In the palace garden.

The ministers and guests from all walks of life watched the big eggs slowly falling from the sky, and they kept making noises.

What's this?

What a big egg!

They come from the center of the vortex.

Murong Fu's clone frowned.

After glancing around, he killed Li Zicheng.

He no longer wanted to be here and was about to leave.

But everything in front of him made him lose the desire to escape.

Get ready for some fun.

Kangxi stood up and said domineeringly:

Everyone, you are all outstanding talents from all countries.

Why not, just stay with me in Daqing.

The expressions of everyone in the field changed. They are well-known figures in various countries.

Especially An Shigeng and his like, they did it on their own.

A powerful minister who can change the direction of the country.

How could you be willing to stay here?

He quietly glanced at Murong Fu who had just killed someone.

He knew that the other party, like himself, would never be willing to stay here.

Sure enough, he had seen the desire to escape in Murong Fu's eyes.

Fang Shizhou on the side had the same thoughts as An Shigeng.

He secretly glanced at Murong Fu.

He also knew it in his heart.

If you want to escape today, you must rely on Murong Fu!

But what surprised them both.

Murong Fu had no intention of running away.




Just when everyone was at a loss.

Yinreng still picked up the weapon in his hand and slashed at Kangxi.

Zhao Wuji frowned when he saw this, and was about to step forward to stop the other party.

National Master, there is no need to take action, let me do it myself!

Kangxi stopped Zhao Wuji and raised his hand.

There was a wave of fluctuation in the void.

Yinreng felt a pain in his knee.

There was a pop sound in his right foot, and a bloody hole was made.

His feet softened and he knelt on the ground.

In an instant, cold sweat covered his forehead, and he looked at Kangxi in surprise.

How can it be!

Others also showed bewildered expressions.

Although they knew that Kangxi knew martial arts, they never knew that Kangxi's martial arts was so high.

Yinzhen was even more puzzled:

Eunuch Wei once said that my father's martial arts is only top-notch at best.

How could he be so domineering and wear armor right through it?

In the field, no one has ever been exposed to spiritual power stronger than true energy.

Naturally, I don't understand what Kangxi did.

It has transcended the knowledge of energy in this world.

I'm afraid, apart from Zhao Wuji, only Murong Fu knows it best.

Kangxi is no longer a human being, but a demon transformed by demonic energy!

Surrender or die! Kangxi looked at Yinreng and asked calmly.

I... Yinreng was determined and gritted his teeth: If I can't be the emperor, Yinreng would rather die...

Okay! Kangxi clenched his fists and said, In that case, my father will grant you permission.

Don't worry, my father will allow you to enter the imperial mausoleum.

Hearing this, Yinreng opened his mouth and smiled miserably: Thank you, father.


With another finger, another thin hole was made deep in the center of Yin Reng's eyebrows.

His eyes widened and he slowly fell backward.

The last image in his mind was the roaring black dragon in the sky.

There is still a question in my mind: Can he really dominate the world?

Prince! The other princes saw Yin Reng fall.

They all gave birth to a sadness of the death of the rabbit and the sadness of the fox.

Father, you...

Kangxi looked at the other princes and said:

Before I rule the world, anyone who stops me will die.

Do you understand?

Yinzhen and others are all smart people.

Knowing that his arms could not twist his thighs, he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed:

My child is willing to obey all orders from his father.

Long live my emperor! Long live!

The same goes for other ministers.

Plop Plop knelt on the ground and said:

Congratulations on the new birth of my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!

Kangxi raised his hand and said: My dear princes, please rise up!

The princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty felt relieved, knowing that they had escaped a disaster.

They all stood up and stood aside.

Kangxi looked at the other foreign ministers again and said calmly:

what about you?

A minister of the [Yuan Kingdom] said: Go back to the Qing Emperor!

We are foreign ministers, so naturally we are loyal to our country.

Even if you keep us, you won't get our loyalty!

Kangxi said indifferently: Haha, you don't have to worry about this!

I have my own opinion!

The [Yuan Kingdom] minister frowned and insisted: Forgive me, I cannot agree with your majesty's ideas.

I am loyal to the Emperor Yuan!

Kangxi was not surprised at all when he heard this. The Yuan Kingdom was a big country.

As a minister of a great country, he naturally has a sense of integrity in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, a wave of demonic energy turned into a cloud of black smoke and invaded the body of the [Yuan Kingdom] minister.

You...what are you doing? Yuan Chen shouted in shock.

The black smoke penetrated into his ears, nose and mouth without any obstruction.

Wireless fear immediately spread in his heart.

Kangxi's figure became extremely tall in his eyes.

Soon, this feeling overwhelmed his attachment to [Yuan Kingdom] and his loyalty to Emperor Yuan.

His whole body kept shaking, and his mouth kept saying strange words.


Finally, unable to bear the fear in his heart, he knelt in front of Kangxi.

His eyes seemed to have lost their expression, like a zombie without emotions.

He said: Foreign ministers are willing to submit to the Qing Emperor.

Long live the Qing Emperor, long live, long live!

Murong Fu was shocked and said in surprise:

Is this... what the hell is brainwashing?

No, this is hypnosis!

The expressions of An Shigeng and Fang Shizhou also changed drastically.

Both of them are proud people.

How is it possible to be willing to become a monster without emotions?

He shook his teeth and prepared to escape from the Qing Palace to the death.

After Kangxi personally subdued a few more people, he finally turned his attention to Murong Fu.

Haha, King Yan, you and I had a great time chatting.

It's like a long-lost friendship.

I have great ambitions to unify the world. You must also have this idea in your mind.

Why don't you stay and help me.

After the world is unified, I can pass on the throne to you.


The emperor's mouth is a liar.

Kangxi had endless descendants, how could he pass the throne to himself.

If you were a young boy, you might not believe it.

But Murong Fu was different.

He has watched forty episodes of The Han Empire, forty-six episodes of The Kangxi Dynasty, and The Heroes of Chu and Han starring Qiu Guan.

He is proficient in a thousand brainwashing quotes and knows five hundred ways to deceive people.

He is well aware of the profound knowledge and one hundred and eight sets of tricks. .

Kangxi wanted to deceive him, but it was just a dream, and he provocatively said:

Thank you, Your Majesty! The foreign minister thinks that the disputes between countries are internal affairs of our human race.

You invited the demons to come in. It seems that you are biting the inside and out, and you can't afford it, right?

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