In the vast sea.

Several [Qing Dynasty] warships galloped among them.

Fang Shisan put on a purple robe and stood on the ship's armor with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the white jade plate in the sky, he asked reluctantly:

Hmph, you are a demon. Kangxi has become the Demon Emperor. When will he be able to resurrect my wife?

The devil smiled bitterly and said: Haha, Kangxi's obsession with evil actually has little to do with us.

Why? Fang Shisan asked doubtfully: Kangxi became a demon and led the demonic path.

In the future, all demon cultivators can live in the Qing Dynasty.

How come it has nothing to do with you and me?

The demon said helplessly: Kangxi became a demon because he signed an agreement with the upper world.

But the space tunnel with [Chi Demon World] has not been opened.

To put it bluntly, whether he becomes a demon or not has little to do with you or me.

Even after he unifies the world, he can be on an equal footing with [Chi Demon World].

When Fang Shisan heard this, he was immediately impressed:

Haha, Kangxi is indeed a hero of his generation.

“The things we can think of and do are far beyond our imagination.”

It can be regarded as a disguised form, breaking the enslavement of your [Chi Demon World].

They are all people from the [Original Realm].

Who wants to see the people in his hometown become the slaves of others?

The demon said displeased: Huh, don't forget, you and I are just grasshoppers on the same rope now.

Opening the space tunnel in [Chi Demon World] will only do you good and not bad.

It's better than running around for Kangxi now.

Fang Shisan said nonchalantly: When I rebelled, it was because the Song Dynasty was incompetent and made the people miserable.

If Kangxi could achieve peace and prosperity for the country and the people, I wouldn't be able to get rid of some of his opponents.

The demon squinted at Fang Shisan with disdain: Hmph, you people in this world are so calculating.

You will know later and you will suffer a big loss.

Fang Shisan did not pay attention to Huamo's words, but looked at Pang Ban and said doubtfully:

This person is quite interesting. Their demon sect seems to have always been connected with the [Chi Demon World].

I didn't expect that he would actually come to Kangxi's seat now.

I really don't know what's going on in his mind.

The delusional monster smiled and said: Jie Jie, then you have to ask the Evil Emperor behind him.

Fang Shisan showed disgust when he heard the devil's laughter:

I said you can't have a good laugh?

Or do you people in the demon world like to laugh like this?

The demon suddenly blushed, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

At this time, Pang Ban turned around, looked at Fang Shisan who was working in his heart and asked:

Mr. Fang, have you heard that there has been a lot of buzz recently about assassinating the emperor?

Fang Shisan nodded and said, Are you talking about the Nanhai Shenni assassinating Kangxi?

Pang Ban suggested: I heard that the Nanhai Shenni are from the Qi training lineage of the Pre-Qin Dynasty.

Her sect is not far from here, why don't we go over and take a look?

Fang Shisan shook his head and said, Forget it, Kangxi didn't let us arrest that old nun.

We'd better think of a way to catch Murong Fu first.

Pang Ban smiled and joked:

Mr. Fang seems to dislike Murong Fu very much.

Fang Shisan curled his lips and said nothing, thinking: I just made all the mistakes that a father-in-law should make.

On [Lingxian Island], Murong Fu was sitting in the mountain stream. He placed the [Jin Ping Mei] in front of him and slowly absorbed the moonlight.

This treasure has been following him for a long time, and it has a wonderful use every time he is in crisis of life and death.

I looked up to admire the moonlight.

Suddenly, there was a burst of Xiao sound.

Suddenly, I felt curious, who would play the flute leisurely late at night?

I couldn't help but look at Xiao Yin's place and listened quietly.

The sound of the flute is extremely wonderful and unpredictable. The breath between notes and the transitions between phrases are blended together through the sound of the flute.

Even if there are interruptions, the music will only have an endless and lingering feeling.

His mastery of the Fire Lord has reached the pinnacle of Xiao Dao Transformation.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and could feel Xiao Yin's allure and entanglement.

It makes people feel relaxed and intoxicated, filled with loneliness and unbearable sadness, which can be praised and lamented.

Waves of sad and resentful Xiaos rippled through the mountains.

The melody is extremely desolate, like complaining and complaining, weeping and admiring.

His consciousness swept over the person playing the flute, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

By the moonlight, what appeared in front of him at this moment was an extremely beautiful, incredibly beautiful beauty!

All the words in the world can't describe Qiu Shu's surprise at this moment, and all the words in the world can't describe her beauty!

Worldly beauty is, at best, intoxicating. But her beauty makes people crazy!

It is a kind of strange beauty, mysterious beauty, with a kind of power that shocks people's hearts. It is so beautiful that it is incomparable and flawless.

In particular, the mixture of sadness, resentment, and anger condensed on the tips of her eyebrows and the corners of her eyes made her beauty even more...even more...indescribable!

Murong Fu's heart beat violently and he blurted out: It's so beautiful!

Who! Lady Chui Xiao was slightly startled and quickly looked in the direction of Murong Fu.

Seeing this, Murong Fu stood up generously and saluted, I've seen Miss Xisheng before.

Murong Xisheng frowned slightly when he saw it was Murong Fu, and asked: Why is the prince here?

Murong Fu said truthfully: I need the moonlight to practice my skills, so it will naturally appear here.

Murong Xisheng looked Murong Fu up and down, his eyes full of doubt: What kind of technique do you practice that requires the help of moonlight?

But as soon as she blurted out her words, she felt something was wrong.

Asking people about their Kung Fu is a taboo in the world.

The novel talks about making enemies, and the novel talks about life and death.

He quickly saluted and said, I'm sorry, King Yan, please forgive Xisheng for being so quick to speak.

Murong Fu smiled gracefully, shook his head and said, We are all one family, how can we be right or wrong?

Murong Xisheng suddenly blushed and said shyly: Prince Yan is still shameless, who is your family?

Ah~ Murong Fu slapped his forehead and said, I did it on purpose... No, I didn't do it on purpose.

I was quick to talk, but please forgive me, girl.

Disciple, watch your moves. Murong Xisheng felt ashamed and angry when he heard that the phoenix eyes were cold. He raised the jade flute in his hand and stabbed Murong Fu.

Murong Fu glanced at [Jin Ping Mei], knowing that it needed to absorb more and was not in a hurry.

Pointing her toes to the ground, she rushed forward without retreating.

They fought with Murong Xisheng in mid-air.

The two of you come and go.

When Murong Xisheng saw that he could not hold down Murong Fu, his mind changed and he pointed the jade Xiao with his right hand towards Murong Fu's chest as if feebly.

Murong Fu laughed and did not dodge, letting Xiao Jian point at him.


Murong Xisheng smiled proudly, and used his inner power to penetrate Murong Fu's body through the jade flute.

She needs to teach her a lesson

Unexpectedly, as soon as the internal force penetrates into the key points in the opponent's body, it disappears into the sea of ​​mud and cattle, disappearing without a trace, and is melted away.

Before he could react, the disappearing internal energy was like an iron fist, hitting him back with a bang.

Extremely domineering.

Her meridians felt like an electric shock, causing her whole body to feel numb and fall down in embarrassment.

This place is in mid-air. If it falls to the ground, not only will it fall half to death, but its bones and tendons will also be broken.

Just when Murong Xisheng thought he couldn't escape this obstacle.

A warm and strong hand stopped her waist and dragged her steadily to the ground.

When she looked up, the moonlight revealed a face with sharp edges and strong domineering features. She couldn't help but blurt out:

So handsome!

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