Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 853 The Ten Major Bandits of the Demonic Path

Haha, if Seventh Brother only has this few spiritual stones, I'd be really embarrassed.

I will accept this ancient divine sword, little brother. Qin Shisan laughed proudly.

He shouted slowly and leisurely: Twenty-three thousand and one middle-grade spiritual stones.

Everyone looked at Qin Qi with suppressed joy.

Why did Qin Shisan have an extra middle-grade spiritual stone?

The meaning is obvious, it is to insult the other party.

Qin Qi's expression did not change, as if he had known that Qin Shisan could do such a thing, and instead of being angry, he smiled:

Haha, congratulations to Thirteenth Brother for being able to shoot the Divine Sword.

Another treasure for my royal family.

Qin Shisan was stunned and looked at Qin Qi in confusion:

What's the meaning?

This was purchased by me privately. What does it have to do with the royal family?

Qin Qi pretended to be surprised and said: Oh, it turns out that the third brother wants to buy it for himself.

I thought it was my father's birthday and you wanted to give him a gift.

Qin Shisan's expression changed again. He spent a total of 120,000 middle-grade spiritual stones to get this treasure.

How could it be possible to give it to his father as a gift?

If this is the case, he will not get any benefit except a compliment from Emperor Daqian.

Even in his father's heart, he would be scolded as a prodigal, incompetent, and useless.

But if Qin Qi's words reach the ears of his father.

That means something else.

Otherwise, I would give it to his father on his birthday.

His father would scold him for being petty and reluctant to give him any gifts.

It was obvious that he had the advantage.

Now because of Qin Qi's words, he is in a dilemma.

A good ancient magical weapon has turned into a hot potato.

It’s not a gift, it’s not a gift.

Looking at the smiling maid approaching, Qin Shisan felt as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly, and said coldly

Seventh brother is so scheming, so scheming!

When it comes to conspiracy and conspiracy, I'm really not as good as you.

Qin Qi put on a surprised expression and said, Thirteenth brother, what are you talking about? Seventh brother doesn't understand?

Is there any misunderstanding here?

Qin Shisan shook his head and said, The misunderstanding is nothing.

It's my fault.

Qin Qi smiled slightly and said, What are you talking about, Thirteenth Brother?

Suffering a loss is a blessing. Eat more when you have nothing to do, and you will find that you were born into a blessing.

Qin Shisan took the [Taiyi Split Light Sword], threw down two spirit stone cards, stood up and left without any hesitation.

And no one noticed the mysterious man who took the photo of [Yun Lan Jin] before.

He also sneaked out.

Dear guests, this auction ends here.

Welcome next time, everyone.

Situ Xiaoxiao said politely and then slowly retreated.

Everyone also stood up and laughed a few words, then ran to the deck and used their own methods to leave.

Murong Fu was not in a hurry to leave. According to the previous agreement, he still had more than one million in surplus.

However, before he could move, Aunt Xiao walked up to him, took out a storage bag and handed it out:

Miss, I still have things to do, so I won't keep you here.

Here are the twenty-middle-grade spiritual stones.

Mid-grade spiritual stone?

Murong Fu was slightly surprised, even though he was new here.

But he also knows the difference between mid-grade spiritual stones and ordinary spiritual stones.

Aunt Xiao said: Don't be surprised. Miss thinks you will go very far in the future.

I hope you won't live up to her expectations.

Murong Fu was speechless: Haha, easy to say, easy to say.

I will never betray Miss Situ's trust.

Okay! Goodbye Aunt Xiao turned around and left.

Murong Fu looked at the beautiful and aloof young woman in front of him and suddenly said something in his heart:

I don't know, does Aunt Xiao have a teleportation command sword and give it to the next one?

Aunt Xiao had just turned half of her body, stood still on the spot, and said in surprise:

What do you want with my telegraph sword?

Murong Fu reacted very quickly and made up a sentence casually:

This is my first time in the imperial capital, so I'm afraid there's something I don't understand.

I thought there was someone I could ask.

Aunt Xiao looked Murong Fu up and down and said, Then shouldn't you ask Miss?

Murong Fu shook his head and said, Miss Situ is busy with many things, so I can't disturb you.

Aunt Xiao said angrily: Miss, you are busy with many things? Am I just an idle person?

Humph, unless there is something big, don't disturb me easily.

With that said, the aloof young woman turned and left.

However, there was a cyan sound transmission sword left on the table she left.

Murong Fu smiled and put away this treasure and sighed.

Months of life on board were finally over.

After Aunt Xiao left, she walked to a corner and stopped, clutching her chest.

His face was flushed and his heart was beating loudly.

“I didn’t expect that today’s young people have such sharp vision.”

If I let him look at it any longer, I won't know whether I am the senior or he is the senior.

Can't blame her.

Just because Murong Fu was blessed by Long Yuan, he would unconsciously release pure Yang energy.

Unless the body of pure yin can resist.

Otherwise, no one would be able to escape his aggressive look.

Forget it, I'm still a young lady.

She was about to leave.

Suddenly, there was an angry sound in my ears.

What kind of thief dares to steal my treasure!

Qin Shisan? Aunt Xiao could tell who the other party was from the voice.

As soon as his consciousness was revealed, he immediately looked outside the boat.

It turns out that Fang Shisan was robbed.

The person who robbed him was the mysterious buyer of [Yunlan Gold] at the auction.

Just when Aunt Xiao thought he was about to escape, a figure stood in front of the mysterious man.

Dongfang Chunsheng? Aunt Xiao looked at the visitor in surprise: Why is he here?

Qin Shisan slowly approached the mysterious man and said proudly:

A mere Yuan Shen stage dares to steal my prince's things.

I take it you don't want to die?

The mysterious man sneered: Dongfang Junsheng, when did you become the lackey of the royal family?

Why didn't you notify me?

Dongfang Chunsheng was stunned, looked at the mysterious man in front of him in surprise, and said, Do you know me?

The mysterious man said disdainfully: I have known you hundreds of years ago.

At that time you were beaten all over the floor by me.

If it weren't for your brother Dongfang Yunsheng, he would have saved you.

There should be ashes on your urn now!

Dongfang Chunsheng was surprised, at least he guessed who this person was:

Are you Mo Lihai, the Wolf King who is one of the Top Ten Bandits of the Demonic Path?

Mo Lihaizhai

Dongfang Chunsheng has a good memory. I didn't expect that you would still remember the time I beat you after so many years.

Dongfang Chunsheng was dressed as a scholar, his face turned livid after being ridiculed by Mo Lihai, and he said in a deep voice:

Haha, how can I forget this hatred?

Back then, you were despicable and shameless. You teamed up with the Spider King to poison me.

Otherwise, I would have cut you into pieces and fed you to the dogs!

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