Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 792 Shenni is injured

Hey, Miss Xisheng, are you praising me? Murong Fu pulled Murong Xisheng up and joked.

You... are a disciple! Murong Xisheng pushed Murong Fu away.

He quickly took a few steps back to tidy up his clothes.

After a long while, he glared at Murong Fu fiercely and said, Huh, this time it's all up to you, we'll see.

Murong Fu smiled haha and said please.

Humph! Murong Xisheng turned and left.

Murong Fu did not chase him, but turned around and walked back to where he was.

Wait for the moonlight to fill [Jin Ping Mei].

Time passed minute by minute.

With a bright and soft light, it flickered.

Murong Fu then activated the [Ninth Grade Star Dragon Mysterious Technique].

Absorb the moonlight essence in the baby.

The essence enters the body.

Murong Fu suddenly felt a familiar cold feeling flowing through his body.

The essence turned into dots of starlight and fell on the injured area in Murong Fu's body.

Decompose the deceived demonic energy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and repair it with rapid repair.

What's even more amazing is that after the demonic energy is decomposed.

It turned into pure essence and was

Murong Fu took it as his own.

The Yuan Jing is extremely pure and has some indescribable benefits for cultivation.

The miraculous [Ninth Grade Star Dragon Mysterious Technique] easily absorbs a surge of essence.

The technique had been running for less than ten weeks, and the huge Yuan Jing erupted like a flash flood and turned into a stream of Yang Qi.

The moonlight essence turns into a stream of yin energy.

The gradual integration of yin and yang quickly improved Murong Fu's body.

Murong Fu felt happy and said with a smile:

At this speed.

It doesn't take half a month at all. In less than ten days, my injury should be healed.

The next day, early in the morning.

When the first ray of sunshine shone on Murong Fu.

He slowly opened his eyes.

After practicing all night, not only did he not feel tired, but it made him more energetic.

When walking slowly down the mountain.

The girls have all gotten up and are washing themselves.

Murong Fu smiled and went to the beach for a walk.

Looking at the sea, the waves are rough and the waves are several feet high.

At this moment, an object floated in the sea.

caught his attention.

My lord, why did you wake up so early? After finishing cleaning up, Mao Wenqi also came to the beach for a walk.

Seeing Murong Fu here, he ran over to say hello.

Murong Fu pointed to the objects floating in the sea and said, Is there someone you know?

Mao Wenqi joked: How can there be...master in the sea?

Master? Murong Fu looked at the people still floating in the sea.

Or it can be said that it is a corpse, which is strange.

He went to [Qing Dynasty] to carry out an assassination, and he was still able to escape.

How did this Nanhai Shenni do it?

Mao Wenqi quickly took Murong Fu's hand and said: Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please go and save my master.

Murong Fu nodded and jumped up.

Fly into the sea and pick up the Nanhai Shenni.

Immediately, it flew back to the shore.

He placed the Nanhai Divine Nun in front of Mao Wenqi and asked:

Is this your master?

Mao Wenqi quickly squatted on the ground and said: Yes, that's right, she is my master, the Nanhai Divine Nun.

Murong Fu felt a little surprised when he looked at the aging old man in front of him, whose life was almost hanging by a thread.

Because, he felt a trace of spiritual energy in Nanhai Shenni's body.

No wonder he escaped from Kangxi's hands. He turned out to be a Qi practitioner.

Mao Wenqi asked anxiously: Your Majesty, can you help me carry Master back to the house?

No problem. Murong Fu thought.

Use the [Spiritual Object Thousand Control Technique] to drag the Nanhai Shenni into the air.

Walk towards the wooden house.

Before reaching the wooden house, Mao Wenqi rushed out in a few steps and shouted urgently:

Senior Sister, Senior Sister, things are not going well. Come out quickly.

Master, he is injured.

When Murong Xisheng heard Mao Wenqi's shout, he rushed out and asked:

Where is the master?

Mao Wenqi pointed to Murong Fu who was not far behind him and said:

Look right there.

Murong Fu did not delay and walked quickly.

He took Nanhai Shenni and passed in front of Murong Xisheng and placed her on the bed.

She was seriously injured, and she still had a faint demonic aura about her.

It seems that there was a big battle.

Murong Xisheng hurriedly went to check the pulse of Nanhai Shenni.

When the jade finger just touched the opponent's wrist.

An icy feeling instantly pricked her fingers back.

The inner strength is so powerful that it almost gave me frostbite.

Murong Fu explained: This is not internal force, but a higher-level energy.

It's called Demonic Qi!

The movements of the three people quickly attracted Dai Qisi, Xiao Zhao, and Hui Yue Shi.

They were frightened when they saw the faint devilish aura on Nanhai Shenni.

Xiao Zhao even blurted out:

My lord, this demonic energy is similar to the one on you.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Murong Xisheng looked at Murong Fu and asked, What does she mean?

Haha, it's nothing. Murong Fu said calmly: I just did the same thing as your master.

It's just that I didn't go to assassinate the demons of [Qing Kingdom], but witnessed how [Qing Kingdom] became possessed by demons.

Then do you have a way to revive my master? Murong Xisheng did not want to find out whether Murong Fu's words were true or false at this time.

But I want to hurry up and save the Nanhai Shenni. .

Sorry, with my current ability, the most I can do is wake her up.

I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to save her.

This... Murong Xisheng gritted his teeth and said, Then wake her up quickly.

Maybe Master still has some backup plans.

Murong Fu was also curious as to why Nanhai Shenni was a Qi Refiner.

He quickly circulated his spiritual energy and gathered it on his two fingers, producing a ball of purple flames, which he quickly touched on the center of Nanhai Shenni's eyebrows.


The demonic aura on Nanhai Shenni's eyebrows was immediately broken by the purple flames.

Then he saw the Nanhai Shenni spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Immediately, he gradually woke up and said weakly:

Xisheng, Wenqi, I'm back.

The two daughters, Murong Xisheng and Mao Wenqi, quickly took the hands of Nanhai Shenni and asked with unstoppable tears:

Master, how could you be so seriously injured?

Yes, who is so cruel to beat you like this?

Nanhai Shenni smiled bitterly and said: I am careless, thinking that I can rely on the [Amber Divine Sword].

Can eliminate all demons in the world.

I never thought that being a teacher in front of Kangxi would not be enough.

You didn't assassinate Kangxi, did you? Murong Fu couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration when he heard about Nanhai Shenni.

Kangxi was now completely connected to the Dragon Veins of the Qing Dynasty. Not to mention that he couldn't kill him, even if Zhang Sanfeng came, it would be useless.

The only way to kill him is to completely destroy the Qing Dynasty and cut off its dragon veins.

Otherwise, even if you stab him with a sword a hundred times, it will be of no avail.

Nanhai Shenni frowned and asked in confusion: Who are you? Why do you appear in my [Lingxian Island]?

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