Murong Fu was not interested in how the sixth Emperor Qian got in, but wanted to know what benefits Qin Yi could give him.

Standing there neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

As the eldest prince, Qin Yi naturally knows how to deal with the world. He smiled slightly and said bluntly: Brother Murong, don't worry, I will never let your help go to waste.

Anything you get inside this time, I will let my subordinates treat it as invisible and let you go.

Murong Fu had system space, so naturally he could take as much as he wanted, so why did he need Qin Yi's help?

The eldest prince is welcome. I heard that you need to swear an oath to enter the royal secret realm.

Does this oath make a difference?

Qin Yi suddenly realized it and chuckled: A strong man does not make an oath easily, I understand, I understand.

When the time comes, I will ask my subordinates to let Brother Murong in directly.

Murong Fu cupped his hand and said gratefully, Thank you very much, eldest prince.

Qin Yi then took out a map from his arms and said: The secret realm of the royal family will be open for seven days, and this is the map.

As for the sixth Emperor Qian, no one else knows where he is.

The few red spots on it were also speculated by me.

Murong Fu took the map and looked at it, he couldn't stop cursing in his heart.

The secrets of the royal family are not big or small, and although there are only six red dots he marked, they cover the entire secret realm.

Once the emotion goes in, it does nothing. The emotion does the work for him.

Ahem~ Qin Yi coughed awkwardly and said, Brother Murong, don't get me wrong, you only need to visit everywhere in seven days.

If not, I can just find someone else to look for these two places next year.

Murong Fu felt strange when he heard this and asked: Since the sixth Emperor Qian brought the technique into the secret realm, how did the great royal family learn it?

Qin Yi did not hide anything and told Murong Fu what he wanted: The Sixth Patriarch's exercises are based on the imperial exercises.

It's just that he modified the technique to be too barbaric, making it impossible for ordinary people to practice it.

And now I'm stuck in a critical position.

Murong Fu said: Stones from other mountains can attack jade. The eldest prince is very wise.

Qin Yi smiled bitterly and said: I was forced to have no choice, so I had no choice but to turn to Brother Murong for help.

Murong Fu naturally understands the worldly nature. Since it is a simple task, he no longer refuses and says: In that case, I will take over the matter.

Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, took Murong Fu's hand and said, Thank you very much.

After Murong Fu said a few polite words, he and Situ Xiaoxiao left the eldest prince's residence and returned to the [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce].

When Xiao Qing and her three daughters saw the two coming back, they quickly asked about the banquet.

Situ Xiaoxiao told everyone about Murong Fu's heroic deeds of killing everyone at the banquet.

All three women felt a sense of pride in their hearts.

The only troublesome thing is that Sister Li Guo'er called Mr. Murong three times, good husband. Situ Xiaoxiao said with a wry smile.

Li Guo'er? Xiao Qing asked, Is that the most beautiful woman in the imperial capital?

Situ Xiaoxiao said Yes, Yes, it's her.

She had a few quarrels with Mr. Murong, and then the two made a bet. When they lost, they called me good husband three times.

Lu Yao said with a hehe smile: Then we have an extra little sister?

Don't make trouble, she doesn't want to become sisters with you. Murong Fu joked: She wants to have two more little widows in this world.

Lu Yao asked: Is she so powerful?

Li Guo'er's strength is not high, but she is high because she has many suitors. Situ Xiaoxiao said: Especially the Ninth Prince, his strength is extremely tyrannical and he has natural divine power.

Even Emperor Qian is extremely optimistic about him.

Entering the secret realm this time will definitely cause more trouble for Mr. Murong.

Lu Yao said worriedly: What should we do? If we offend the prince in Qian Kingdom, wouldn't we be doomed?

Xiao Qing said: Don't worry, [Da Qian Guo] is a martial artist, and Qian Huang will not get involved in matters between juniors.

As for Qin Jiu himself, since he can still enter the secret realm, it means that his strength will not exceed the Nascent Soul stage.

Murong Fu's strength is enough to deal with him.

Lu Yao nodded seriously: Yes, Fu Lang's strength will not be lost to that Ninth Prince.

Murong Fu smiled. He never thought that he would encounter such a thing one day. He was so passive that he was jealous. He waved his hand and said:

Everyone, please chat first while I go to recover.

Although it was not difficult to win the previous battle, it took a lot of effort. He would enter the secret realm in a few days, and Murong Fu was ready to have a good sleep.

Three days later, in the Imperial Back Mountain of the Imperial Capital.

A group of royal guards stood at the Sifang intersection to receive invitations.

While receiving the invitation letter, everyone is also supervising the oath taking.

Murong Fu frowned slightly and was about to hand over the invitation in his hand when a man who looked like a squad leader came over immediately and said politely:

Your Excellency must be Mr. Murong, right?

Murong Fu nodded and said, It's me.

The squad leader patted his chest and said, I'm really sorry, I'm late.

Murong Fu shook his head: It doesn't matter.

The reason why he didn't want to swear an oath was because he was worried that there might be some hidden trap in it.

The team leader smiled gratefully at Murong Fu. He knew that the eldest prince had personally explained this matter.

If one mistake is made, I am afraid that my life will be in danger. After receiving Murong Fu's invitation letter, I personally sent it for a while.

After Murong Fu walked slowly towards the top of the mountain, he found that the place was already full of people.

Except for some people from [Daqian Country], I actually saw some strangely dressed people in the crowd.

Hey, Murong Fu, I haven't seen you for a few days. I heard that you made a big move again and beat up many losers in the imperial capital.

Murong Fu didn't need to look to recognize the owner of the voice.

Brother Zhuge, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you are still so frivolous.

Zhuge Qingyun smiled hehe and said:

This is not called mildness, this is called cynicism.

Brother Murong, you are just too serious. This is not good.

Murong Fu shook his head. The name Zhuge Qingyun sounded high-end and majestic.

It is incompatible with his character.

Fortunately, evildoers will have their way.

Zhuge Qingyun's sister-in-law, Zhuge Xiaobai, pinched his ears mercilessly.

Tighten gently.

Immediately, a pig-killing cry came from his ears.

Murong Fu couldn't help but smile, but received a blank look from Zhuge Xiaobai:

You can laugh if you want to. If I'm holding it back, I have to stay with you.

Haha. Murong Fu cupped his hands and said, Miss Xiaobai is a woman who is not inferior to men. I admire you.

Hmph! Zhuge Xiaobai said coldly: My mother said that there is no good thing in a man who is smooth-tongued.

When Murong Fu stood up, he was embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Sister-in-law, don't say that. Zhuge Qingyun said seriously:

Brother Murong hugged and hugged me. I knew without opening my mouth that he was not simple.

Don't let him fool you.

Murong Fu was speechless and raised his hand to say goodbye. He didn't want to stay with these two weirdos.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qingyun grabbed Murong Fu and said seriously: Brother Murong, were you looking at those foreigners in weird clothes just now?

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