Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 873 Li Guoer’s First Battle

The four feathers were like hot magma, covering the sky and the earth.

So strong!

Tuoba Wu and the five others were shocked and all retreated.

Each took out his own magic weapon to resist.

Li Guo'er's beautiful eyes lit up and her spiritual power increased dramatically.

Phoenix Wings and Feathers Cut!

Fire Feather Falling to the Sky!

Feng Yu returned to the sky and fell towards Tuoba Wu and the five others.

Gradually, Murong Fu saw something different.

Li Guoer's artistic conception of fire is consistent with Fengling magic weapon.

The beating made Tuoba Wu and the five of them unable to lift their heads.

A rocket pierced Tuoba Wu's leg at an extremely fast speed.

The latter screamed in pain and flew out violently.

Murong Fu couldn't help but cheered: Haha, you lady is so powerful!

Damn it! Tuoba Wu's expression changed drastically, and he showed a trace of cruelty: Woman, don't show me any shame, I will let you die!

As he said that, he took out an iron ball in his hand and threw it hard at Li Bao'er.

Li Guo'er ignored him and stepped back sharply.

With a wave of his finger, a phoenix feather emitted a fire shadow and pierced into the iron ball.


The iron ball was instantly shattered into slag, and a burst of green smoke erupted.

Li Guoer frowned and retreated even faster.

Huh, there are us! The other four people also shot iron beads at Li Bao'er from four angles.

Li Guo'er didn't hesitate, ran to the Hokage again, and pierced the iron ball.

Bang bang bang~

There were four explosions in a row, and instantly, green smoke filled the sky.

Li Guo'er's escape route was completely blocked and she was kept within the green smoke.

Murong Fu saw this and guessed: This smoke is poisonous.

Jie Jie, bitch, you die! Tuoba Wu didn't know when he had appeared behind Li Guo'er.

The spear in his hand sharply cut through the void and headed straight for Li Bao'er's long white legs.

The other four people didn't show the slightest pity.

They attacked Li Guoer one after another.

Li Guo'er remained extremely calm, quickly formed seals with her fingers, and shouted softly: Beware!

Four fire feathers were distributed at the four corners around him, turning into a square fire shield.

Blocked five attacks.

Ding~ding~ding~ five sounds passed.

Tuoba Wu frowned and spat:

Damn, this girl's magic weapon is so powerful.

Hit me, and I will wear her to death!

Surrounded by green smoke, Li Guoer did not dare to be careless, so he had to defend passively and said coldly:

Don't be shy. If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude.

Hmph! Scare me! Tuoba Wu said in a cold voice, not caring, I don't believe it, what else can you do!

Li Guoer laughed angrily at him. How could she, a dignified daughter of the Li family, not have the means to kill someone?

He took out a magic talisman from his pocket and pointed it at it.

Throwing it at one of Tuoba Wu's subordinates, the talisman turned into a finger in mid-air.

With frightening pressure, he clicked on that person's forehead.

Before the man could react, strange cracks appeared all over his body.

Immediately, his whole body seemed to be on fire and turned into ashes.

Murong Fu's eyes widened and he said in shock: The God Transformation Strike!

Li Guoer glanced at Murong Fu from a distance and gave him a knowing look.

Slowly and leisurely, he took out another magic talisman and sneered at Tuoba Wu:

I don't care if you are a prince or a loser.

If you don't hurry up and get out, don't blame me and kill you! dare to kill my [Xishan Kingdom] people? Tuoba Wu watched his accomplices being killed, feeling fear in his heart.

After hearing that Li Guo'er wanted to kill him, he immediately moved out of [Xishan Kingdom].

Li Guo'er said contemptuously: It's just a [Xishan Kingdom]. Even if you are the leader of the country, you have to nod and bow when you see my father.

The last sentence, get out or not!

Tuoba Wu's face became extremely embarrassed, and he even felt that his self-esteem was insulted.

He gritted his teeth and said to Li Guo'er:

You can insult me, but if you insult my father, you are going against my entire [Xishan Kingdom]!

Li Guoer said indifferently: I did not insult the Lord of Xishan, I was just stating a fact.

In front of my father, he is just a junior.

Speaking of which, you still want to call me uncle!

You... Tuoba Wu was so angry that he couldn't beat him again and again, and he couldn't say no.

He could only be educated by the sharp-tongued Li Guo'er.

Your Highness, let's go! a subordinate reminded.

Tuoba Wu really couldn't swallow this breath, so he took out a [Sounding Arrow] and shot it into the sky.


The sounding arrow exploded in the sky within a short time.

Tuoba Wu sneered: Bitch, I can't beat you, but don't be too arrogant.

The person who entered the secret realm with me this time is also the peerless genius of my [Xishan Kingdom].

Tuoba Litian!

When he arrives, he will definitely break your damn fire shield.

Tuoba Litian? Li Guo'er murmured a few times, and there was a slight change in his delicate and pretty face.

She had to say that she had actually heard the other party's name.

According to his father's words, this man has some unimaginable talents in combat.

If you keep practicing and practicing, it won't be a big problem to join a second-grade force.

As for whether he can make a difference, he can't say for sure.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Murong Fu, the melon-eater on the side.

Although the opponent is annoying, he is not weak.

It might be fun if two people had a fight.

Who called me? Before anyone could finish speaking, there was a roar in the distance that could make everyone's eardrums swell even though it was several miles away.

Extremely uncomfortable!

I saw a shirtless man wearing tiger skin shorts.

Appearing in front of everyone at an extremely fast speed.

After he glanced at everyone present, he asked again:

Who called me?

Tuoba Wu curled his lips, Tuoba Litian really didn't take him as the third prince seriously.

They didn't even say a word of respect when they met.

Forget it, if he has something wrong in his mind, just don't talk to him.

While Tuoba Wu comforted himself, he raised his hand and said, Litian, it's me calling you....

Tuoba Litian seemed not to know Tuoba Wu, the third prince of the Xishan Kingdom, at all.

He asked impatiently: What did you ask me to do?

Tuoba Wu was frightened by Tuoba Litian's strong momentum, pointed at Li Guo'er and said:

I am the third prince of [Xishan Kingdom], and this woman wants to kill me.

Tuoba Litian said Oh and asked without any emotion:

You want me to help you kill her?

Tuoba Wu was stunned and whispered:

It would be better if we could capture him alive.

Tuoba Litian smiled haha and said loudly: I know!

Li Guoer immediately felt bad and stared at Tuoba Litian.

Suddenly, Tuoba Litian took action.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Li Guoer.

The corner of his mouth grinned, revealing a pair of big white teeth, and he punched the Fire Feather Light Shield.


Li Guo'er was instantly knocked away with his light shield.

After I got up, I just felt dizzy for a while before I recovered.

Tuoba Litian appeared in front of her again and said with a smile:

Hey, what a strong light curtain, I want to smash it!

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