Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 879 The vitality is so tenacious

Junior sister is not good! Wang Tian grabbed Qimeng and dodged back, leaving two shadows behind.

The next moment, a colorful claw cut off their two shadows.

Qimeng's face turned pale, she patted her jade-like chest and guessed:

It must have suffered a lot in order to break the shackles on its soul.

So much so that I especially hate the people who put shackles on it.

When Wang Tian heard that it made sense, he asked casually: Could it be that the sixth Emperor Qian did some kind of experiment on him back then?

So that its temperament changed drastically and it became so violent today?

Qimeng was stunned and looked at Wang Tian in surprise. She didn't expect it. M..

My senior brother, who is like a dog-licker on weekdays, would have such an opinion and said calmly:

Brother, you are right.

Wang Tian grinned haha, like a man who is crazy about love.

He took out a small black ax and threw it into the air.

Recite the mantra silently.

The small black ax grew bigger in the wind, trembling rapidly in mid-air and heading towards the head of [Mandarin Duck Spider].

[Mandarin Duck Spider] blinked its sixteen small eyes, locked the black ax tightly, and raised four claws in front of it.

The explosion of Dang~ was deafening, and the huge [Mandarin Duck Spider] was cut back several feet by the giant axe.

Good guy, this magic weapon is at least mid-grade. Qin Jiu, who was hiding aside, showed a hint of shock.

If Wang Tian had sacrificed it before, he would have suffered a huge loss.

Your Highness, the palace door is about to close. Let's leave quickly. Xiucai reminded.

Qin Jiu's eyes were fixed on the golden box floating in the air. How could he be willing to leave like this?

No! You go first, I'll be there soon.

It's just a monster that transforms into a god, I still don't take it seriously.

The scholar immediately hesitated for a moment. As Qin Jiu's subordinate, he could not leave unless the other party left. He said calmly: If your highness doesn't leave, I won't leave either.

Qin Jiu was well aware of the scholar's sour temperament and did not refuse. He reminded loudly: You just need to hide aside and watch quietly. Remember not to take action.

This [Mandarin Duck Spider] is not something you can handle.

The scholar smiled and said: Don't worry, Ninth Prince, I am very afraid of death and will not die easily.

Humph! Qin Jiu ignored Xiucai and looked at the two sides fighting.

While [Mandarin Duck Spider] is paralyzed, take action quickly!

Although the black giant ax kept attacking the [Mandarin Duck Spider], shocking the opponent and unable to fight back, Wang Tian did not look relaxed, but instead shouted a little anxiously.

The surrounding [Hehuan Sect] disciples immediately used their spiritual power to launch an offensive.


Following Qimeng's leadership, dozens of red and black orbs of light burst through the air with a chichi sound.

It hit the unable to move [Mandarin Duck Spider] without fail.

Boom boom a series of loud noises were heard, and the light ball didn't even have time to hit [Mandarin Duck Spider].

[Mandarin Duck Spider] spit out a mouthful of spider silk and turned it into a huge spider web, cleverly blocking the attacks of [Acacia Sect] disciples.

Continue, continue! The silk of the [Mandarin Duck Spider] cannot be endless. Qimeng ordered hurriedly.

At the same time, Wang Tian continued to use the black giant ax to attack the [Mandarin Duck Spider] desperately.

As time passed, red and black balls of light finally broke through the spider web and hit the [Mandarin Duck Spider].

As a result, the [Mandarin Duck Spider] screamed in pain.

But it finally gained intelligence and knew that the giant ax was more dangerous than the ball of light. It kept swinging its body with a grin on its face, trying desperately to compete with the giant axe.

Desperately trying to reduce physical harm.

The battle between the two sides gave Murong Fu, who was hiding aside, an immersive and thrilling feeling.

This was the first time he had seen such a scene of a large group of immortal cultivators fighting against the enemy together.

Especially the shocking feeling of the brilliant light that filled the sky and hit the [Mandarin Duck Spider] opened his eyes.

Should we quietly go get those three gold boxes? Li Guo'er asked reluctantly.

Murong Fu was stunned, deeply shocked by Li Bao'er's courage, and whispered: Forget it, it's too dangerous here, we'd better escape quietly and wait until they leave.

There is a secret magic fairy gate, so re-entering here is not a problem.


While Murong Fu was thinking wildly, [Mandarin Duck Spider] suddenly let out a long cry, the sound was several times louder than before, and at the same time, the scream was full of pain.

Murong Fu felt a little surprised and quickly looked at it.

I saw a long bloody hole as wide as the mouth of a bowl appearing on the [Mandarin Duck Spider]'s body.

It seems that the people from [Hehuan Sect] are more skilled! Murong Fu whispered.

Everyone else also felt the dawn of victory.

Suddenly, the black giant ax that suppressed [Mandarin Duck Spider] withered and turned back into the small black ax from the beginning.

No, please be careful! My spiritual power is empty!

Wang Tian's voice was particularly eye-catching at this moment, and everyone was stunned at the same time, their minds filled with questions.

Roar! [Mandarin Duck Spider] seemed to have reacted, roared loudly, and started to kill the disciples of [Hehuan Sect] who had lost all their spiritual power.


Do not kill me!

Senior Brother and Senior Sister, please help us.

The disciples of the [Hehuan Sect] who were unable to resist were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of the irrational [Mandarin Duck Spider].

One claw can kill several people.

Looking at the spider claws that looked like candied haws, Wang Tian felt fear in his heart, and pulled Qimeng and said, Junior sister, let's go.

Its strength has surpassed ours by a lot.

This... Qimeng looked at the [Mandarin Duck Spider], still thinking about its demon pill: Senior brother, why don't we try again and take the [Explosive Spirit Pill]!

Crazy? Wang Tian realized that Qimeng's idea was very dangerous: [Explosive Spiritual Pill] will destroy our foundation if we are not careful.

It's not worth it for a demon pill.

Qimeng became silent after hearing this, but she and Wang Tian didn't wait for them to react.

[Mandarin Duck Spider] raised its claws and swung it at the two of them from a distance, throwing the corpses of several [Hehuan Sect] disciples.

When Wang Tian saw this, he no longer hesitated and ran directly out of the palace.

Seeing this, Qimeng no longer hesitated and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, just as he took half a step forward, his body suddenly stopped, and when he looked down, his waist was tangled in spider silk.

There was actually a corrosive force emitting from it, burning her sleeves and robe until white smoke came out.

At this moment, Qin Jiu suddenly moved.

He saw that the situation was already clear. As long as he killed the [Mandarin Duck Spider] in front of him, he would not only get three gold boxes, but also the body of a god-turned-monster beast.

Why not do such a great thing?

He raised Fang Tian's painted halberd high, leaped into the air, and stabbed [Mandarin Duck Spider] in the head.


The sharp halberd tip pierced [Mandarin Duck Spider]'s eye, and blood spurted out like a waterfall.

The huge pain made [Mandarin Duck Spider] roar again.

After igniting its demon elixir, an unparalleled amount of demonic power emitted from his body.

Oh my god, what has this [Mandarin Duck Spider] gone through to become so tenacious? Wang Tian's eyes were dazed and he couldn't help but be shocked.

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