Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 768: Borrow Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven

The first person under my father?

Yinreng looked at Zhao Wuji in confusion, then at his father Kangxi, and asked:

Father, don't you want to explain to us?

Kangxi sat on the chair, was silent for a moment, and then said:

I am the best in the world in martial arts and martial arts, but there is one regret that I will never forget.

What's going on? All the officials and princes asked curiously.

My regret is that I have never been able to dominate the world like the First Emperor. Kangxi said quietly.

Yinzhen saluted and said: Father, the era of the First Emperor was different from ours.

Why bother comparing yourself to him?

Kangxi looked at his fourth son and said, You are one of the most capable among all the princes.

You are dedicated to the country and very filial. I see it in my eyes and will remember it in my heart.

very good!

Yinzhen was a little overwhelmed by the praise, and even showed a hint of shyness, saying respectfully: Father, everything is what a child should do.

Yes. Kangxi nodded, then looked at his good son Yinreng and said, I haven't given you a chance today, but it's a pity that none of you cherish it.

Maybe this is God's will.

What kind of God's will? God's will is that you want your sons and brothers to kill each other? Yin Reng said unconvinced.

Kangxi said loudly: God's will is to let me, like the First Emperor, unify the mountains and rivers and become the true emperor of the ages!

Unify the mountains and rivers? Yin Reng said disdainfully: Nowadays, there are many powerful countries, not to mention the [Yuan Kingdom], but also the [Song Kingdom] which has been weak for a long time.

It will take more than ten years to completely conquer them. If we add the [Ming Kingdom] and [Yuan Kingdom], it will take even hundreds of years.

Father, if I hadn't attacked you, no matter how hard your life was, you would only live to be 120 years old at most?

What will you do with the remaining hundreds of years?

Kangxi looked at Yinreng and said calmly:

You're right, I can't live that long.

No one in this world can live that long.

Yinreng said angrily: In that case, why don't you give up your position?

Do you know, if you hadn't lived so long, I would have become the emperor long ago!

The imperial brothers don't have to stare at me all day long, making me hate them so much.

It's all because you lived too long that led to today's disaster!

There was a trace of gloom on Kangxi's face, and he murmured: Really!

Of course! If you don't believe me, just ask them! Yinreng pointed at the other princes and said.

Kangxi shook his head and replied: Then I can only say sorry to you.

Because I want to unify the country, so I borrowed five hundred years from heaven!

The civil and military officials present, as well as the princes, were all confused when they heard this.

Your Majesty, aren't you crazy? What does borrowing from heaven mean for five hundred years?

Yes! Did Lao Ba's death stimulate him?

What should we do? What will we do later?

Zhao Wuji listened to everyone's doubtful voices, walked to the field and smiled:

There is truly no one in this world who can live longer than one hundred and twenty years old.

But I borrowed it for Your Majesty, a life span of five hundred years.

As he spoke, he quickly formed seals with his hands.

The originally faint black mist around him suddenly became thicker.

At the same time, black energy gathered toward the sky throughout the Qing Dynasty.

Then, they gathered into a strange black dragon, roaring in the sky!

The dark clouds in the sky continued to rotate, gradually forming a huge vortex.

Suddenly, a powerful pressure appeared in the center of the whirlpool.

In an instant, it turned into a big face.

It was as if an extremely powerful giant was looking down at the sky.

Kangxi looked up at the sky and laughed:

Haha, I have been planning for many years and I am finally going to succeed!

Come on, the devil in the upper world, please give me endless power!

Please... grant me five hundred years!

The big face in the sky looked at Kangxi and said without any nonsense:


The words were deafening, resounding throughout the world.

Some timid people were so frightened that they quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

A black beam of light instantly cast the demon's eyebrows to the ground, illuminating Kangxi.


Kangxi closed his eyes and felt the magic light.

A steady stream of power was injected into his body.

It gave him an illusion of new life.

The body and skin become younger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just half a quarter of an hour, he looked like he was in his twenties or thirties.

His sons were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Yinreng raised his hand and pointed in disbelief. The father in front of him, who was younger than himself, felt cold in his heart:

Why are you like this?

Kangxi enjoyed the pleasure of power, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yinreng:

I said that I will be the emperor for eternity in this life.

No matter who it is, they can't stop it, not even you! Not even Yinsu!

No one can stop everything in the world!

Princes Yinren, Yinzhen, Yinhu, and Yinqi were completely speechless.

This is not their father, he is clearly a god and demon.

Kangxi looked at the people below, raised his face, and showed a sinister smile:

I want everyone in the world to submit to me.

Everyone, do you think this is right?

At the same time, on the way to [Shanhaiguan].

Murong Fu brought his more than 10,000 [Dragon Banner Army].

They are heading towards [Ming Dynasty] at full speed.

Boy, I never expected that you can actually clone yourself.

I really didn't expect it.

Luo Tianxi was in Murong Fu's sea of ​​consciousness.

He pulled the Yuanshen baby elephant and joked.

Murong Fu looked solemnly at the black dragon that was gradually forming in the sky.

And the black energy pillars, thousands of feet high, were faintly visible in all directions, and he said nervously:

It's been so long and you're still in the mood to make fun of me.

What's going on with this black dragon?

Luo Tianxi curled his lips. It was rare to see Murong Fu so serious and said truthfully:

Haha, if I guessed correctly, it should be related to the altar we saw before.

[Qing State] opened a space rift leading to the upper world at the expense of its own dragon veins.

Later, a steady stream of demonic energy will be injected into it.

If I were you, I would stay here to practice.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes at Luo Tianxi and said in a deep voice: I didn't expect that Kangxi was so cruel!

At the expense of the Qing Dynasty Dragon Vein, I will borrow my life from heaven for five hundred years!

Murong Fu's real body is not in the back garden of the palace.

But one advantage of [True Shadow Clone Technique] is that it can share memory with the main body.

The main body accepts all the information received by the clone.

Hehe, if a man doesn't do it for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. This Qing Emperor has a bit of the spirit of our demon clan. Luo Tianxi praised.

However, at this moment, a soldier pointed to the sky and said.

Look, three big eggs fell from the crack.

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