How brave! Qin Jiu said nothing and punched Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's expression was indifferent. He had learned the enhanced version of [Lingbo Weibu] but had never used it before.

Today I just want to try it on the person in front of me.

The footsteps slide, stepping on the Nine Palaces and Bagua.

He easily dodged the opponent's fist.

During the teleportation, the two exchanged hundreds of moves.

Qin Jiu used his fists vigorously to sink the ground.

However, Murong Fu still stood there as if nothing had happened.

Haha, Your Excellency, your strength is nothing more than this! Murong Fu laughed haha and turned around to leave.

He didn't want to continue to tangle with this idiot.

The secret realm can only be walked, which is suitable for his [Lingbo Weibu].

But not long after walking, he saw a woman standing in front of him.

Taking a closer look, it was Li Guo'er who had caused him trouble.

So he stopped and joked:

I didn't expect that the lady would also enter the secret realm. It really surprised me.

Li Guoer spread his hands and said proudly:

The Royal Secret Realm is no different from my back garden.

I can come when I want and leave when I want.

Murong Fu jokingly said:

You will come as soon as you say, I believe it.

You can leave as soon as you say, sir. I think you are bragging.

How about you demonstrate it to me?

Humph! Li Guoer rolled his eyes at Murong Fu fiercely, entering the royal secret realm.

You must wait seven days before opening.

Once you miss it, you need to wait for it to be opened next time.

What? Murong Fu continued to ask, Madam, can't you get out?

Murong Fu, don't go too far. Li Bao'er said, I hope you can be so arrogant after you leave the secret realm.

Murong Fu puffed up his chest and said, Madam, don't worry, it is like this now and it will still be like this in the future.


While the two were talking, a hurricane blew up.

Immediately, light snow drifted by in the wind.

They are rising one after another, covering the heaven and earth.

The next moment, heavy snow fell, accompanied by strong winds. It was clearly an extremely terrifying blizzard.

Murong Fu immediately noticed that there was a strange chill hidden in this month.

Immediately activate the [Nine-Rank Star Dragon Mysterious Technique] to resist.

On the other hand, Li Guoer stood aside as if nothing happened.

He looked at Murong Fu with a smile:

Haha, my dear husband, this is my first time in the Royal Secret Realm.

I don't know, there will be such a scene in this secret place, right?

Murong Fu looked Li Guo'er up and down and found that the robe behind her was emitting a fire spirit.

He couldn't help but be surprised: It's actually a magic weapon!

Haha, my dear husband, you are so weak! Li Bao'er felt so happy to see Murong Fu deflated.

If she hadn't paid attention to her ladylike image, she would have jumped up on her little feet and clapped.

Murong Fu was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and his momentum exploded instantly.

Good lady, please watch your husband's fist.

Li Guo'er said contemptuously: You have no idea how powerful this wind and snow is.

He is used to test the children of the royal family, not to be afraid of difficulties, not to be afraid of difficulties, and to face them head-on.

Once you strike back, you will be disgusted by the will of the existence in the royal secret realm, and the pressure will be doubled.


I, Murong Fu, am not even afraid of the will of heaven, let alone the will of a small secret realm?

Murong Fu took a step forward and shouted loudly.

My style of boxing - Wanliu Hundred Split Fist!

Settlement rushed into the blizzard.

The strength of the punch is vertical and horizontal, one punch is faster than the other, from weak to strong, the more powerful it becomes.

With one punch, everything within a foot becomes a vacuum.

That made Li Guo'er feel like an unstoppable snowstorm.

In front of Murong Fu, he seemed vulnerable.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be an awakening of will in the storm.

This made every snowflake become extremely heavy and fall towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu felt something unusual and turned his head away. Snowflakes seemed to fall lightly on the ground.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud noise.

With a bang, a big hole was created in the ground.

This made Murong Fu shout No way!

Seeing this, Li Guo'er said proudly: You deserve it, Murong Fu made you disrespect the will of the secret realm.

But she didn't expect that because she was very close to Murong Fu.

The indiscriminate attack of the will of the secret realm covered her.

Snowflakes fell towards her, hitting the shield of her cloak.

He directly knocked her over.

Murong Fu couldn't help but laugh a few times when he saw this: Haha, little lady, it seems that you have also offended the will of the secret realm.

Li Guo'er turned over and stood up deftly, glaring fiercely at Murong Fu.

Like a dancing butterfly, it began to avoid the attack of snowflakes.

At the same time, it started to snow throughout the secret realm.

Those who cannot withstand the storm are miserable and can only wait for the storm to end.

As for those who are powerful and powerful, one by one relies on their strength to move forward.

But no one, like Murong Fu, stood up to the storm.

The battle continues.

Murong Fu slowly discovered that the storm did not seem to be simply attacking him.

There is a kind of boxing technique, or artistic conception, hidden in it.

The artistic conception of boxing?

This is hundreds or thousands of times more difficult than creating artistic conception with a spell.

Haha, I don't care about the path of martial arts.

Murong Fu laughed loudly and couldn't help resisting.

Instead, blend yourself into the wind and snow.

Gradually Fengxue no longer hurt him, but became friends and confidants with him.

He hits wherever the wind and snow hit!

Murong Fu's fist borrowed the artistic conception of the snowstorm.

The more you hit, the faster you hit, the harder you hit, the faster you hit.

With one punch, a hurricane appeared.

Li Guoer, who was watching on the side, opened his mouth wide and shouted that it was impossible!

What happened to this kid? He actually merged with the storm?

This is a stormy artistic conception! Murong Fu's understanding of the artistic conception became clearer and clearer, and he said with great joy:

Haha, I didn't expect that I got an opportunity as soon as I came in.

With this method, my punching speed will be several times faster in the future.

As he spoke, he punched out, and a hurricane formed in front of him, sweeping forward.

The surrounding wind and snow not only did not stop it, but actually joined it.

Murong Fu laughed a few times and made an invitation to Li Bao'er: Good lady, do you want to come with me?

Li Guoer was so angry that he had been tricked by Murong Fu.

Nacheng thought that not only did nothing happen to the opponent, but he also got a weird boxing technique.

He gritted his teeth, jumped to Murong Fu's side, and praised in a neutral tone:

My dear husband, you are really lucky, you got the opportunity so quickly.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Thanks to my good wife, otherwise how could I step on this piece of shit?

Murong bastard! Li Bao'er was furious, pointing at Murong Fu and yelling.

Murong Fu took advantage of the situation and grabbed Li Guo'er's hand and said:

Little lady, don't be angry. Tell me what your husband did wrong.

Let me go! Li Baoer shook his hand several times, trying to get rid of Murong Fu.

Unexpectedly, the more he shook him, the tighter he got. He was so angry that he shouted that Murong Fu was a scumbag!


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