Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 892 The difference between Xiaoxianmen and teleportation

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, except for Xiao Qing, the other three women were already drunk and unconscious.

Murong Fu called out several times, but the other party didn't respond at all. He smiled bitterly and said: It's true, since you can't drink, you still drink so much.

Hmph, maybe they just miss you. Xiao Qing said bluntly.

Murong Fu stood up slowly, walked to Xiao Qing's side, caressed the beauty's jaw, leaned over and asked, They miss me, but you don't miss me?

Xiao Qing felt the man's masculine aura, and her delicate body couldn't help but tighten. She was extremely shy and wanted to push him away: Go away, there are so many people, don't make trouble.

After Murong Fu glanced at the women, he kissed the beauty in front of him on the red lips without any courtesy. He didn't stop until the beauty seemed to have no breath.

You are crazy. If they find out, we... Xiao Qing protested in a low voice.

Haha, just discover it if you find it. You are all my Murong Fu's women, and you will be discovered sooner or later. Murong Fu was not afraid at all.

I don't want it. Xiao Qing retorted forcefully.

Haha, it's up to you. Murong Fu smiled haha, without embarrassing Xiao Qing too much, and said instead: Anyway, they are asleep now and they won't wake up for a while.

Xiao Qing was stunned and realized something was wrong.

She had learned how bold Murong Fu was as early as on the third floor, and she quickly stood up and wanted to escape.

As soon as she took a step, she was locked tightly by a powerful hand, and there was a rush of heat in her ears, and she said in a very low voice:

Where do you want to run to?

Murong Fu, don't you want to be in the hall, in front of them... Xiao Qing asked nervously and expectantly.

As expected of my Aunt Xiao, she understood what I meant so quickly. Murong Fu said proudly while undressing the beauty.

Xiao Qing's strength is obviously much higher than that of Murong Fu, but for some reason, he can't resist in the slightest. He has no choice but to softly plead: Can you change the place? I don't want to do it in front of the young lady...

Murong Fu threw out the gauze clothes he had just taken off, looked at the jade-like body in front of him, licked his lips, and said with a smile: Okay Aunt Xiao, it's too late!

Xiao Qing's heart was beating in panic. Before he could react, Murong Fu's strong fingers were on his forehead, and the other party's domineering voice sounded in his ears:

Kneel down!

The next day, Lu Yao rubbed her head and looked at the dishes on the table, which were all thrown to the ground. She asked strangely: Did I go crazy while drinking yesterday?

Fang Qian looked around and saw no trace of Murong Fu, so she asked, Where has Fu Lang gone? Why didn't he carry us into the house?

The last one to wake up was Situ Xiaoxiao, who drank the most last night. She and Fang Qian also had doubts: Why didn't Aunt Xiao help me into the house?

At this time, the two missing people were behind the rockery not far away. One of them was afraid of making a sound and covered his mouth with force.

One is doing it badly and constantly increasing his own strength.

Then, when the three awakened women were about to find themselves in front of the two of them, a low shout rang out. Xiao Qing was instantly shaken like a big red apple, desperately trying to escape from here.

What are you afraid of? The three of them can't hear me at all when I put down the barrier.

Xiao Qing immediately breathed a sigh of relief and fell limply into Murong Fu's arms: You are such a bold enemy. If the young lady finds out, I'm afraid you won't have a good life.

Murong Fu caressed the beauty in his arms dishonestly, and joked: What? Do you have a habit of grinding mirrors?

Go! Xiao Qing said weakly: I feel like the lady likes you.

You said Situ Xiaoxiao likes me? Murong Fu said in disbelief: Why, I didn't find out?

Xiao Qing said: You men are all bad people without conscience. If you think about it carefully, has the lady never gone out alone since you appeared?

It seems, that's the case... Murong Fu recalled that after arriving at the [Da Qian Imperial Capital], every time Situ Xiaoxiao did something, he would follow him.

The euphemistic name is that he is familiar with the business of [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce]. Now thinking about it, it seems that just like Xiao Qing said, the other party did it intentionally.

Okay, they are coming soon, let's go! Xiao Qing said nervously.

Murong Fu nodded, and with a thought in his mind, he used [Little Immortal Sect] and left with Xiao Qing in an instant.

Xiao Qing said in surprise: This secret technique of yours is really powerful.

What? Isn't it the same as the teleportation realized in the Nascent Soul stage? Murong Fu asked again.

Xiao Qing quickly adjusted his appearance while explaining: Teleportation can only be used by oneself, and cannot carry other people.

And the range of teleportation is extremely small. It is not a secret method of teleportation.

For example, the legendary [Shrinking Ground] is not as flexible as teleportation when used to fight with others, but when used to rush on the road, teleportation cannot be compared at all.

And your secret technique involves the power of space. I think it shouldn't be much worse than [Shrinking the Ground to an Inch].

Murong Fu suddenly realized: That's it, I understand.

Xiao Qing's eyes were filled with spring, and she touched Murong Fu's cheek and said, You have so many secrets. In the future, you will definitely have a place in [Da Ru Realm].

When the time comes, don't forget me.

Pfft~ Murong Fu was amused by Xiao Qing's words: You are so good, why should I forget you?

Humph, who doesn't know that you are a bunch of heartless, stinky men who are always in a hurry, always liking the new and hating the old! Xiao Qing said breathlessly.

Murong Fu laughed and said, Don't worry about that. It's because they don't have enough energy. If you look at me again, do you think I don't have enough energy?

When Xiao Qing heard this, he remembered that Murong Fu still had a magical spiritual space, and couldn't help but ask: Are you really not a walking disciple of the Murong family?

Murong Fu replied: My Murong family and the Murong family you are talking about are not the same thing at all.

So, you don't have to think about it.

Xiao Qing said: Then who is your master?

Yes, yes, yes. Murong Fu said seriously: My master is Huo Gong Tutuo.

Huogong Tutuo? Xiao Qing shook his head and said, Why have I never heard of this person? Could it be that he is an old man from tens of thousands of years ago.

Okay, don't think about it. Don't expose the secret when we go back separately. Murong Fu kissed Xiao Qing's cheek gently.

Then he moved back with [Little Immortal Sect], and happened to rush back before the three girls could find this place. He pretended to be drunk and lay down straight on the ground.

The three girls followed the clues on the path and finally found the back mountain.

As a result, when they saw Murong Fu sleeping soundly on the ground, they all shook their heads helplessly.

Lu Yao said contemptuously: I said Fu Lang wouldn't leave us alone. It turns out he drank too much and slept here.

It seems that his ability to drink is not much better than ours!

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