Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 770 The transaction of three eggs

After Kangxi heard Murong Fu's words, there was a slight change in his delicate and fair cheeks, which were as fair as those in his prime.

You...know about the devil world?

Yes, you are from the Murong family. It is normal to know some things that ordinary people don't know.

Not bad, very good!

Then are you willing to join me and build an immortal dynasty together?

Murong Fu listened to Kang Xi's muttering, shook his head and said: Sorry, Emperor Qing, I don't want to become a demon.

I still want to live as a human being.

Kangxi was rejected by Murong Fu, but he was not angry. Perhaps this was the dignity a great emperor should have, and he just smiled lightly:

I know how extraordinary you are. If you can escape from the [Qing Kingdom], I will forget about it.

Haha! Murong Fu was speechless. If he escaped from the Qing Dynasty, would he still need to forget about it?

The problem is that he doesn't need to escape at all. Instead, staying here is the best choice.

Your Majesty, I am not in a hurry to leave but am curious about how you will deal with the two people over there.

As he spoke, he looked at Fang Shizhou and An Shigeng, two young and promising talents from the Song Kingdom.

Kangxi said Oh, very surprised, and stared at Murong Fu with a little curiosity.

He was curious about what ability the young man in front of him had, and how he was so confident that he could escape from these masters in the Qing Palace.

How to escape, he is so powerful!

Okay! Then I'll deal with them first, while you watch from the sidelines, maybe you'll change your mind.

Murong Fu smiled haha and could only say that it was just Kangxi's kingly demeanor in every gesture.

There are really few emperors from various countries who can compare.

Damn it! Fang Shizhou's expression turned ugly when he saw Kangxi looking at him.

On the contrary, An Shigeng was much calmer. He had the [Ghost Book] with him, so if he had to fight hard, he wouldn't be able to escape.

However, the premise is...

Someone must be cannon fodder for him!

The best candidates for this cannon fodder are naturally Murong Fu and Fang Shizhou, who said in a bewildering manner:

Brother Murong, are you just planning to sit back and wait for death?

You and I plus Brother Fang, escaping shouldn't be a problem.

Murong Fu shook his head and said, No, just beat me. I just want to watch a show today.

You... Fang Shizhou looked at Murong Fu in surprise and said, Are you not sick?

Haha, in that case, An will take the first step! An Shigeng couldn't figure out what Murong Fu was thinking.

Naturally, they will not place all their hopes on the other party, but choose to mobilize others.

You are all elites from various countries. If you are detained here and become a zombie-like puppet, I don't think anyone would want to.

Of course. A Goryeo official said.

This person came from [Yijian Pavilion] and was a disciple of Fu Cailin, the Yijian Master who had a problem with Murong Fu.

He believed that his swordsmanship was excellent and he could escape.

People from other countries naturally do not want to be made into puppets.

They all stood on An Shigeng's side, determined to have a life-and-death battle with Kangxi and others.

Kill Kangxi first and disrupt his position! An Shigeng shouted and pretended to rush towards Kangxi.

Seeing this, the others followed suit.

He shouted that he wanted to kill Kangxi.

Protect Emperor Ama! Yinzhen reacted the fastest when he saw this. He picked up a big knife on the ground and shouted Protect!

Murong Fu curled his lips and looked at the farce in front of him.

Just find a chair, sit there and watch the fun.

On the main body's side, according to the message he conveyed, they have arrived at the [Chuang King Treasure].

Haha, Your Majesty, I didn't expect that we would get so many benefits from coming here to celebrate my birthday this time.

When you go back, you have to show it to your brothers. Bao BuTong said with a smile.

Murong Fu said: Brothers, hurry up. I feel like this [Qing Kingdom] is getting weirder and weirder.

Prince, don't worry, in another hour and a half, the move will be completed. Bao BuTong said.

Murong Fu nodded, this place is not far from the border of [Ming Kingdom].

A day's journey at most.

As long as you pass today, you will naturally be far away from the [Qing Kingdom] from tomorrow onwards.

After a few words of explanation, leave the treasure cave.

Find a quiet place, practice cross-legged, and stay in top shape.

On the other side, they were still observing the movements of the Qing Palace.

Prince Yan, you seem to be very confident that you can escape. Zhao Wuji didn't know when he stood next to Murong Fu.

He asked with three points of teasing and seven points of curiosity.

Haha, I don't have the confidence to escape. I think there is no need to escape at all. Murong Fu replied.

Zhao Wuji was stunned and said, Isn't it necessary to run away?

What does this sentence mean? Why can't I understand it?

Murong Fu said: Literally.

The Qing Palace is so tightly guarded, how could I possibly escape?

Zhao Wuji raised his eyebrows and said, So, you have given up and are ready to be loyal to our emperor?

No, no, no, don't misunderstand me. Murong Fu said, I only said that if you don't resist, you won't run away.

But I never said that I would take refuge in your Qing Emperor.

Zhao Wuji was really confused by Murong Fu's attitude.

However, precisely because of this, he did not choose to attack Murong Fu.

Just stood quietly and still.

Murong Fu felt relieved, as long as he could frighten Zhao Wuji and Kangxi.

He will buy more time for the main body.

Just when he thought everything was going according to his script.

Fang Shisan walked out, with a fierce look in his eyes.

King Yan! We haven't seen you for a long time.

Murong Fu's heart trembled, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

Damn it, why did this guy run out at this time?

He smiled, pretending to be relaxed and said:

Haha, who am I? It turns out to be the leader of Fang Shisanfang.

After our quick goodbye last time, has your injury healed?

Fang Shisan’s face stiffened and he said angrily:

Last time, I was careless, so you caught me off guard.

Today is a good day. Let me take this opportunity to compete with King Yan again.

Murong Fu laughed haha and said:

My defeated general is no longer worthy of fighting against me.

You should just stand aside and watch the fun.

Fang Shisan became even more angry when he heard this, but Murong Fu ignored him.

He was too embarrassed to do anything, so he could only hold back his temper and watch the fun.

Murong Fu looked at An Shigeng who was killing everyone and asked curiously:

Two cult leaders, you just keep watching him, here as a blessing, don't you try to stop him?

Zhao Wuji looked up at the three strange eggs slowly falling in the sky and said:

Death is not enough, blood sacrifice is still the last step.

Murong Fu asked curiously: What are those three eggs?

Why, throw it into our world?

Zhao Wuji shrugged and said, This is one of your Majesty's transactions.

Feed it with human blood until it breaks its shell, in exchange for a life span of five hundred years.

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