hugged Su Quan's thin willow-like waist.

After saying that, he kissed her.

He hugged the beauty across his chest again and walked towards the bed in the room.

Hehe, Your Majesty is so kind. It's not in vain for people to try their best to find you.

Su Quan felt Murong Fu's hot masculine aura.

He said happily.

Murong Fu laughed haha and started to attack regardless of the situation.

The intense impact did not end until the early morning of the next day.

Su Quan lay limply on Murong Fu's belly, recalling the previous happiness, and said happily:

My lord, you are really great.

Murong Fu stroked Su Quan's jade back and said, Haha, when I kill Hong Antong, there will be something even better.

Speaking of Hong Antong, Su Quan couldn't help but get a little excited:

I didn't expect you to be so powerful, my lord, even the old ghost was knocked back by your palm.

Old ghost? Murong Fu was startled, and then realized who Su Quan was talking about: Hong Antong?

That's right, I usually call him Lao Gui.

The old guy is a psychopath. He thinks about weird things all day long. Su Quan said angrily.

Murong Fu shook his head and smiled: By the way, how did you get out?

Su Quan explained: Hehe, after you left yesterday, a group of young people came.

The leader seems to be someone from the Wudang Clan.

Yinreng saw the color and took them into custody.

I am responsible for catching the two little guys who escaped.

Murong Fu suddenly said: It turns out to be Zhuo Yihang and the others.

Does the prince know them? Su Quan asked.

Haha, I'm not familiar with it. Murong Fu said nonchalantly:

By the way, have you found out what Hong Antong is planning to do recently?

Su Quan showed a smirk, slowly moved his head down two inches, and said while playing:

After finding out, they are going to rebel!

I heard that it was during Kangxi's eightieth birthday.

The guards in the palace will be stationed beside each palace gate.

And Yinreng happens to be in charge of one of them.

When the time comes, he will ask Li Zicheng to lead a team of people inside.

Li Zicheng! Murong Fu murmured comfortably, I have never seen him before.

Su Quan joked: See what he does, a rough man.

If I were the prince, I would like to meet his wife.

What happened to his wife? Murong Fu chuckled and said, Is it possible that there is something strange about his wife?

Su Quan said half-jokingly:

That's not true. It's just that his wife is too beautiful. She is as beautiful as a fairy.

Especially his cute look, I can't help but be tempted by him as a woman.

Haha! Murong Fu shook his head. He had seen too many beauties in his life.

What is overwhelming the country and the city? What a beauty.

To him, it was just a painting. He said seriously:

Three inches under the skin are bones, but feelings are the most important thing.

Pfft~ Su Quan was amused by Murong Fu's words.

Murong Fu was stunned and asked, Why are you laughing?

Su Quan replied: My lord, the way you lie is so funny.

Don't forget, your baby is still in someone else's mouth.

You can't hide your reaction from me just now. It's very real.

Murong Fu blushed and said, Haha, what a coincidence!

Oh! Su Quan looked at Murong Fu and said, I know where Chen Yuanyuan is going today. Is the prince interested in seeing it?

Take a look? Murong Fu hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, I have important matters, but I don't have time to go see a woman specifically.

Su Quan was stunned. She really didn't expect Murong Fu to be able to withstand Chen Yuanyuan's temptation.

I felt happy and served him even harder.

It wasn't until she got what she wanted that she bid farewell to Murong Fu with satisfaction.

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