Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 757 Nascent Soul’s Experience

Woo! Sister Green, what should we do now?

Yi Lanzhu hid in a private house.

After staying up all night, my spirit was extremely fragile, and I finally couldn't stand it any longer, so I hugged Lvzhu and cried loudly.

Do you have any elders here? Lu Zhu asked.

Elder of the master's sect? Yi Lanzhu shook his head and suddenly stopped talking.

Luzhu asked: What's wrong? Did you remember something?

I... Yi Lanzhu bit her teeth and said, My biological mother is here.

She is the princess of Dodo!

What! Is your mother the princess of Duduo? Luzhu was stunned and looked at Yi Lanzhu in great surprise:

Then you are? From Dodo...

Yi Lanzhu shook his head and said, No, he is my father-killing enemy.

After Kangxi issued the ban on martial arts, he sent people to kill my father.

Then why did your mother marry him again? Luzhu asked hesitantly.

Yi Lanzhu sighed and didn't explain much. He just said, Things are complicated.

Luzhu shook his head and analyzed: Duduo is now considered extremely powerful in the [Qing Kingdom].

But compared with the prince, it is far behind.

Even if he comes forward in person, it will probably be difficult to get anyone to come forward.

Yi Lanzhu asked anxiously: What should we do?

You can't let me go back to [Tianshan Sect] to invite people, right?

Luzhu was speechless for a moment, and after thinking about it, the only way out was for Yi Lanzhu to beg her mother.

Oh, then go ahead!

I hope they can be rescued soon.

I heard that Prince Yinreng is famous for being a pervert.

I like to torture women to death.

This... Yi Lanzhu was frightened and said, Then let's go quickly.

Do you know where she is? Luzhu asked.

She is at [Prince E's Mansion]! Yi Lanzhu said.

Lu Zhu said anxiously: Then what are you waiting for! Let's go find her quickly.

Okay! Yi Lanzhu took Lvzhu to the [Prince E's Mansion].

On the other side, Murong Fu said goodbye to Yinzhen and took Lang Xuici and Tian Ruolan to the station.

After giving an explanation, I found a room to retreat alone.

He first took out the reward for saving Concubine Jia this time - [Nascent Soul Experience].

Come here to practice.

As soon as your mind moves, your thoughts come into your mind.

The contents inside turned into bits of starlight and were digested by him.

The things that had troubled him for a long time disappeared one by one.

The spiritual power circulates on its own in the Dantian and travels through the meridians.

Murong Fu's momentum also began to skyrocket with time.

The barriers in the early stage of Nascent Soul were easily broken through by him, just like eating and drinking.

It only took one breath to reach the middle stage.

This kind of operation really shocked Luo Tianxi, and he said in surprise:

How is it possible? It's over so soon?

Breaking through is easier than eating and drinking water?

Isn't this kid some super genius?

However, she didn't say anything. After all, it was difficult to say anything about breakthrough.

Some people are born extraordinary or have different constitutions.

Mrs. Tianxi, are you here? Murong Fu took out three bronze swords and asked.

Ahem! What's the matter? Luo Tianxi asked pretending to be calm.

How should I refine this sword? Murong Fu asked.

Luo Tianxi said: Magical weapons and magic weapons are best refined.

You just put blood on it.

As long as his formation is not damaged, it's fine.

So simple? Murong Fu asked in surprise.

Luo Tianxi said contemptuously: Of course, it's just a magical weapon, and there is no need for refining restrictions.

Murong Fu nodded and put the bronze swords away one by one.

Then, he cut his finger and put a drop of his own blood on it.

Blood dripped on the sword and stagnated for a breath.

In an instant, it disappeared into the sword body.

Murong Fu closed his eyes and felt the connection between the bronze sword and himself.

After a long time passed, he couldn't help but frown and asked, Why? I felt a thin film on the blade of the sword.

Hybrid my connection with the bronze sword.

Hmm! Luo Tianxi looked at Murong Fu in surprise: You said there is a layer of film that is preventing you from connecting with the sword body?

Could it be a restriction?

Murong Fu nodded and said, Yes, it is a thick film.

what to do?

Luo Tianxi said: What can we do? Use your spiritual consciousness to smash it.

Okay! Murong Fu followed Luo Tianxi's words and hit the film.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a few times, the restriction in his mind did not move at all.

It was still like a wall, blocking his face.

Huh! Murong Fu, as a modern man, knew how to deal with the previous situation.

He turned his consciousness into an awl and hit the restriction hard.


A small white dot appeared on the restriction.

Then it spread to all sides, turning into spider web-like cracks.

Haha, knowledge changes destiny. This is absolutely true.

As he said that, he hit it a few more times.

After a while, cobwebs covered the restriction, and finally penetrated it with a powerful blow. M..

In an instant, he felt a blood connection between himself and the bronze sword.

Just like when we recovered Little Copper, we can communicate and communicate.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked strangely: Why does it seem like there is another layer?

Is there another level? Luo Tianxi said in disbelief: Maybe your kid picked up the treasure.

Magic weapons can be divided into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and above that there are spiritual treasures.

There are no restrictions on magic weapons!

Only spiritual weapons have restrictions, and a restriction is a mid-grade spiritual weapon.

The two restrictions must be high-grade spiritual weapons.

Murong Fu said excitedly: What if there are three ways?

Luo Tianxi said: The three paths are between spiritual weapons and magic weapons.

The four paths must be magic weapons.

Murong Fu said happily: Haha, I am really lucky.

Hmph, look at your useless look. Luo Tianxi said, These three copper swords of yours should be a set of magic weapons.

If your sword formation cooperates, the power will be doubled.

Murong Fu was stunned: Can it still be used like this?

Luo Tianxi said with disdain: Of course, the mysteries of the treasure are much more than those of a single-minded martial artist.

Murong Fu curled his lips and said, Aren't you also considered a martial artist?

Luo Tianxi smiled and said: Haha, I'm sorry, this Demon Lord is a magician and a martial artist.

Spells, mysteries, and secrets are all unparalleled.

Murong Fu glanced with disdain and thought to himself: You are so powerful, but you are still being plotted against.

Is it possible that you have become stupid through practicing?

Luo Tianxi noticed something was wrong in Murong Fu's eyes and asked in a deep voice:

Your eyes are very unfriendly, as if you are laughing at me?

Murong Fu laughed haha, picked up another bronze sword and said:

I'll refine its restrictions first, don't worry.

With the first success, the second and third time will be easier.

In one morning, all three bronze swords were refined by Murong Fu.

Luo Tianxi said: Boy, you're lucky, I happen to have a [Thousands of Spiritual Object Control Techniques] that can be passed on to you.

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