Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 778 We won’t run away

Huiyue envoy smiled and said: Haha, I'm sorry, we are not stupid.

“Knowing that [Ming Kingdom] is your [Ming Cult] territory, it’s natural to take the water route.”

Dai Qisi felt a chill in her heart.

If you take the water route, it will be difficult to escape.

Let's go! Don't waste time. Liu Yunshi ordered, and everyone escorted the three people towards the seaside.

My lord, I'm sorry, it was us who hurt you. Xiao Zhao said feeling uncomfortable.

Murong Fu looked at the Persian believers on the left and right, and said with a smile: It doesn't matter, I will just treat it as a tourist.


Xiao Zhao's delicate cheeks were full of confusion, and he reminded in a low voice:

Your Majesty, we have been captured and will be treated as prisoners.

Aren't you afraid?

Murong Fu chuckled and said, Didn't they say they wanted to arrest your mother and take her back to the Persian headquarters?

[Shanhaiguan] is not only a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from Persia, but also a few thousand miles away.

There is a sea route, maybe further.

Xiao Zhao asked curiously: Aren't you afraid?

Murong Fu smiled and said, What are you afraid of?

And just when everyone left the house, another group of people ran out.

At first glance, it looks like the clothes of the imperial guards of the [Qing Dynasty].

The leader is a big man with a beard, his name is Qi Zhenjun, and he is the founder of the [Changbai Mountain Sect].

I came out this time to investigate Zhao Wuji's whereabouts under Kangxi's order.

Following the clues all the way, we tracked it down here.

As a result, it was all in vain.

Master, it seems that there was a battle here before. Qi Zhenjun's disciple Niu Hulu said respectfully.

The second disciple Qiu Dongluo said: He looks like a master.

Yes. Qi Zhenjun, who has an arrogant and indifferent temperament, replied calmly: The strength is not weak.

Then should we still pursue him? Qiu Dongluo asked hesitantly. In his opinion, investigating Zhao Wuji is definitely a hot business.

Very uneconomical!

Qi Zhenjun said without any hesitation: Chase, you must chase.

This is a great opportunity for us [Changbai Mountain Sect] to come forward.

We must win the favor of the Qing Emperor.

Uh. Niu Hulu agreed, Haha, what Master said makes sense.

As long as they can gain the approval of the Qing Emperor, all disciples of our sect can join the court and become officials in the future.

Just like [Tenrikyo], if you want wind, you will get wind, if you want rain, you will get rain.

As soon as these words came out.

Whether it was Qi Zhenjun or Qiu Dongluo, their eyes showed a wild light.

Good to go! Qi Zhenjun shouted, and immediately ordered the troops to pursue quickly according to the traces.

The people from the Persian Archbishop didn’t know.

The person next to them was Murong Fu, and they just regarded him as an injured passerby.

Haha, you mother and daughter are quite interesting. Huiyueshi mocked: You all like men so much.

Look at your girl, looking at that pretty boy's face, you want to eat him.

Looking at Murong Fu hugging Xiao Zhao tightly, Dai Qisi was not angry, but showed a happy smile: Haha, if Xiao Zhao can marry him, it will be a good thing.

Huiyue envoy said displeasedly: Hmph, Dai Qisi, you really embarrass us women.

Are we born to marry men?

When they come out, they will bully us, squeeze out our value, and treat us as servants and reproductive tools. We have no merit at all!

Dai Qisi looked at Huiyue Envoy as if she were an idiot, and asked in confusion: Have you been stimulated in any way?

It is human nature for a man to love a woman.

It is a woman's responsibility to have children.

How come you have become so bitter and hateful?

Liuyunshi heard the conversation between the two women and shook his head: Okay, don't talk anymore, we should get on the boat.

Dai Qisi didn't want to talk nonsense with Hui Yue and walked towards the boat.

Suddenly, a congregant behind him shouted:

Oh no, someone is chasing us behind Liuyunshi.

Liuyun was startled and subconsciously looked at Dai Qisi and said, Is he yours?

Dai Qisi was confused. She didn't even have the chance to send out a distress signal, so how could anyone come to help her.

I murmured in my heart: Who could it be?

Soon, a burst of lightning and the roar of a BMW filled everyone's ears.

Qi Zhenjun and his group appeared in front of the three Persian envoys.

He was riding on a high horse and had the aura of a strong man.

He looked down at the Persian congregation below and looked around.

After everyone saw the weak Murong Fu, they couldn't help but be startled, and their hearts were filled with excitement: Murong Fu, he is still alive.

Then these people... must be his subordinates!

If I take him back, the Qing Emperor will definitely look at me differently.

Liuyunshi stood not far from Murong Fu, looking very nervous and ready to ask him about his purpose.

Murong Fu's eyes turned when he saw this, and he immediately guessed the purpose of this group of people, and spoke first: Haha, are you here to pick up this king?.

Huh? Qi Zhenjun was somewhat nervous.

The shadow of the famous tree, Murong Fu's strength, was visible to all and everyone in the world knew it. He lowered his voice, pretended to be polite, and said:

Haha, Prince Murong is wise. Your Majesty misses you sir. Please come back as a guest.

Murong Fu smiled and said: No, I don't want to go back. I want to travel with them.


Liuyunshi looked at Murong Fu in surprise, is this kid out of his mind?

You've been making trouble for a long time. You didn't think you were traveling overseas, right?

But he is a Persian and cannot understand the Chinese language.

I thought Qi Zhenjun really wanted to invite Murong Fu back.

I was a little nervous.

Qi Zhenjun sneered: My lord, are you sure?

Of course! Murong Fu patted Liu Yunshi on the shoulder and said, I am not feeling well, let's go.

As he spoke, he turned around and walked towards the big ship on the beach.

Qi Zhenjun recognized that Liu Yunshi was Murong Fu's subordinate, and became anxious because the other party was an opportunity for him to become a marquis and become prime minister.

If I miss it, I am afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life. I whispered to the disciple beside me:

We must not let him go.

Understood, don't worry, Master. We didn't dare to say anything about him in his heyday. Now, he will definitely not be able to escape. Niu Hulu said, patting his chest.

Do it!

Qi Zhenjun didn't care whether the Persian believers were part of Murong Fu's group or not, he just ordered them to be killed!



The imperial guards all crawled out step by step from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield. After hearing the order, they went up to kill him without saying a word. He raised his hand and killed a Persian believer with a single blow.

Fighters took off instantly.

Liuyunshi was stunned on the spot, unable to react.

Murong Fu was also surprised and killed people without asking.

Could it be that the demonic energy has gone to your head, are you so strong? Shout loudly:

Do it! Otherwise we will all be killed in a moment.

Liuyunshi looked at Murong Fu in surprise, and finally came to his senses, saying: Do it, fight back, fight back.

The two groups started fighting in a confused manner.

Xiao Zhao hurriedly reminded: King Yan, let's run!

Murong Fu said: Stay and be fine, why are you running?

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