Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 854 Heavenly Fire Aquarius

It looks like a robbery! Lu Yao whispered excitedly.

Murong Fu looked at the two people facing each other above and felt the oppression on them.

I felt faintly shocked.

He has experienced countless battles, but this is the first time he encountered it.

You can suppress your own power just by the breath you exude.

The Divine Transformation Stage is indeed extraordinary.

However, this Wolf King Mo Lihai is also very particular.

He did not take action on the Qingyuan.

Or choose to rob the other party the moment he gets off the boat.

In this way, the relationship between [Qingyuan] was clarified.

Dongfang Chunsheng seemed to have thought of this relationship. ..

His eyes unconsciously looked at the melon-eater Situ Xiaoxiao.

He asked coldly: Miss Situ, shouldn't you give me an explanation?

Situ Xiaoxiao was not afraid of the other party and said calmly: Senior Mo needs a little girl. Can I give you an explanation?

It seems that you were not robbed on my [Qingyuan], right?

Mo Lihai laughed and said, Haha, Dongfang Chunsheng doesn't need to say more nonsense.

Grandpa, I'm right here. If you don't accept it, come and rob me!

Mo Lihai's expression changed, and a purple-gold treasure bottle appeared behind him with a wave of his hand.

Fingers formed seals quickly.

A ball of red flames erupted instantly from the mouth of the treasure bottle and burned toward Mo Lihai.

Mo Lihai was shocked and said: [Samadhi True Fire]?

This flame is so powerful!

Everyone felt that Dongfang Chunsheng's [Samadhi True Fire] was powerful.

They all showed shock.

Murong Fu was also impressed. This was much better than when he bought [Kilin Flame].

Hmph, let's see if I don't burn you beast to death today! Dongfang Chunsheng couldn't help but feel proud. There was a universe in his [Sky Fire Aquarius].

As long as there is enough spiritual energy, it is no problem to burn mountains and boil seas.

Mo Lihai was chased and burned for a long time by [Samadhi True Fire].

Suddenly he accelerated and rushed towards Qin Shisan, obviously trying to move the disaster eastward.

Senior Junsheng, save me!

Dongfang Chunsheng frowned slightly. He only needed to speed up now, and he would definitely be able to burn Mo Lihai.

In this case, Qin Shisan's life will not be guaranteed.

Damn it!

He finally lost his mind and killed Qin Shisan in revenge for Mo Lihai.

With a wave of his hand, he changed the direction of the fireball.

I don't know if he did it intentionally or not.

That fireball hit the [Qingyuan] by accident.

Everyone on the boat screamed and tried to escape.

Even Murong Fu also held on to Lu Yao and Fang Qian.

Be ready to start the [Xiaoxianmen] transfer at any time.

Only some regular customers seemed not worried at all.

Qiu Haozi said disdainfully: What are you afraid of?

These ignorant people don't know that there is a magic circle on the [Qingyuan].

A direct lightning strike will damage the hull of the ship.

Fellow Daoist Qiu is worthy of being the guest who has stayed the longest on the Qingyuan. Situ Xiaoxiao said indifferently: I am afraid even the disciples in my guild don't know about such secrets.

Qiu Haozi smiled hehe and waited for Situ Xiaoxiao to activate the state protection circle.

Situ Xiaoxiao also took out a token and prepared to crush it.

At this time, a beautiful shadow suddenly flew out.

It is Aunt Xiao, a beautiful young woman.

She stood in front of the fireball and said coldly:

It's just [Samadhi True Fire], there's no need to waste the magic circle.

When Mo Lihai saw Aunt Xiao come on stage, his eyes almost dropped and he muttered Xiao Xiao.

To make everyone understand, why didn't he take action on the Qingyuan?

Aunt Xiao recited a spell and shouted: Get up!

The river water instantly rose up against the sky, like a big wall, blocking the fireball.

Dongfang Chunsheng saw this and said disdainfully: It's useless!

How can my [Samadhi True Fire] be extinguished by ordinary river water?

Aunt Xiao gave a soft hum and said again: Freeze!

In an instant, the river turned into a wall of ice, forcibly holding back the [Samadhi True Fire].

The flames collided with the ice, creating a stream of water vapor.

Surrounding Aunt Xiao.

She is like an earthly fairy, with a hint of beauty in the hazy world that makes people's eyes brighten.

So beautiful! Lu Yao expressed the sentiments of everyone.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and looked at Aunt Xiao with admiration:

I don't know which man can conquer such a woman.

When Mo Lihai saw Dongfang Chunsheng's [Samadhi True Fire] being blocked, he laughed and said:

Haha, the [Samadhi True Fire] that Dongfang Chunsheng gave you couldn't be fake, right?

You were blocked so easily. I think you should throw away the treasure bottle in your hand.

Dongfang Chunsheng's face turned blue when he was told that, and his veins bulged when he pinched his hands.

He took out a storage bag from his arms and poured the spiritual stones inside into the vase.

Seeing this scene, Aunt Xiao said coldly:

Mo Lihai, please stop irritating Dongfang Chunsheng.

If I weren't on the river, how could I have blocked the [Samadhi True Fire]?

Mo Lihai smiled awkwardly and said:

Hey, sister Qing, didn't I just want to praise you for your awesomeness?

Aunt Xiao said coldly: Mo Lihai doesn't want to shut your mouth, but you can call Qing'er?

Mo Lihai clapped his mouth and said, Xiao Qing, Xiao Qing.

Murong Fu suddenly realized that he knew Aunt Xiao's full name was Xiao Qing.

However, he felt strange that this place was only a short distance away from the imperial capital.

Mo Lihai had obviously grabbed something, so why didn't he show any intention of leaving?

Instead, he was confident and kept irritating Mo Lihai.

Is there any fraud in this?

Soon, Mo Lihai poured a bag of spiritual stones into the vase.

The originally blue and white vase suddenly turned red.

The hot feeling coming from it was like fire from heaven.

Xiao Qing was shocked and shouted: Mo Lihai, you are crazy, this place is only a hundred miles away from the imperial capital.

If you use such a powerful spell, you may injure the people of the imperial capital.

Aren't you afraid that Emperor Qian will blame you?

Dongfang Chunsheng was also shocked when he heard the word Qian Emperor.

After staring at Mo Lihai, he wanted to reduce the power of [Sky Fire Aquarius].

Unexpectedly, after eating and drinking enough, this thing cannot be controlled at all.

Not only that, he had an illusion that if he forced himself to press it.

I'm afraid, [Sky Fire Aquarius] will also self-destruct.

No, I can't control this treasure.

Mo Lihai laughed haha and continued to taunt:

Dongfang Junsheng, you are really stupid.

I'm afraid if your brother hadn't been here, you would have been beaten to death.

Mo Lihai, you deserve to die!

Dongfang Chun was so angry that he didn't care about anything else.

The Royal Envoy [Sky Fire Aquarius] sprayed out several more [Samadhi True Fire].

Blast towards Mo Lihai.

Mo Lihai seemed to have been waiting for this moment, and suddenly a command flag appeared in his hand, and he said proudly:

Dongfang Chunsheng, do you know what this is?

Dongfang Chunsheng was surprised and said: [Flame Light Controlled Fire Flag]?

Mo Lihai laughed and said, That's right! I'll let you see it today.

What does it mean to burn the imperial capital with [Samadhi True Fire]!

Everyone present felt bad.

The three great god-transforming monks even yelled: Mo Lihai, you are crazy!

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