Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 855 Xiao Qing’s Thoughts

Mo Lihai heard the almost crazy roars of several people and laughed proudly:

Haha, the Dog Emperor always makes things difficult for our top ten bandits. I must teach him a good lesson today.

Then he waved his flag and countless [Samadhi True Fire] flew towards the imperial capital.

Qin Qi, who was originally watching the excitement, also changed his expression.

The Imperial Capital is the face of his royal family, if it is destroyed like this.

[Daqian Empire] may become the laughing stock of other countries.

I'm afraid, even the secret realm cannot be opened normally. He looked at Ji Wufeng beside him and said:


Ji Wufeng had disappeared from his side like a phantom.

However, Situ Xiaoxiao did not want Xiao Qing to be in danger, so he sent a message:

Aunt Xiao, this is a matter between the empire and the top ten bandits, and has nothing to do with us [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce].

You don't have to take action!

Xiao Qing frowned slightly and replied:

Now our Chamber of Commerce is discussing cooperation with the Imperial Capital.

If I can take this opportunity to win the favor of the royal family.

Maybe I can help your father.

Situ Xiaoxiao was stunned and immediately understood what Xiao Qing was thinking.

[Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] was originally the strongest chamber of commerce in the [Daqian Empire].

Only in recent years.

In order to open up trade routes to other countries, many chamber of commerce projects were gradually replaced by others.

Although the size is still the largest and most numerous.

But the relationship with the royal family has become delicate.

Emperor Qian no longer seemed to trust his own chamber of commerce, and gradually transferred strategic materials to other chambers of commerce.

Reputation is gradually declining!

Recently, there happened to be a batch of armors that needed to be made.

If you can get it in your hands, you will definitely regain your reputation.


The real fire of Samadhi in front of me is extremely explosive, and it is not that easy to stop at all.

If there was even the slightest danger, he might lose his life. He shook his head and said in denial:

Aunt Xiao doesn't have to be like this.

“If I [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] rely on your life to get this opportunity, it’s okay if you don’t take it!”

After hearing Situ Xiaoxiao's words, Xiao Qing felt warm in his heart, bit his teeth lightly, and said with his red lips:

Miss, I have made up my mind.

Besides, this Samadhi True Fire may not be able to hurt me.

The two were in a dilemma.

Ji Wufeng had already appeared next to Xiao Qing and said:

Fellow Daoist Xiao, if you want to stop these Samadhi True Fires, I'm afraid I can't do it with my abilities.

Only if you take action and Dongfang Chunsheng and I assist, can we have a chance.

Although Xiao Qing wanted to help, he would not agree so easily.

With a look of hesitation on his face, he said: This flame is not easy to control.

If you touch it even a little bit, your spirit and soul will be destroyed, and it will be difficult for gods to save you.

Ji Wufeng naturally understood the meaning of Xiao Qing's words and promised: I have made an oath with my soul.

As long as you help the royal family tide over this difficulty.

In the future, whenever you [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] are in need, the Seventh Prince and I will definitely help.

Xiao Qing got what he wanted and raised his eyebrows to look at Dongfang Chunsheng, who quickly said:

I also swear that as long as you help us get through this difficulty.

The Dongfang Family and you [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] will forever be reconciled.

In all transactions, you [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] will be the first to be considered.

Everyone clearly felt that Dongfang Chunsheng was almost crying when he said these words.

If he hadn't insisted on playing with fire today, he probably wouldn't have been taken advantage of by Mo Lihai.

If something really happened, the entire Dongfang family might not be able to save his life.

Murong Fu finally figured out why Mo Lihai was so confident.

I'm afraid Dongfang Chunsheng was already plotted hard before taking action.

This move was definitely not a whim, but was planned for a long time.

It seems that in any world, there will always be these shady plots.

Xiao Qing received guarantees from both families, so he naturally stopped procrastinating.

He turned over his jade finger, and there was an extra jade Ruyi in his hand, and he muttered something:

All kinds of things in Xuantian will come from Yin water.

Water nourishes all things, and all things are like water.

Suddenly, his voice changed and he shouted:

Condensing the river as a shield!

The next moment, the entire river looked like a giant dragon that had just awakened.

Under the control of Xiao Qing's spiritual consciousness, he quickly stood in front of [Samadhi True Fire].

The true fire of Samadhi is like a stone, which creates a little ripple and then enters it without any hindrance.

Ji Wufeng and Dongfang Chunsheng looked at Xiao Qing at the same time.

Xiao Qing looked at the speed of [Samadhi True Fire] and gradually slowed down, then he shouted:

You two, quickly pass on your spiritual power to me.

Ji Wufeng and Dongfang Chunsheng did not hesitate and passed their magic power to Xiao Qing through the air.

Xiao Qing immediately activated the jade Ruyi in his hand, and his whole body exuded an extreme coldness.

Tap lightly towards the water shield.


The water shield condensed at the expense of tens of millions of tons of river water.

It freezes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into an ice shield, locking the [Samadhi True Fire] inside.

Everyone was happy to see this.

As long as there are no psychological problems, naturally they don't want [Samadhi True Fire] to explode in the imperial capital.

Murong Fu saw everything in his eyes, and he concentrated his spiritual power in his eyes.

Keep an eye on the position of [Samadhi True Fire].

Not only did he not see any changes because of being blocked.

Instead, all the surrounding ice water evaporated.

Realized something was wrong.

It continuously generates force in a vacuum environment, and once it reaches a critical point, it will explode.

He looked at Situ Xiaoxiao and reminded:

Miss Situ, punish the seniors for not being able to completely check and balance [Samadhi True Fire].

Once the [Qingyuan] explodes, it will bear the brunt.

Situ Xiaoxiao was stunned and said: You said that the three seniors cannot consume these [Samadhi True Fire]?

Murong Fu nodded and said: That's right!

Absurd! Qin Shisan, who had returned to the ship at some point, said disdainfully: You are only in the Nascent Soul stage, but you still dare to question your ability to become a god?

Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if you tell me?

Murong Fu looked at the not very smart prince and was too lazy to talk nonsense with him:

I just want to remind Miss Situ that whether you believe it or not is your business.

Situ Xiaoxiao spent a long time with Murong Fu.

Naturally, he knew that he would not make a blind move, so he said decisively:


I trust Mr. Murong's judgment.

Even if it's wrong, it's just a waste of spiritual stones.

Qin Shisan said unhappily: A little spirit stone?

If I'm not mistaken, it's a giant ship of the size of the [Qingyuan].

Every time you open the magic circle, you need to consume at least one million spiritual stones.

Situ Xiaoxiao said: Thank you very much, Prince Thirteen, for your concern.

It's just a spiritual stone, compared to the lives of everyone here.

I, Situ Xiaoxiao, can still carry it clearly.

After speaking, he crushed the token in his hand.

There was a click.

The entire Qingyuan was wrapped in a light blue transparent mask.

Everyone looked at Situ Xiaoxiao with grateful eyes.

Some people with low power even bowed to Situ Xiaoxiao to express their gratitude.

When Qin Shisan saw this, he said disdainfully: A woman is a woman after all.

“It’s rare to see too many strange things, and nothing big will happen.”

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