Roar~ [Mo Yan Jiao]'s soul roared angrily, desperately trying to escape from Murong Fu's shackles.

Buddhist magical powers? Uncle Zhuo looked at Murong Fu in shock, then shook his head and said, What this boy has learned is too complex. I'm afraid he won't be able to cultivate to a higher level.

If I'm not mistaken, he shouldn't be very old.

Lu Yao questioned and said, I remember that Fu Lang was only around thirty this year.

Thirty years old? Around? Master Zhuo couldn't believe his ears.

That's right! Fang Qian said: Fu Lang is only thirty-four years old!

Impossible! Impossible! Uncle Zhuo couldn't believe his ears. Such a young Nascent Soul stage could be said to be a genius among geniuses!

It's a pity, it's a pity. If I had known earlier, I would have intervened.

Don't let that loser go in and kill your Fu Lang.

Everyone could tell that the trash in Uncle Zhuo's words was referring to Fang Han.

The genius was naturally Murong Fu.

Suddenly, Mo Yanjiao's soul made a strange quacking sound from his mouth.

He opened his big mouth and sprayed out a stream of black mist, covering himself entirely.

Haha, interesting. Is this Mo Jiao vomiting bile? Zhuge Qingyun joked.

No! Uncle Zhuo shook his head and said, Mo Yanjiao wants to use his soul breath to pollute the Buddhist magical power, which is quite clever.

Can you still look like this? Lu Yao looked at Murong Fu worriedly.

And the so-called blessings come without pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

Just when Mo Yanjiao wanted to get rid of Murong Fu's shackles.

Fang Han, who was standing aside, was not idle either.

He quickly formed seals with his hands, and two bloody spinning knives appeared in his hands, and he shouted: Go!

The spinning knife drew a huge semicircle on the left and right in mid-air, and slashed towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu frowned, clearly sensing the bloody aura on the revolving knife, and did not dare to pick it up easily.

Use [Tianji Rod] to cast [Sky Rod Shadow] to block the attack of this object.

Dang Dang Dang~

Every time the [Tianji Stick] hits the bloody spinning knife, several drops of blood will be produced.

The blood lingered in the air for a long time, giving people an even weirder feeling.

This person looks stupid and stupid, but he is actually extremely sinister! Uncle Zhuo said.

The Sword Sect disciple on the side asked: Why did Uncle Zhuo say that? This sword is called [Child Blood Yin Sword].

It was refined with the blood of tens of thousands of virgins.

The power is average, but it is very sinister. No normal person would forge it.

I heard it was made from the blood of tens of thousands of virgins.

The pretty faces of Lu Yao and Fang Qian turned pale.

This kind of person dares to appear in [Jiejian City]. I think he doesn't want to live anymore! The disciple on the side said angrily.

Uncle Zhuo said in a deep voice: Now, the demon clan has made a comeback, and there is a tacit understanding between the various factions.

As long as he doesn't refine evil things in our [Jiejian City], we can't punish this kid easily.

Doesn't this give him an advantage? the disciple asked.

Hmph, they just used evil magic weapons, how can you prove that they are evil? Master Zhuo asked back.

At this time, more and more people were watching, and they all heard clues from the words of a few people.

Some rising stars with a sense of justice looked at Fang Han differently.

Hey, actually, this matter can be easily solved! Zhuge Qingyun said.

Uncle Zhuo glanced at the frivolous Zhuge Qingyun and said, Boy, you'd better not act recklessly.

Zhuge Qingyun pointed at Murong Fu on the competition stage and said, As long as he kills this person, wouldn't it be fine?

In a life-and-death contest, what can outsiders say?

The people watching immediately felt that it made sense.

Yes, that's right! Let the brother inside kill this evil man!...



The audience present was filled with indignation.

As for Murong Fu on the competition stage, he didn't know the people outside and hated Fang Han to death.

As he was paying close attention, there was more and more blood around him.

Although I don’t know what the secret technique is.

But the blood makes people vomit, and most likely contains highly poisonous blood.

Fang Han suddenly shouted loudly and chanted the magic formula in his mouth. The blood around him quickly gathered and condensed into countless small sharp arrows that were shot at Murong Fu.

Murong Fu naturally didn't expect that when the blood arrow touched his body, his spiritual power burst out from his inner Dantian, and his figure instantly exploded, turning into countless shadows and shooting out in all directions.

[Lingbo Weibu] Nothing came close, and he cleverly avoided all the blood arrows.

Everyone outside seemed to see the bloody arrow grazing against Murong Fu's body, and they all broke into a cold sweat for him.

Lu Yao was even frightened to death, and her beauty turned pale.

It's broken, I'm afraid this brother can't stand it anymore. A boy shouted, and the others were startled by him and wanted to stare at him to death.

Boy, you hid well. Fang Han said proudly.

Murong Fu's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: If you have any other means, just do it!

Haha, really! Fang Han raised his hand and pointed to the side, and a Yin knife accidentally hit the golden chain that bound the [Mojiao].

At this time, Murong Fu suddenly said: It turns out that your goal was never me, but you wanted to save the [Mo Jiao].

That's right, how can I personally deal with you with my sealed spiritual power? Fang Han's face no longer had the worry as before, but was replaced by a sinister look.

It seems that this [Mojiao] is your last resort. Murong Fu looked at the [Mojiao] that was gradually breaking free. Instead of being angry, he became calmer.

Boy, die! Fang Han shouted, and [Mo Yan Jiao] roared and rushed towards Murong Fu.

Haha, even a mere dragon dares to scream in front of me, Death! Murong Fu's whole body suddenly emitted a burst of golden light.

A purple-gold true dragon circled out from behind, opened its bloody mouth, and bit into the neck of [Mo Yan Jiao].

One dragon and one dragon started fighting in an instant, and everyone was shocked. When Fang Han saw the purple gold dragon, he was even more shocked by this scene and speechless.

You've been shouting for so long, are you tired? Murong Fu appeared next to Fang Han in an instant and slapped his chest with his palm.

Damn it! Fang Han did not dare to receive Murong Fu's palm forcefully, and used his intention to mobilize the shield around him to block it in front of him.

Bang! The shield in Murong Fu's palm used the force to retreat, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

When Fang Han saw Murong Fu's evil smile, he felt something bad in his heart. A burst of wind-breaking sound suddenly sounded in his ears, he shouted No, and his body fell rapidly.

Unexpectedly, the wind-breaking sound was faster and did not give him the slightest chance to dodge. It pierced his shoulder with a puff.

Blood floated in the air, and there was intense pain. Fang Han bared his teeth in pain and kept moving backwards, trying to distance himself from Murong Fu.

Want to run away? Murong Fu was so murderous, how could he give Fang Han another chance to take a step forward? A little lightning flashed on the wind of his fist, and he shouted:

[Thirteen Fists of Thunder]!

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