Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 856: Samadhi Explosion, Emperor Qian Appears

Situ Xiaoxiao ignored Qin Shisan and focused on the battle above.

Mo Lihai looked at Dongfang Chunsheng and the others, resisting the [Samadhi True Fire] with all his strength.

Suddenly there was a black ball in his hand, and he said proudly:

Dongfang Chunsheng, do you recognize this thing?

Dongfang Chunsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and after seeing the black ball clearly, he was shocked and said: [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl]!

The old man in Mogu murmured:

It seems that this Mo Lihai is determined to kill Dongfang Chunsheng.

Murong Fu asked curiously: What is the [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl] that can kill the God Transformation Stage?

Old Man Mogu smiled and said: What is the use of this treasure? Let Miss Situ explain it to you.

Situ Xiaoxiao explained without Murong Fu asking:

The [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl] is produced by condensing one's own true energy and special materials.

It's not very powerful, but it has the ability to ignore gang energy.

Once it is penetrated into the body, it is like a giant poison and no one can save it.

Lu Yao said in surprise: Doesn't that mean you are invincible?

Situ Xiaoxiao shook his head and said: To condense the [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl], you need to go through extraordinary pain.

It's a little bit bad, there are traces of damage.

So, except for some people with extreme personalities, normal people will not refine this kind of treasure.

After hearing this, Murong Fu suddenly realized.

However, he saw that Mo Lihai was not the kind of person who liked to abuse himself, so he guessed:

You think this [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl] was stolen by him?

Everyone immediately looked at Murong Fu in shock, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The old man in Mogu helped his beard and said with a smile: Haha, my little friend is so smart that no one can compare to me.

When you say that, I think it's probably exactly the same as what you said.

Situ Xiaoxiao heard the two of them say one word to each other.

In my heart, I was worried about Xiao Qing.

Seeing that there were more and more beads of sweat on the heads of the three gods.

She had a vague feeling of something bad.

Let's go! Mo Lihai weighed the [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl] a few times and threw it towards the sky.

A black shadow shot towards Dongfang Chunsheng.

Dongfang Chunsheng couldn't help being shocked, and the spiritual power in his body became chaotic.

Xiao Qing and Ji Wufeng said anxiously: Don't panic, Dongfang Chunsheng!

Let's extinguish the [Samadhi True Fire] first.

How could Dongfang Chunsheng not panic in the face of life and death?

No matter how hard he tried to restrain himself, he saw the [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl] so close at hand.

He was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his spiritual power and tried to dodge.

It was this move that unleashed the power of fire that was originally sealed in the ice.

In an instant, it became uncontrollable.

Spider web-like cracks gradually appeared in the ice.

When Mo Lihai saw this, he burst into laughter and said, Dongfang Chunsheng, you are still so stupid!

I won't play with you anymore. Goodbye!

After saying that, he said explosion!

The [Ningxuan Life-Destroying Pearl] exploded into a ball of green smoke with a touch sound.

When the smoke cleared, the instigator, Mo Lihai, had disappeared.

The next moment, Ji Wufeng said anxiously:

I can't control it here, run!

When Xiao Qing saw this, he ran away without any hesitation.

Dongfang Chunsheng was shocked, just when he was about to leave.

But he found that his body seemed to freeze, and he suddenly realized that the green smoke from before had a paralyzing effect.

Fear and fear made him unable to care about anything else.

A thought came to my mind.

A long rope flew out of his sleeve and wrapped around Xiao Qing who was closest to him.

Xiao Qing was anxious and asked: Dongfang Chunsheng, what are you doing?

Dongfang Chunshengtian said shamelessly:

Xiao Qing, take me away!

Xiao Qing bit her teeth lightly, hating this idiot Dongfang Chunsheng to death.

But she knew that now was not the time for nonsense.

He grabbed the rope and continued running towards the distance.

However, at this moment.

The ice layer that sealed [Samadhi True Fire] exploded with a violent sound.

With a boom, it exploded completely.

The huge energy seemed to blow the world to pieces.

Like the end of the world, a red fire burned out.

[Qingyuan] was the first to bear the brunt and was shaken by the explosion.

Even with some protection from the magic circle, countless cracks appeared in the entire hull.

Everyone on the boat was swaying up and down in the bumps.

Some people with low magic power were shaken by the waves of the explosion and vomited blood.

What's more.

During the violent shaking, he hit the hull of the ship and lost his life.

Murong Fu had quick hands and quick eyes, and had already protected Lu Yao and Fang Qian by his side.

Successfully avoided harm.

However, the duration of this explosion far exceeded everyone's imagination.

Seeing the magic circle on the Qingyuan, I couldn't bear the power.

A cold snort passed into everyone's ears:

You bastard, how dare you release such a powerful force within the confines of the imperial capital.

When Qin Shisan heard the voice, he was overjoyed and said, It's the Emperor, the Emperor is here!

Qin Qi said disdainfully: What's so exciting about Father coming?

Maybe he will punish you first!

Qin Shisan's expression changed. It seemed that this disaster was caused by Dongfang Chunsheng.

I wanted to refute but had nothing to say.

Murong Fu pouted, feeling really sad that Emperor Daqian could have such a stupid son.

At the same time, he was also worried about what would happen if he had such a son in the future.

Is it better to slap him to death with one palm, or slap him to death with one palm?

When thinking.

The scorching flames all over the sky quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone was overjoyed.

After a few breaths, a middle-aged man wearing a purple dragon robe with a calm and confident expression appeared.

Slowly also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Old Mogu said excitedly: It's Emperor Qian!

Murong Fu felt that there was a blur that could not be seen on Emperor Qian's face.

He immediately poured spiritual power into his eyes, trying to see the other person's face clearly.

Emperor Qian felt that someone was spying on him and subconsciously looked at the Qingyuan.

His eyes were directly locked on Murong Fu, and he said softly: Oh?

Situ Xiaoxiao was shocked and stopped Murong Fu from spying. He saluted Emperor Qian and said:

My junior friends are new here and don't understand the rules. Please forgive me, Emperor Qian.

Emperor Qian took away the [Samadhi True Fire] without saying a word and stood there counting his breath.

Then, he looked at Qin Shisan coldly and disappeared.

Qin Shisan felt cold sweat dripping from his gut. After calming down for a long time, he turned to look at Qin Qi and asked, What did my father say to you?

Qin Qi said scornfully: Do you even need to ask?

Old man, when has he not said that you failed in success and failed in failure?

Qin Shisan was so ashamed that he stood up and flew towards the imperial capital.

Qin Qi smiled and said, Why, are you leaving now? Don't you care about Dongfang Chunsheng?

Qin Shisan said: Humph, this canal stretches for thousands of miles.

How can I save him if I don't go back and find someone?

Hearing this, Qin Qi whispered: I finally got a brain.

Situ Xiaoxiao suddenly asked: Where is Aunt Xiao?

Did you see where she went?

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