Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 896 The soul of Mo Yanjiao

The competition stage in [Jiejian City] was a separate space. Murong Fu stepped into it and the scenery in front of him instantly transformed into a dense forest. He immediately felt interesting and praised:

As expected of a first-class sect, it is so grand.

Fang Han said coldly: Boy, take a good look. The world in your eyes is your grave.

Murong Fu picked his ears and said boredly: Stop talking nonsense, the audience outside is waiting to see.

You... Fang Han looked as if he had eaten a dead mouse, his expression extremely ugly.

Murong Fu walked into the air step by step and said condescendingly: Come on, let me see what difference the monks in the transformation stage have after sealing their realm.

Haha, Brother Murong is really domineering. This magnanimity alone cannot be matched by ordinary people. Zhuge Qingyun stood outside the competition stage and gloated.

If not, Fu Lang wouldn't agree to his martial arts competition. Fang Qian said displeased.

You don't understand. This person will be a trouble sooner or later. It's better to let Brother Murong deal with him now. Otherwise, when we go to [Canglan Sword Sect], this person will also be a trouble on the prairie. Zhuge Qingyun explained.

Sister Qian, it seems that what he said makes sense. Lu Yao said.

Fang Qian said hmm, said nothing more and then looked towards the competition stage.

At this time, the two of them had already taken action.

Murong Fu used three simple small swords to fight against the enemy, while Fang Han's treasure was an unknown black sword.

Every time he swings it, a black hurricane will be produced, and the place it passes by seems to have been baptized by time and become withered.

Huh? This man's weapon is an evil weapon. Master Zhuo said calmly after seeing Fang Han's sword.

Evil weapon? Doesn't it mean it's a magic weapon? Lu Yao said in surprise.

Haha, that's about it. I'm afraid your sweetheart will suffer a loss. Master Zhuo said with a smile.

Lu Yao was shocked and was about to ask what happened.

Fang Han took out another handful of white ash in his arms and sprinkled it to the sky. In an instant, the competition space became covered with white, and he said fiercely: Boy, I know you are not simple, but you will never be able to hide from my [White Bones] Burning Heaven].”

The combination of the black hurricane and the bone powder turned into a ball of black fire strangely, burning along the bone powder, like a fire dragon burning towards Murong Fu.

Hmph! Murong Fu himself did not want to be burned by the black fire, so he quickly formed seals with his hands. As soon as his arms were drawn in front of him, a halo of flames immediately rose up around him, blocking out the surrounding black flames.

It's useless. Fang Han said proudly: These are made of the bone powder of the demon [Grey Demon], which has extremely strong corruption ability. The shield made of spiritual power alone is undoubtedly Waiting to die. Fang Han exhaled and raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

It was as if he was embarrassed because he was afraid of a small Yuanshen realm monk before.

Murong Fu smiled coldly. It was disgusting to be able to contaminate other people's spiritual energy and magic weapons. Suddenly, a strange light flashed in his pupils.

He found that his three ancient swords were not affected at all.

Except for the slight weakening of the consciousness that controls them, there is no difference from before.

With a thought in his mind, the three ancient swords pierced the Chinese Han's forehead, neck, and back of his heart.



As if Fang Han had eyes, a shield appeared on each side to block Murong Fu's attack. The remaining small sword was easily avoided by twisting his neck.

The sound of ding-ding-ding-ding-ding sounded on the competition stage.

Give up, kid, [White Bone Burning Sky] is like a barrier in this small competition arena. Everything here is under my control. Fang Han smiled extremely arrogantly, almost not saying smug The two characters are engraved on the forehead.

On the other hand, Murong Fu was suppressed extremely hard.

Lu Yao's face suddenly turned pale, and she said anxiously: I didn't expect this person to be so powerful?

After all, I am a monk at the stage of becoming a god. It is normal to have some tricks. You don't have to worry. I think Brother Murong is too strong to lose like this. Zhuge Qingyun said.

After missing a hit, Murong Fu was not discouraged at all. Instead, he showed a calm expression and continued to control the small sword to attack Fang Han.

A mere [Bone Burning Sky] can't trap him at all. What he wants now is to force out all of Fang Han's abilities.

After all, having a master in the Divine Transformation Stage who can seal off the realm and willingly train with him is something that is almost something that can only be met but cannot be asked for.

The bone powder quickly disappeared under the burning of black flames.

Fang Han's so-called [White Bones Burning Sky] also disappeared in front of everyone. He was so angry that he cursed: Damn it, isn't this kid a bodybuilder? How come he has such strong spiritual power?

Haha, it seems that your [White Bones Burning Sky] doesn't have the staying power. Murong Fu casually summoned the [Tianji Rod] and threw it at Fang Han.

Fang Han knew that Murong Fu's body cultivation was very powerful, so he did not dare to be careless and quickly used the black knife to resist.

With a bang, he felt numbness in the tiger's mouth and was knocked back a few steps.

He was so frightened that he immediately took out an ancient order from his arms and squeezed it hard.

Immediately after Gu Lingzhong spewed out a burst of thick smoke, it flew towards Murong Fu.

Come again? Murong Fu ducked away and immediately broke into a cold sweat. It turned out that there was a huge black python hidden in the black smoke.

The soul of [Mo Yan Jiao]! Uncle Zhuo was slightly surprised: I didn't expect that a wild cultivator in this stage of transformation into a god could have such a treasure.

Is [Mo Yan Jiao's] soul very powerful? Lu Yao asked.

The strength of this dragon has reached the stage of becoming a god. It seems that the one inside is dead or alive. Uncle Zhuo said.

How is that possible? Lu Yao said, Didn't you seal his strength?

Haha, what I sealed was his own strength, and I didn't seal the strength of his magic weapon. Uncle Zhuo rolled his eyes at Lu Yao.

Lu Yao knew that she couldn't afford to offend the other party, so she looked at Zhuge Qingyun fiercely: It's all your fault!

Zhuge Qingyun also looked incredulous: This guy has such a powerful magic weapon.

I pretended to be afraid of Brother Murong earlier. Isn't it a bit shameful?

Fang Han laughed and said: Haha, Murong Fu, look how arrogant you are now!

Soul? Murong Fu felt the power of [Mo Yan Jiao's] soul, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he placed the [Heavenly Secret Stick] on the inner elbows of both hands, and then clasped his hands together.

Countless golden lights emitted from the whole body.

A phantom of Buddha appeared behind him.

He muttered words and chanted Buddhist classics.

“Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum!”

Buddha's Palm! Specialize in defeating evil spirits!

In mid-air, a huge Buddha palm fell towards the soul of [Mo Yan Jiao].

[Mo Yan Jiao] The soul seemed to have seen something terrible and roared.

Everyone looked surprised when they saw the scene in front of them.

A giant hand descended from the sky and pinched the neck of [Mo Yan Jiao's] soul, like a dead dog.

He pressed it firmly to the ground, and then turned into countless chains, locking it tightly so that it could not move!

Immediately, even Murong Fu was surprised and said: The last move of the Tathagata Divine Palm [Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong] is indeed extraordinary!

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