Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 798 Innate Sword Qi Breaks Demonic Qi

Murong Fu!

The demon looked at Murong Fu who was so strong. His face became extremely gloomy.

Since the last defeat at the hands of the opponent.

He has been thinking about a way to solve it.

I originally thought that I had absorbed enough demonic energy in the [Qing Kingdom].

This shot must be a sure shot.

What surprised him was that the person in front of him seemed to be more powerful than before.

My mind was full of doubts.

Is it possible for this kid to succeed? What opportunities have he encountered?

However, where does this opportunity come from in this newly recovering world?

But apart from this, it was the only reasonable explanation he could think of.

I really don’t understand how Murong Fu did it.

In just a few months, you can be back to your original state.

Murong Fu sneered, raised his right hand, and a purple flame flew out from the palm of his finger.

It turned into a ball of fire the size of a pea and shot towards the demon.

The demon was so frightened that he hurriedly used black water to block his body.

The fireball was like a bullet, passing through the black water barrier and hitting the demon.

The demon pursed his lips tightly and quickly avoided Murong Fu's attack.

When fighting, pay attention to calmness and a balanced mentality.

At this point, Murong Fu became more and more skillful.

It's a violent bombardment against the delusion.

On the contrary, the more the devil beats me, the more frustrated I become.

Murong Fu smiled haha, flicked his sleeves and robes, and dozens of sword energy flew out at high speed.

Full of aura and extremely sharp.

The sword energy is divided into two streams, and one part converges in the middle.

Lay out layers of sword formations around his body.

The other part spread out to all sides.

It was like a sword prison, tightly trapping the demon.

Just like how he was trapped in Murong Fu before.

Ah~ It's too much to bully someone!

The demon roared, and his whole body flashed with magic light.

There was no unnecessary movement on his part, and his whole body was filled with demonic aura.

It turned into countless small shields and stood in front of him.

He wanted to use this to block Murong Fu's sword energy.

Suddenly, the sound of whooshing through the air reached my ears.

The sword energy was like meteors and feathers, stabbing at the demon's magic shield from all directions.

Bang bang bang...

[Innate Sword Qi] has a very strong ability to break evil spirits.

It's like when the demonic energy sees it, it's like seeing its nemesis.

In an instant, a hole was opened.


The demon was dumbfounded and frightened.

He never dreamed that Murong Fu's methods were so powerful.

Is this kid a native of this world?

Why are there so many moves?

Could it be that spies from other realms came in?

Damn it! It's really despicable!

All kinds of thoughts swept through him, and the demon screamed.

A strange sound came from his mouth.

Extremely sharp, straight to the ear membrane.

Murong Fu suddenly felt a headache and almost fell into the clouds.

It was at this moment that the demon successfully dodged the attack of [Innate Sword Qi].

After Murong Fu stabilized his figure again, he looked proud and joked:

Haha, boy, if you want to kill this demon, you need to be more mature.

Murong Fu was always unreasonable and unforgiving, and sarcastically said:

Having lived for thousands of years, being suppressed by this king is like a lost dog.

I don't understand why you are so proud.

You... Murong Fu was speechless.

Think about it, a fraction of your own age can be the other person's grandfather.

As a result, today's battle was really frustrating.

Okay, boy, since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you.

The demon gritted his teeth and took out a simple mirror from his arms.

Dark and unremarkable.

This gave Murong Fu an extremely dangerous feeling.

[Mirror of Delusion]?

The demon said proudly: Jiejie, boy, you have some sense.

This thing is exactly the current body of this demon.

Murong Fu has experienced numerous crises since his rebirth.

Naturally, he has a sharp eye and a keen premonition.

At that moment, the demon looked at himself in the mirror.

There was a bright light in his eyes, and he let himself in without even thinking.

I just felt a beam of light coming through and looked back.

A big hole was blown out of the void behind him.

At this moment, he was so frightened that he was sweating all over his body. He looked at the demon in surprise and said warmly:


The demon's expression was extremely ugly, as he had just made a sneak attack.

But it took several years of his savings.

As a result, Murong Fu escaped inexplicably.

Suddenly, he suddenly realized: I know!...

You are the child of luck on this side and are sensitive to crises.

It's almost impossible to sneak up on you.

It seems that this demon can only use the last resort.

Murong Fu was shocked and felt a little admiration.

As expected of a thousand-year-old demon, he has many tricks.

Fortunately, there is not enough demonic energy in this place, otherwise something might happen again.

Just when Murong Fu was thinking.

The delusional demon held up the [Mirror of Delusion] and muttered something to the sea:

Great Ancient Demon, please show your unparalleled power.

Show your shadow and destroy this world.


As soon as the demon's voice fell, a gust of demonic wind suddenly blew up.

One head was covered in demonic flames, with its bloody mouth open.

A ferocious monster like a huge mountain appeared in the reflection of the sea.

stood up.

Without saying a word, he gave Murong Fu a big slap in the face.

The power was so strong that the void around Murong Fu was tightly imprisoned.

Murong Fu shouted loudly without even thinking about it.

He raised a palm and broke the confinement abruptly.

He quickly used his body skills to avoid the ancient demon's attack.


The attack of the ancient demonic path is extremely powerful, and it can be struck with one palm.

A strong air current was set off.

Todoroki was on an isolated island not far from home.

In the blink of an eye, an isolated island stretching for dozens of miles and with a mountain ten feet high, turned into several petals.

Slowly falling into the sea.

Murong Fu's expression suddenly changed.

This is just the shadow of an ancient demon.

If only one came, it would be a real ancient demon.

Wouldn't it be true that the entire [original world] would be smashed to pieces by him?

He is worthy of being an ancient demon in the distraction period!

Naturally, Ancestor Yanshan would not give up if he missed a single hit.

As soon as he clasped his hands, a low spell sound came from the clouds.

The demon smiled and said: Jie Jie, Murong Fu, are you afraid?

In front of Lord Ancient Demon, you are not even a mosquito.

After one blow, Murong Fu had a certain understanding of the ancient demon.

All in all, in short, even if it is his shadow, it is impossible for him to deal with it.

The only way to defeat the opponent is... dragging!

Hold the opponent down, causing the opponent's demonic energy to completely dissipate.

At that time, it doesn’t matter whether Fang Shisan is a demon or a demon.

Neither of them has the capital to fight on their own.

Thinking of this, he continued to sarcastically say:

Haha, no matter how powerful the ancient demon is, you are just his dog.

I think you might as well just die.

Oh, by the way, you are trapped in the [Mirror of Delusion], can you come out?

The demon was so angry that it itched its teeth and kept emitting terrifying energy. It roared at Murong Fu:

Kill him, kill him, kill him for me!

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