Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 779 The Qing Emperor asked me to be his eldest brother

The two sides continued to fight.

One party is eager to achieve success, and the other is inexplicable. Naturally, victory or defeat can be determined.

Qi Zhenjun used a long sword to attack the two envoys Liuyun and Miaofeng.

The three apprentices, Niu Hulu, Qiu Dongluo, and Liu Xiyan, dealt with Huiyue Shi.

Although the three envoys Liuyun, Miaofeng and Huiyue are at the same level as Qi Zhenjun, they are all in the early stages of being a great master.

However, these three people have average combat power, but they are all weird. They are usually used to fighting the enemy with the [Three Talents Formation].

Being separated for a while makes me uncomfortable.

After a short while, Qi Zhenjun's eyes flashed red.

Suddenly, a cold murderous intention was revealed, with a flick of the sleeves.

The sword light enveloped Liuyunshi and Miaofengshi.

The light of the sword is like a shadow, making it impossible to see clearly.

Liuyunshi was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated.

The Miao Feng user was not slow, turning into a startling rainbow and flying through the air.

So strong! The second envoy took a step back and said in shock.

Dai Qisi took the opportunity to come to Murong Fu and said, Prince Yan, why don't we take the opportunity to escape quickly?

Murong Fu smiled and said, Now, your meridians have been sealed.

I am already half-disabled, where can I escape to?

It's better to stay with the Persian Ming Cult people so that we can have company.

Dai Qisi also felt that it made sense.

It can be seen that Qi Zhenjun's swordsmanship is extraordinary, and the three envoys are obviously no match for him.

There was a hint of worry.

What if they are no match?

Murong Fu glanced around and chuckled:

If you can't beat him, you can run away.

[Qing Dynasty] soldiers are not good at water, they just need to escape to the boat.

It is said that the speaker has no intention but the listener has the intention.

Liuyun's ears perked up and he listened to everything Murong Fu said.

I chatted some Persian words with the Miao Feng Messenger.

Each took out a [Thunderbolt] and threw it at Qi Zhenjun.


In an instant, smoke spread everywhere, captivating everyone's eyes.

Each of the three envoys grabbed one and quickly jumped towards the Persian ship in the sea.

After a few drops of water, we boarded the ship smoothly.

Some other congregants took the opportunity

Row the boat and get closer to them.

Murong Fu looked at the cannons on the ship, smiled evilly, and reminded:

Your [Thunderbolt] time is short, so hurry up and blast them with artillery!

Liu Yunshi was stunned and looked at Murong Fu questioningly:

Aren't they your friends?

Haha, no, they are my enemies. Murong Fu smiled politely.

You... Liu Yunzhi felt as if he had been tricked.

However, he couldn't tell where he was being tricked.

Lord Liuyun, they are about to catch up. A member of the congregation warned.

Liuyunshi gritted his teeth and said fiercely: Open fire and kill them for me.

The believers seemed to have suffered a disadvantage, and the cannons they fired were particularly accurate.

Whoosh~ he landed next to the pursuers of the [Qing Kingdom].

After a small explosion, the two parties were separated by a distance.

Liuyunshi ordered: Set the ship, start the ship immediately.

[Persian Mingjiao] has a strict hierarchy, and the orders of Liuyunshi are like imperial edicts.

The congregants dared not listen and quickly set sail towards the sea.

Master, what should I do? They ran away!

Niu Hulu said.

Qi Zhenjun snorted coldly and said:

It doesn't matter, let's chase!

The faces of the three people in Niuhulu changed when they heard this, and they stopped and said:

Master, no! None of us understand the nature of water.

What if something happens, it will be tragic.

Qi Zhenjun put away his sword and said:

It doesn't matter, these people, there happens to be a navy stationed nearby.

We just let them follow.

Seeing that Qi Zhenjun had made up his mind, Niu Hulu naturally did not dare to disobey.

Nodding silently in greeting.

On the sea ship.

Liu Yunshi looked at the sea chart and directed the route.

He came to Murong Fu and asked:

Who are you.

Why did those people invite you?

Murong Fu shrugged and said, How do I know?

Perhaps the Qing Emperor wants to become a close friend of me and recognize me as his eldest brother?

Liu Yunshi said: This joke is not funny at all.

Our people cannot be killed in vain.

You must give us an explanation.

Murong Fu shook his head and said, I didn't kill the person.

You should go to the previous group of people, or go directly to the Qing Emperor.

Maybe he can give you a good answer.

You... Huiyue made Wen angry: You still have the nerve to say sarcastic words?

Murong Fu replied: This is not a sarcastic statement, this is a fact.

The Huiyue Messenger gritted his teeth and sneered: There are people in your Central Plains who are very slippery.

We can't talk to you, so let's stop talking.

Come here, take him to the water prison. I'll just freeze him and see if his mouth is still hard!

Xiao Zhao heard this and immediately stood up to stop him: No, King Yan is injured.

You can't do this to him.

Liu Yunshi asked in confusion: King Yan? Which King Yan?

Are you the prince of [Qing Kingdom]?

Xiao Zhao thought he had said something wrong and was startled. He quickly tried to make up for it by saying, He's just an ordinary prince.

Murong Fu said: Haha! I am not the prince of the [Qing Kingdom].

But the prince of [Song Kingdom].

When Liu Yunshi heard this, he said Oh, as if he had never heard of Murong Fu's name.

Haha, the Song Dynasty has now been divided into many countries.

They are all small characters. With a little power, you can become a king.

Murong Fu looked at this group of foreigners in surprise and went out without asking any questions. ..

There is no information about the intelligence system at all.

Dai Qisi looked even more disdainful and said: People from the [Persian Ming Cult] are just arrogant.

No wonder it's declining.

Huiyue said: Huh, that's better than you, a woman who only depends on men.

Dai Qisi said disdainfully: Which of your eyes can see that I am dependent on a man?

On the contrary, it would be you, if you weren't protected by the Floating Cloud Envoy and the Miao Feng Envoy.

I'm afraid, she has been caught in a brothel and turned into a dancer.

You... Huiyue envoy was immediately angry when he heard this: Believe it or not, Dai Qisi, I will kill you.

Dai Qisi sneered: Of course I don't believe it.

If you dare to kill me, the leader will skin you when you return.

Seeing that the two girls were getting more and more noisy, Commander Liu Yun said, Okay, let's lock them up in the guest room.

Yes! Several congregants stepped forward and were about to take Murong Fu and the others away.

Unexpectedly, Hui Yue made angrily and pointed at Murong Fu and said, He is also being imprisoned in a water prison.

Murong Fu was speechless and said to himself: Sister, if you discriminate against men, just discriminate against men in your own country.

How do you despise foreign men?

Please, can you be professional?

Xiao Zhao wanted to refute, but was caught by Liuyunshi, and he was too lazy to argue with Huiyueshi.

He waved his hand and let his subordinates do it.

Murong Fu didn't care, he had the [Returning to God Statue], it was the same everywhere.

It’s just a matter of whether the environment is comfortable. He smiled and said:

Girl, if you are so mean, aren't you afraid that I will do 'nucleic acid' for you in the future?

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