Well, I didn't expect that we [Fan Licheng] still have this history. Murong Fu naturally would not pretend to understand.

But I was still a little shocked when I heard about the war between the demon clan: Your Highness, I often hear about the battle between the demon clan. I wonder where the demon clan is?

Qin Yi was stunned. He didn't expect that Murong Fu didn't know about the battle between the demon clan and explained:

The demon clan lives in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and the Hundred Thousand Mountains stretch for millions of miles.

It's like a sharp sword splitting the continent under our feet into two.

Murong Fu asked in surprise: Is it possible that we often have to fight with monsters?

Qin Yi said seriously: There will be a small war every thousand years, and a big war every ten thousand years.

In short, once it happens, no one on the entire continent will be spared.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Then the Mahayana monks don't care?

Control? Qin Yi said with a haha laugh: Of course we do, no matter how we can still pass it on.

Murong Fu relaxed. With the Mahayana monks here, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But Qin Yi was shocked to the point of being stunned by what happened next.

However, after every ten-thousand-year war, several Mahayana monks will be killed.

Murong Fu said in surprise: All Mahayana monks will die in battle? Are the monsters so ferocious?

Qin Yi joked: Haha, according to ancient mythology, Empress Nuwa did not create humans before.

The nine states are all dominated by the demon clan. Now, our human race can be evenly matched with them.

It's not easy to even surpass them.

Li Guo'er said proudly: Of course, my human race is an innate spiritual body. Although we are weak, we are better than clever.

How can those monsters be our opponents!

Qin Yiyi nodded and said loudly: That's right! The demon clan always thought that we were forcing them.

But I don't know. The real reason is that they are no good and have been eliminated by the times!

Murong Fu looked at the two of them as if they had been given blood, and he finally understood the human race's attitude towards the demon race.

It seems that [Da Ru Realm] is not as peaceful as I imagined.

It is very possible that it is more cruel than imagined.

After a good meal and wine.

Murong Fu took Li Guo'er to say goodbye to Qin Yi, and they were walking side by side on the main road in the imperial city.

Haha, I was with sister Qimeng yesterday. I didn't expect that we would be separated today.

Li Guo'er held Murong Fu's hand, somewhat reluctant to let go.

Are you planning to stay in the imperial city forever? Murong Fu asked.

Li Guo'er shook his head and replied:

I also came out to play with Sister Lingyang.

I didn't know she was in seclusion and didn't come out. She originally wanted to leave.

I didn't expect to meet an enemy like you and lose my life in vain....

Murong Fu smiled awkwardly, raised his hand to cut the hair on Li Bao'er's face, and kissed her gently.

The light touch of red lips separated them in a moment:

Don't worry, I won't take your body in vain.

One day, I will go to your Li family to propose marriage.

Bah! Li Guo'er looked at the affectionate Murong Fu and spat, You already have a wife.

Even if my father agrees, those old antiques from the Li family won't agree.

Murong Fu smiled awkwardly and said: What should I do? I will never ask for marriage in my life?

Li Guoer said with a hehe smile:

Easy, I'll just sneak up with you.

Isn't it good until the day when no one dares to care about me anymore?

Murong Fu gave a thumbs up and said:

Haha, I admire it, I admire it. Why didn't I think of such a smart thing?

Because you are stupid! Li Bao'er gave Murong Fu a hard nod on the head.

Then she embraced him affectionately, and the two never separated.

It seems that this moment will be frozen until the sea is gone.

Before the two separated, Murong Fu told Li Guoer about looking for Su Ying and Dongfang Bubai.

The other party's family has a wide range of influence, if you can help.

It's better than just looking for him alone.

Haha, Su Ying? It sounds like a girl's name.

Tell me, these are your little lovers.

Murong Fu was embarrassed and said, Well...I haven't counted them either.

Anyway, I should have less than forty little lovers.

What? Li Guo'er looked at Murong Fu in surprise: Do you have more than forty lovers?

Murong Fu laughed haha and said with a guilty conscience: I'm teasing you.

Li Guo'er rolled his eyes and said, Forget it, [Daru Realm] regards the strong as the strong.

As long as you don't do anything that is beneath your status, I won't bother to care about you.

Murong Fu nodded and said, Don't worry, I know.

A young couple who had been together for just a few days separated after saying a few thoughtful words.

Jie Jie, this boy has the aura of a queen.

If I'm not mistaken, he is the extremely yang man my mother wants.

Just after Murong Fu left, a gray bat fell on the street.

His eyes were scarlet, hanging upside down from the beam, staring closely behind Murong Fu.

A creepy laugh kept coming from his mouth.

The strange thing is that his laughter was so loud that no one could hear it.

After knowing that Murong Fu had completely disappeared on the street, he flapped his wings and left.

Strange, why do I feel a chill on my back?

Murong Fu touched his neck and looked back, but found nothing.

He just thought it was Li Guoer cursing him behind his back.

He chuckled and continued walking towards the [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce].

Fu Lang, you are awesome! The first moment Lu Yao saw Murong Fu, she pulled Fang Qian and rushed forward, giving him a big hug.

Murong Fu stroked the beauty's waist, feeling very comfortable.

Situ Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qing also came over and congratulated:

Congratulations to Elder Murong for getting this opportunity.

Murong Fu glanced at Situ Xiaoxiao, then looked at Xiao Qing, and said, Thank you very much. After all, I have been favored by Miss Situ.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to know the eldest prince.

Situ Xiaoxiao smiled elegantly and said, The main reason is that Elder Murong has this strength.

Lu Yao looked at the two people complimenting each other and said anxiously:

Fulang, you and the young lady, please stop chatting here.

We've been waiting for you all day and we haven't eaten yet.

When Murong Fu heard this, he felt a trace of apology in his heart and immediately said:

Sorry, I was picked up by the eldest prince as soon as I came out.

I didn't expect you would wait for me for so long. If I had known, I would have asked him to call you all together.

Situ Xiaoxiao said softly: The eldest prince calls you alone, there must be something important to discuss.

We might miss your business if we go there.

It's better not to go.

Fang Qian also said: Although we have been waiting for you all day, it's nothing.

Yao Yao's mouth is never idle for a moment.

Bah, bah, eat till it's all gone.

When Lu Yao saw that she was exposed, she immediately quit and said anxiously: No.

I'm just hungry.

Murong Fu pulled Lu Yao and smiled:

Okay, okay, let's go eat now.

I'll make sure I feed you today!

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