Murong Fu was very surprised and asked:

The Royal Secret Realm actually allows foreigners to enter?

Zhuge Qingyun said: Of course, as long as the other party swears, they can enter.

Murong Fu raised his thumb and said, I admire Emperor Qian's style.

Zhuge Xiaobai glanced at Murong Fu and said:

You don't think they swear the same oath as us, do you?

Murong Fu was stunned, and immediately figured out the hurdles, and asked: Are there some harsh conditions in the oath?

That's not true. Zhuge Qingyun said: It's just one more sentence, never be an enemy of Da Gan.

Murong Fu asked in confusion: Then what if the other party passes the technique to others?

Zhuge Qingyun shrugged and said indifferently: Then we can only pass it on.

In the royal family, there are weaknesses and restraint methods for each technique.

Unless the other party is really stupid, he probably won't mess around with Da Qianguo's skills.

Murong Fu smiled, no wonder [Daqian Kingdom] was so generous.

Give the family's exercises to outsiders to learn.

Zhuge Qingyun said again: Brother Murong, don't be too happy too early.

Don't forget, the oath has not taken effect until you learn the exercises.

Murong Fu was stunned and said: Is it possible that the other party will deal with us at this time?

That's right! Zhuge Qingyun snapped his fingers: There are good and bad foreigners.

Some are spies sent by hostile countries.

Specialized in killing geniuses like you and me.

Murong Fu did not speak, but was shocked.

Think about why Daqian State allowed its enemies to enter the secret realm and massacre its own people.

After a few breaths, I figured out the key.

Foreigners can kill their own people, and their own people can also kill foreigners.

It is estimated that the royal family also sees the people who enter the secret realm.

The good and the bad are mixed.

Borrow the enemy's hand and clean up some trash.

Why not?

After thinking everything through, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

Learned another trick.

To kill with a borrowed knife is not just to kill the enemy.

It can also kill some country borers.

Zhuge Qingyun saw that Murong Fu was not speaking but smiling, and asked:

Could it be that Brother Murong has already seen the clues?

Murong Fu nodded without saying anything clearly.

At this time, a vortex slowly appeared in the sky.

Zhuge Xiaobai shouted: The space tunnel is opened, let's go in!

Zhuge Qingyun nodded and said: Brother Murong, see you later.

With that said, the two of them jumped forward and entered.

Seeing this, Murong Fu did not hesitate and stepped into the vortex.


The vortex shook slightly, and Murong Fu intuitively noticed that the scenery in front of him changed.

Appeared under a low mountain.

And as everyone enters it.

The vortex turned twice more and disappeared.

Your Majesty Qian Huang, who do you think will get more benefits this time?

A place in Daqian Palace, under the rockery.

A foreign minister asked with a smile.

Prime Minister Dagan simply glanced at the seven foreign ministers present and said calmly:

Haha, in the secret territory of our Daqian country, naturally our Daqian geniuses will get a lot of benefits.

The foreign minister smiled and said, I think it's good.

Emperor Qian was dressed in a dragon robe, showing no anger or authority. He raised his eyes and glanced at the foreign minister, and said softly:

Oh? Tell me, what do you think is wrong?

The foreign minister said politely: Your Majesty, Emperor Qian, you don't know something.

This time we [Xishan Kingdom] have a peerless genius.

I have practiced domineering skills, and there have been cases of transcending ranks.

Bijian said disdainfully: It's just a fight over the steps. I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you.

Our Ninth Prince also has this strength.

I once killed a North Sea Demonic Monk in one go.

The foreign minister smiled haha, shook his head and said: Our genius is not killing people.

But an adult [leopard-printed red-toothed tiger].

What? Bijian asked in surprise: Are you talking about the [leopard-print red-toothed tiger]?

Of course! The foreign minister said proudly: In the same realm, monsters are stronger than us.

The so-called demon monk you call can't be the opponent of [leopard-print red-toothed tiger], right?

Bijian said displeasedly: Hmph, who knows whether what you said is true or false?

The foreign minister said: Regardless of whether it is true or not, I dare to compete with Emperor Qian.

Emperor Qian said calmly: What do you want to bet on?

Master Foreign Country stood up and said:

I am bold and want to bet a piece of land with His Majesty.

A piece of land? Emperor Qian looked at the other party with blazing eyes and chuckled: What if you lose?

The foreign minister gritted his teeth and said: Our country is willing to become a sub-state of Daqian Kingdom.

Life after life, pay tribute to Daqian Kingdom.

Qianhuang was slightly surprised and said: Haha, just for a piece of land, you shouldn't do it.

The foreign minister shook his head and said: If we don't have land, we [Xishan Kingdom] don't need others to attack us.

It will also be submerged by the sea.

Qianhuang asked in surprise: Is the sea water rising so fast now?

The foreign minister said: Quick, quick, in another seven or eight years, I'm afraid I [Xishan Kingdom] will be gone.

After hearing this, Emperor Qian still changed his expression and said calmly:

In this case, it depends on God's will.

So everyone stopped talking and looked at the [Royal Secret Realm].

Within the secret realm.

Murong Fu looked around at the boundless world.

The secret passage seemed bigger than I thought.

As the number of people increased, the surrounding area became lively and noisy.

Is this the secret realm of the royal family? Why don't you feel any difference?

Hmph, the secret realm of the royal family allows you to see unusual places, and that's where there are ghosts.

Everyone, please wait patiently. I'll take the first step.

The secret realm is open for seven days. The time is not long or short.

Some people were anxious and walked down the mountain, hoping to gain something within seven days.

Murong Fu looked around, thinking about the map the eldest prince handed him yesterday.

In addition to speculating on the location of the sixth Emperor Qian above.

Naturally, some other opportunities were also recorded.

He was getting ready to leave.

A roar resounded across the sky: Murong Fu, get out of here!

How dare you let Bao'er call you husband-in-law!

Murong Fu looked around in search of the voice and saw a tall, tall man wearing a unicorn robe.

He was looking around for himself, then smiled calmly and said:

Haha, this person is probably Qin Jiu.

Although he likes to compete with others, he has no intention of provoking them right now.

As soon as he thought about it, he turned around and left, but he didn't know anyone who had seen him.

He yelled like crazy: Murong Fu is here, Murong Fu is here.

Qin Jiu heard the sound and came.

He jumped in front of Murong Fu in a few steps and said arrogantly and unreasonably:

Boy, are you Murong Fu? Are you the one who calls me husband?

Murong Fu curled his lips, knowing that he could avoid it, and admitted generously:

Haha, yes, I am Murong Fu, Li Guoer's good husband.

I wonder if you have any advice?

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