Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 880 A very beautiful thing

Not dead? Qin Jiu was shocked.

He never expected that with his full blow, he did not kill the monster, but only managed to pop one of its eyeballs.

Senior brother, save me! Qimeng was continuously pulled back by the spider silk. With the rage of [Mandarin Duck Spider], she was even thrown away, and the direction was exactly where Murong Fu and Li Bao'er were hiding.

No! Seeing the charming woman from [Hehuan Sect] rushing towards him, Murong Fu withdrew his hand from Li Bao'er's collar before he could do it.

The two of them were caught off guard and knocked over.


A golden circle rolled on the ground for a few times, then fell to the ground and lay there quietly. Everyone was very surprised to see Murong Fu and Li Guo'er suddenly appear.

Even the furious [Mandarin Duck Spider] seemed to be stunned for a breath, and the scene became extremely quiet for a while.

Murong Fu rubbed the back of his head and smiled at everyone like he was fine.

Bao'er? Qin Jiu looked at the disheveled Li Bao'er in surprise. The temperature of his tone instantly dropped by 180 degrees, and asked, What are you two doing?

Li Guo'er quickly arranged her clothes, cleared her throat and said, Ahem, I didn't do anything, I just hid.

Bastard! Although Qin Jiu is a licker, he is not stupid. He has already seen that there is something wrong with her and Murong Fu's behavior: Boy, wait until I kill you......

Bang! [Mandarin Duck Spider] couldn't understand the human language, and didn't know that there was a love triangle here that needed to be dealt with.

A paw slapped Qin Jiu away.

Ahem, I'm sorry! You'd better kill this [Mandarin Duck Spider] first before talking. Murong Fu gestured and said with a smile.

Damn it! Qin Jiu was stimulated one after another, and he became crazy, waving the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand towards [Mandarin Duck Spider] crazily.

He just had a 50-50 fight with the god-turned-monster in front of him.

Haha, anger is the best source of increasing strength. I think this Ninth Prince must have deeply understood the mystery of it.

Murong Fu said somewhat gloatingly.

Li Guo'er regained his due sense, glared at Murong Fu fiercely, and said angrily: Humph, be careful he will cause trouble for you later.

Murong Fu shrugged, naturally not afraid of a seriously injured Qin Jiu, and stood aside and continued to watch the battle.

At this time, there was only a slight gap left in the door of the main hall, and if they didn't go out, everyone would probably be unable to leave.

Ninth Prince, forget it, hurry up and leave! Xiucai had been standing by the door. Seeing that Qin Jiu refused to leave, he urged him loudly.

Damn it! Qin Jiu's clone happened to be taken advantage of by the [Mandarin Duck Spider], and in an instant, it pierced his left arm with its sharp claws.

It just missed piercing his body. He endured the pain and forced himself to break free.

He glared at [Mandarin Duck Spider] fiercely, turned around and ran away.

Let's go too! Murong Fu was naturally unwilling to fight head-on with a monster in the transformation stage, so he pulled Li Guo'er and wanted to leave.

Help me! When the two were about to leave, Qimeng, who had been knocked unconscious before, suddenly woke up.

He grabbed Li Bao'er's arm and prevented him from leaving.

Murong Fu was about to take action and push him away, but when he was about to touch him, Qimeng's body emitted a very sinister red light.

It was like a bubble, blocking his forward thrust.

It's useless. This treasure of mine is called [Xuan Yin Rou]. It is a top-notch defensive magic weapon. It cannot be broken by your ability. Qimeng explained eagerly.

What do you want to do? Murong Fu said calmly.

Take me out. Qimeng's request was very simple, she just wanted to go out.

Hmph! I don't believe it. I can't break you. Li Guoer is not a vegetarian, so naturally he is not afraid of Qimeng's tricks.

With a thought in his mind, the four phoenix feathers emitted extremely hot heat and blasted towards Qimeng.

Stop struggling. If you try to deal with me at such a close distance, you will definitely hurt yourself. Qimeng's calm expression showed Li Guo'er's psychology very accurately.

Sure enough, just when the four phoenix feathers were about to touch the opponent's cheek, they turned slightly and hit the spider silk wrapped around Qimeng's body.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four flames burned and hit the spider silk. In an instant, they were extinguished by the sinister power on it, leaving only a little white smoke.

Let go. You've seen it too. This spider thread is weird and difficult to tangle with. I can't break it at all. Li Guo'er's expression changed and he said.

This... Qimeng was shocked and surprised when she saw this, and murmured: Sure enough, there is something wrong with this [Mandarin Duck Spider].

Let go! Li Guo'er tried hard to push Qimeng away again, but was still blocked by the [Xuan Yin Rou] on her body.

Qimeng looked up and looked at her dog-licking senior brother not far away, begging: Senior brother, use [Yang Earth Chakra] to save me!

Wang Tian looked at the slowly closing door, shook his head and said, I'm sorry, junior sister, I don't have enough spiritual power to use the [Yang Earth Chakra].

After saying that, the other party actually ran out without looking back.

Coincidentally, Qin Jiu was grabbed by the scholar with his spiritual power and dragged out forcefully.

However, his gaze still stayed on Li Guo'er.

It's just that this time it is no longer as affectionate and gentle as before, but has become very cold.

Love breeds hatred, our Ninth Prince must have grown up. After Murong Fu joked, a heavy door slammed in his ears.

Boom~ The door of the main hall was slammed shut, filling the hall with despair.

The remaining disciples of the [Hehuan Sect] who had not escaped were also made into dry food and hung on the wall under the cruelty of the [Mandarin Duck Spider].

The only ones left in the field were Murong Fu, Li Guo'er, and the struggling Senior Sister Qimeng of [Hehuan Sect].

Idiot, why don't you let go of me? Li Guo'er cursed angrily. If it weren't for Qimeng, she would have gone out long ago.

It seems that there is always an invisible fighting spirit between beauties. Qimeng still did not let go, and even said with a hehe smile: No, no, I will die with you.

You... Li Bao'er was speechless: Huh, I didn't expect the disciples of [Hehuan Sect] to be so shameless.

Hehe, I envy my sister for having such a loyal lover who never abandoned you until the end. Qimeng felt that she was going to die, so she spoke rudely.

Li Guo'er looked at Murong Fu with a strange feeling in his heart, and said proudly: I'm better than that senior brother of yours anyway!

Hmph, don't mention that coward. Qimeng said displeasedly: The junior sister who usually screams loudly.

Now that something has happened, he can run faster than a dog.

Murong Fu listened speechlessly as the two beauties exchanged words, and suddenly pointed behind them: Both, although I don't want to interrupt your communication, it doesn't seem to like listening!

The two women looked at the direction Murong Fu pointed at the same time. A huge, colorful head dripping with blood was looking at them with strange eyes.

Qimeng murmured desperately: It would be a most beautiful thing to have you by my side before I die.

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