Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 799 The phantom of the ancient demon explodes

Roar~ The ancient demon's black shadow roared loudly, making everyone's scalp numb.

Some ordinary people with lower strength were even shocked to the point of foaming at the mouth.

Passed out.

The girls Murong Xi gave birth to even exclaimed:

Mortals are still fighting here.

It's basically a battle between gods and immortals.

Mao Wenqi smiled bitterly and said: Senior sister, is this true? Master often says it.

When gods fight, mortals suffer?

Forget it... Murong Xisheng looked at Murong Fu's fighting figure and couldn't let go.

She has always longed in her heart to marry an upright hero.

Unexpectedly, it was achieved so muddle-headedly.

If you have a husband like this, what else can you ask for?

Noisy! Murong Fu waved his big hand and used the [Heaven-Destroying and Earth-Destroying Great Ziyang Hand].

The purple flame handprint is getting bigger and bigger.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge palm and slapped the ancient demon hard.

Boom... With a sound, the ancient demon was thrown into the sea.

You... The delusion was as disgusting as eating shit.

Pang Ban, who was standing on the boat watching the show, noticed something was wrong.

Is this Murong Fu still a human?

Even the devil can't do anything to him.

However, this is the sea, otherwise, he would really have the urge to escape.

Haha, even you ancient demon phantom can't do it!

There was a trace of sarcasm on the corner of Murong Fu's mouth, but he had no intention of stopping.

Whoosh! Several sounds broke through the air, and countless [Innate Sword Qi] were shot into the sea.

He vowed to shoot the shadow of the ancient demon into a hornet's nest.

Damn it, how could this Murong Fu be so strong? Huanmo also lost confidence in himself.

Murong Fu's combat power was obviously beyond his knowledge.

Not to mention his character, Wang Mo's vision must be very sophisticated.

Still see it.

If we continue to fight today, we will definitely lose.

I began to retreat in my heart.

Unfortunately, like Pang Ban, he thought this was the sea.

Even if he flies, he can't fly very far.

Okay, no matter what, I'll just go back to being a mirror spirit again.

Boom~ The phantom of the ancient demon in the sea jumped out again.

An ancient sound came from his mouth.

There was a strange magic light shining on his body.

His whole body shrank strangely.

Murong Fu sensed a hint of crisis for no apparent reason.


The ancient demon's shadow disappeared.

Appearing again, he suddenly appeared half a foot away from Murong Fu.

He punched Murong Fu in the chest and knocked him into the sea.

Immediately, countless magic lights emitted from his fingers.

Shooting madly in the direction of Murong Fu.

For a time, countless magic lights rushed into the sea.

When Murong Fu was surprised, a whooshing sound kept ringing in his ears.

Subconsciously think of the word imitation?

Is he imitating me?

Murong Fu endured the pain and flew out of the sea.

Quietly looking at the phantom of the ancient demon, the other party was obviously more imaginary. He looked at the illusory demon and said sarcastically:

Haha, strong is very strong, but unfortunately, the successor is weak.

If the true body is here.

I turned around and ran away without saying a word.

The demon naturally understood what Murong Fu said.

However, he was able to summon the phantom of the ancient demon because of his true form.

The demonic energy inside the body has obviously bottomed out.

Thinking of this, he hated the Huashan Sect that sealed him back then.

He sneered in his heart: Jie Jie, Murong Fu doesn't need you to be proud.

You'll know how you died soon!

Murong Fu didn't know that the demon had a back-up plan.

The battles with the ancient demon continued, but the more they fought, the more boring they became.

At the moment of pride.

But he saw that the ancient demon had shrunk in size again.

Murong Fu was wondering, but you didn't spit.

Why is it so soft?

Others seemed to have Murong Fu's doubts.

Just when everyone thought Murong Fu had won.


Murong Fu yelled something bad.

next moment.

The ancient demon's phantom flashed, followed by a deafening bang.

resounded throughout the sea.


Murong Fu never dreamed that the other party would be so despicable, that the dignified ancient demon would actually explode himself.

No face at all?


The huge explosion power instantly destroyed everything around it.

It wiped out the sea water life and death, and even exploded the seabed into pieces.

Murong Fu was the closest, and he only lasted a few breaths before he was blown far away.

Dai Qisi, Xiao Zhao and others were also swept away by the energy wave of the explosion.

If it weren't for the distance, he might have been seriously injured at this time.

Not to mention the Persian ship, which was instantly dismembered by the force of the explosion.

Except for Pang Ban, who was saved by the demon, almost no one on the ship survived.

Haha~ Wang Mo looked at the messy world and laughed uncontrollably: What a son of luck, what a Murong Fu, King of Yan.

To me, the demon clan, it's just trash.

After saying that, he looked at the five Dai Qisi girls, slowly flew over with Pang Ban, and said arrogantly: Are you all Murong Fu's women?

Haha, do you have any objections? Murong Xisheng held the [Amber Divine Sword] and stood facing the demon.

There seems to be no fear.

The demon looked at Pang Ban with a hehe smile: This woman is fierce, go and deal with her.

Pang Ban frowned slightly, but instead of taking action in a hurry, he asked, Are you sure Murong Fu is dead?

The demon said disdainfully: Humph, with that kind of power, not to mention Murong Fu, even this demon might not be able to survive in its heyday.

Don't worry.

Even if he is not dead, with such great power, do you think he is still capable of killing you and me?

Hearing this, Pang Ban nodded silently, walked up to Murong Xisheng and said, Girl, it's better to put away your weapons.

Just admit defeat obediently. I can guarantee that your lives are safe.

Dream, you [Qing Kingdom] don't have a good thing! Mao Wenqi wanted to avenge her master, so she took the first step with a sharp sword and stabbed Pang Ban in the neck.

Pang Ban smiled lightly and didn't take Mao Wenqi seriously at all.

He raised his hand and exuded a burst of demonic energy, blocking the opponent's attack with ease.

Seeing that his junior sister was defeated, Murong Xisheng did not dare to delay focusing on the [Amber Divine Sword].

With a bang sound, the sword body immediately generated an electric current and stabbed Pang Ban with the same sword.

Pang Ban wanted to follow the gourd's example and used his demonic energy to block Murong Xisheng.

Unexpectedly, the current on her sword easily offset the demonic energy, and the sword pierced Pang Ban's palm.

The blood flowed out instantly, frightening the Magician to the point of trembling in his heart.

How is that possible! It broke my air shield.

Jie Jie, you must have been careless. The demon said proudly: Her sword has the power of thunder and lightning, which is the nemesis of my demonic way.

If you can't keep this woman, you will kill her!

Kill a woman? Pang Ban was stunned for a moment. As a mage, he had his own backbone. He shook his head and said, I want to kill you.

I just need to subdue her.

Pedantry. The demon didn't care about Pang Ban's attitude and just watched the show with his arms folded.

I'm offended! Pang Ban stopped holding back and attacked with all his strength. How could these women be his opponents?

After fighting for dozens of rounds, they were finally defeated and knocked to the ground.

Dai Qisi gave a sweet shout and said: Sisters, you and I are not hostile to each other, but we cannot disgrace the prince either.

Never be a prisoner and let them bully you.

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