Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 872 The Crisis of Daqian Country

Seven days is neither long nor short. Some people are anxious and walk down the mountain, hoping to gain something within seven days.

Murong Fu was not walking too fast with Li Guo'er, who was a dragster.

I said, little lady, aren't you going to leave?

Li Guo'er smiled lightly and said, I know, the eldest prince has been looking for you.

Murong Fu was stunned and asked: The eldest prince has come to see me, what does it have to do with you?

Li Guoer shrugged and said truthfully:

Everyone in the imperial capital knows that Qin Yi is stuck in the early stages of becoming a god.

If you can't make further progress, there will be no hope of further progress in this life.

Murong Fu asked doubtfully: No way?

I didn't realize that Qin Yi was so serious.

Oh? Li Guo'er looked at Murong Fu. Although this man was annoying, his eyesight was nothing to say.

Where do you think Qin Yi has reached?

Murong Fu supported his chin with one hand, recalled Qin Yi's state, and guessed: I think he should be making a choice.

Choose? Li Guo'er suddenly had an idea when he heard this, and said: By the way, I think I know why he wants to find the skills of the sixth Qiandi.

Why? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Because, the sixth Qianhuang left the Demon Sect in a domineering manner!

Back then, he led the Daqian Kingdom and almost unified the five surrounding countries, and almost became a third-level force.

Who knew that at the critical moment, someone would plot against me.

It can only be cured and passed away without leaving any inheritance. Li Guoer's family is not weak in strength.

It can be said that he knows everything about Da Qianguo.

Murong Fu suddenly said: No wonder Qin Yi wants to find the skills of the sixth Emperor Qian.

It seems that his ambition is not small.

Li Guo'er shook his head: It's not that Qin Yi is not timid.

But the enemies of [Da Qian Country] are getting stronger.

Another fourth-grade force around it, the [Jinghua Sect], is already preparing to attack it.

Once the opponent swallows [Da Qian Country], he can be promoted to a third-grade sect immediately.

Murong Fu looked at Li Bao'er puzzled and said with a smile:

Two sects are competing, it's not like playing house.

It's impossible to just destroy it.

Li Guo'er was stunned and asked casually: Is a hundred years a short time?

When Murong Fu heard this, he was also stunned and said in surprise:

A hundred years! You won't joke again!

Li Guo'er frowned slightly, thinking that he was wrong, and said doubtfully: Two fourth-grade sects are fighting.

In hundreds of years, this is what my grandfather taught me.

It can't be wrong!

Murong Fu smiled bitterly. In the [Original Realm], the fighting between countries only lasted for decades.

Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country only a few years ago.

In a hundred years, I am afraid that a lot of things can be done.

Li Guo'er was a little angry and asked, What? You don't believe me?

Murong Fu shook his head and said:

It's not that I don't believe you, madam, it's just that I haven't been here for a short time and I don't know much about this kind of thing.

Li Guoer snorted:

As far as I know, you are a disciple of the Murong family.

To say that you don't know these things is really a disgrace to your Murong family.

Murong Fu was speechless and wanted to explain, but he just had to think about it.

Whether they are from the Murong family or not, they will all think that they are.

Instead of wasting your breath, it would be better to find the inheritance of the sixth Emperor Qian as soon as possible.

According to the map, he chose a location slightly further away from here.

Why, I feel like you are very familiar with this place?

After walking for a long time, Li Guoer couldn't help but ask.

Murong Fu replied honestly: Qin Yi gave me a map.

Huh, that's it. Li Guo'er said, No wonder you are so purposeful.

Murong Fu shrugged and said, Good lady, if you don't want to follow me, you'd better find an opportunity yourself.

Opportunity? Li Guo'er said disdainfully: Most of the royal secret realms are specially opened for the royal family.

There are very few people who can get the opportunity here.

For outsiders like you and me, it's better to mix in some spiritual herbs and elixirs.

Murong Fu heard what Li Guo'er meant and joked: It seems that the lady has a lot of resentment towards this place.

Haha, as a woman, it's normal to be more resentful. Li Guo'er said nonchalantly.

The two of them exchanged words with each other and exchanged words with each other, but they had an easy time.

After searching two places, there was no success at all, and Murong Fu was also a little annoyed.

He stretched and said, Look for another place, if not.

I don't care!

Li Guoer rolled his eyes and Murong Fu said:

Humph, I'm here to help you find it, and you're still not satisfied.

Murong Fu said speechlessly: Don't...don't say that.

With you, Dame Li, I feel like I'm in greater danger.

While talking, a group of five people came from a distance.

Everyone was in peace at first, but when the leader saw Li Guo'er, he felt like he couldn't move forward.

He's a foreigner! Li Guo'er subconsciously approached Murong Fu.

Murong Fu was also wary. People from Daqian country would still give Qin Jiu some face.

Don't dare to offend Li Guo'er easily.

Your Highness, it's important to look for opportunities. Let's go! the subordinates beside the leader reminded in a low voice.

The leader sneered and said:

This secret realm is opened once a year. What good things can be found?

What about me, Tuoba Wuque?

Tuoba? Li Guo'er reminded in a low voice: They are from [Xishan Kingdom].

Murong Fu asked doubtfully: They are a vassal country, how can they be so arrogant?

Li Guoer made a pun and said:

The people in [Xishan Kingdom] are all physically strong and simple-minded.

I don't know what a gentleman's way is.

Murong Fu curled his lips. The little girl had a mouth full of food. He smiled in his heart and continued to move forward.

Tuoba Wujian ignored them and immediately stood in front of them, saying arrogantly:

I want this beauty!

Murong Fu said calmly: Oh, then you can try it!

After saying that, he stepped aside, folded his arms, and looked like he was watching a show.

Li Guo'er said in surprise: What are you doing?

Murong Fu said: Hey, I only know that my wife has a strong mouth, but I don't know how strong she is.

Just in time to see something.

Li Guo'er's face changed drastically and he said angrily:

Murong Fu, are you still a man? You actually watch me being bullied?

Murong Fu said indifferently: It's not certain who bullies whom, please!

Li Guo'er's face turned red with anger, but she really didn't take advantage of Murong Fu. She looked at Tuoba Wuwu coldly and said:

I'm Li Guo'er, you'd better get away!

After Tuoba Wu heard Li Guo'er's words, he showed a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly, he said in surprise: No wonder you are so beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman in the imperial capital.

Haha, this prince has really found a treasure.

court death!

Li Guoer's expression changed, and with a wave of his jade hand, three fire feathers flew out from behind him!

It emitted a terrifying heat and stabbed Tuoba Wu mercilessly.

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