Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 895 The Arena of Life and Death

I admire you! Zhuge Qingyun said with a smile: I didn't expect that the demon clan dared to sit in the [Teleportation Array] and come to [Jiejian City]. They are either stupid or stupid.

Murong Fu didn't pay attention to the goblin, but looked at Fang Han.

Having already left [Da Qian Empire], there was no need to pay attention to the other party. He said bluntly:

There is no need for us to go to the arena of life and death. Why don't you stay in [Jiejian City] for a few days and go back.

Fang Han's expression changed as he thought about Murong Fu's words.

Qin Jiu shouldn't know about going back like this.

But if he were, he would be scared away by a boy in the Yuan Shen stage.

On the contrary, my Taoist heart was damaged. I am afraid that I cannot even lift my head today. I raised my head and said:

Boy, I'm willing to give you a fair fight. Are you willing to accept it?

Murong Fu was stunned and asked Fang Han: What is a fair fight?

Fang Han gritted his teeth and said, I am willing to seal up my spiritual power and suppress my realm to the Yuan Shen stage.


Fang Qian reminded Murong Fu in his ear:

Be careful of him cheating and coaxing you to come on stage to show off your power in the transformation stage.

Hey, don't worry about this. Zhuge Qingyun said: You can explain the matter to the referee in the life and death arena.

The referee will take action for you and seal away his excess spiritual power.

Let his strength not exceed the Yuanshen realm.

What? Fang Han said in surprise: There is such a thing?

Why, you came to [Jiejian City] to kill people, don't you even know about this kind of thing? Zhuge Qingyun said proudly.

But... A look of hesitation appeared on Fang Han's face. He came to Murong Fu to kill him, not to put himself in danger.

Now it seems that there are many rules in [Jiejian City] that I don't know about.

Hey, uncle, if you don't dare to sign, I think you should leave quickly. Zhuge Qingyun said with a evil smile.

No one knows what this guy is thinking.

Fang Han looked at Murong Fu and then at Zhuge Qingyun. His heart was very complicated. He gritted his teeth and said:

Okay, I promise, boy, do you dare.

How much he hoped, Murong Fu didn't dare to answer.

Unfortunately, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

Murong Fu replied very calmly: Okay!

Ah! Fang Han said anxiously: Aren't you afraid of death?

Haha, I'm afraid! Murong Fu calmly said: But I know you, you can't kill me!

I... Fang Han gritted his teeth and tried, What if I don't seal the realm?

Hey, you are shameless! Lu Yao said angrily: If you don't want to die, I advise you to get out of here.

Otherwise, I will immediately send a message to my mother and ask her to kill you!

Fang Han's expression changed, [Canglan Sword Sect] was famous for being warlike.

If I really want this little girl to invite her mother, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat and carry around.

Okay! Then I will seal my cultivation and fight with him.

But I agreed beforehand that if I want to kill him, you can't take revenge!

Lu Yao was confident that Murong Fu was invincible at the same level, so naturally she didn't believe that Fang Han could win:

Okay, don't worry! If you can defeat Fu Lang in the Yuanshen realm, I will pay to send you back!

Seeing Lu Yao's confidence, Fang Han felt his heart pounding loudly and said in a deep voice:

Okay! Let's go!

Zhuge Qingyun said with a hehe evil smile: Let's go, let's go, let me lead the way for you.

The location of the [Teleportation Array] is in the northernmost part of [Jiejian City].

It was an open space in the city. Not long after walking, I saw an arena.

In front of the arena, several disciples were sitting at the table recording.

In front of them, there were groups of immortal cultivators dressed in different clothes.

At first glance, it seems to be from somewhere else.

Lu Yao asked doubtfully: They are all here for a fight?

Uh-huh! Zhuge Qingyun said: Private fights are not allowed in [Jiejian City], you have to come here.

However, the competition arena costs money!

Murong Fu said calmly: Who owns the deceased's belongings?

Hehe. Zhuge Qingyun glanced at Fang Han and said, Of course the winner will be the winner.

Murong Fu said hmm and found a queue with relatively few people.

Fang Han followed him with an ugly expression. He was really regretting it more and more now.

The thought of leaving became more and more serious.

After a while, he and Murong Fu arrived.

The disciple asked: Are you two here for a fight?

Fang Han said Yeah and said: A battle of life and death!

The disciple was stunned: Are you sure, life or death?

Fang Han didn't think much and said bluntly: That's right, life or death!

Alas, Master said that being brave and fighting ruthlessly is not the right way. The handyman disciple rambled, took out a life and death certificate for the two of them, and asked:

Is there anything you need to add?

Murong Fu glanced at Fang Han and said:

He said he wanted to seal off his spiritual power and make his realm equal to mine.

Fang Hanton was speechless. He regretted why he had to pretend to be big and block his spiritual power.

The handyman disciple glanced at Fang Han and said, Are you sure?

Fang Han nodded and said, OK!

The handyman disciple said: Well, wait until I call the elders for you!

As he spoke, he took out a sound transmission sword in his hand and muttered a few words.

Many... many thanks! Fang Han was speechless, turned to look at Murong Fu, and said, Boy, if you don't want to die, I can let you go!

Murong Fu smiled slightly and said:

You don't have to be polite. I ask you, senior, to go all out when the time comes. Don't be polite.

Fang Han carefully probed: I heard that you have fought with the Ninth Prince. I wonder which one of you is stronger?

Murong Fu said: Unfortunately, I am slightly better.

Impossible! The Ninth Prince's combat power is extremely high, how could he be defeated by you? Fang Han said in disbelief.

Murong Fu shrugged: Maybe he just came out of the secret realm and consumed too much, so it is normal for him to lose.

Speaking of which, Murong Fu could easily defeat [Mandarin Duck Spider] thanks to Qin Jiu's help.

Otherwise, when that beast was in its prime, I would really have to put in a lot of effort.

While thinking about this.

A rickety old man, with a wine flask on his waist, slowly came up to him:

Um, who wants to seal the cultivation level?

When the handyman disciple saw the old man coming, he immediately pointed at Fang Han and said respectfully: Uncle Zhuo, this is the man who wants to seal his cultivation.

Uncle Zhuo looked at Fang Han and then at Murong Fu.

Seeing that the former had a displeased look on his face and the latter had an extraordinary aura and a fighting spirit hidden in his body, he shook his head and said:

Being timid before fighting, you still have to seal your cultivation.

It's ridiculous!

When Fang Han heard this, his face became even more livid, and he said unconvinced: Even if I have a seal cultivation level, it is not comparable to that of a junior.

Whether it's magic weapons or the use of spells, he is much better than him. What's so ridiculous!

Gudu~ Uncle Zhuo took a sip of wine and said casually: Haha, it doesn't matter, as long as you are happy, it's not me who will die anyway.

As he spoke, sword energy circulated from his fingertips, he clicked swish at Fang Han a few times, waved his fingers and said:

Okay, you can fight.

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