Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 898 Taiyi Light Sword

On the competition stage, thunder roared.

Murong Fu punched Fang Han.

The latter was so frightened that he quickly used his spiritual power to form a [magic shield] outside his body to resist.

Unexpectedly, under Murong Fu's [Thunder Fist], this thing was as brittle as a piece of glass.

After only blocking three punches, spider web-like cracks appeared.

Bang! Another fist flashing with lightning smashed Fang Han's spiritual power [magic shield].

Although Fang Han was a cultivator in the transformation stage, this was the first time he saw Murong Fu's fierce physical training. He shattered his [Dharma Shield] with three punches. Now he dared not make a move, so he quickly used teleportation to dodge.

Huh, is it useful? Murong Fu moved [Lingbo Weibu], as if the moon was covered by light clouds, and fluttered like snow in the flowing wind.

Taking one step forward, it was the place where Fang Han teleported. The murderous intention in his heart was no longer restrained and struck Fang Han's heart without hesitation.


Fang Han felt as if he had been hit by a huge mountain and fell hard to the ground. All the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart. He endured the pain, jumped up quickly, and distanced himself from Murong Fu again.

Huh? Murong Fu was greatly surprised when he saw this. Although his punch was not full force, if it landed on a Fa Xiu who was in the same realm, his bones would be broken and his internal organs would be shattered. Unexpectedly, Fang Han just spit out Xue suddenly said: No, it's a magic weapon, an inner armor!

Boy, you deserve to die! Fang Han felt the threat of death, and his expression was almost distorted.

Death! Murong Fu didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, so he approached the opponent with his physical skills again, this time making sure to hit with one hit.

Although the two people inside and outside the stage had clear ideas, the people outside the stage were dazzled and overwhelmed.

The ancient sword versus the shield, the real dragon versus the ink dragon, the two were fighting.

The spirit has sealed the cultivation, and a battle with us in the Yuanshen stage is nothing more than that. A young man in the Yuanshen stage who was watching the excitement said disdainfully.

Huh? As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused thousands of waves and an uproar.

Boy, are you tired of living? A monk in the transformation stage asked coldly.

The little brother didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he still said without any respect: Why am I wrong? Do you want to seal your cultivation and compete with me?

Haha, okay! The monk in the transformation stage didn't seem to be afraid and sneered again and again.

Okay, let's... The younger brother was about to agree, but was immediately grabbed by his companion and scolded: You are stupid. See clearly, he is a sword cultivator. Not to mention that he is a sword cultivator. Not to mention that he is one level above you and will kill you like a butchering dog in the same realm.

As soon as these words came out, the little brother suddenly woke up, turned pale with fright, and ran away in despair.

Hehe, they are really interesting. Do you think they are all Brother Murong? Zhuge Qingyun said with a smile.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him and continued to look inside the competition arena.

Lu Yao said happily: Sister Qian, look, Fu Lang is going to win.

Fang Qian's beautiful eyes reflected that Murong Fu was approaching Fang Han step by step, about to kill him with one blow.

Suddenly, Fang Han shouted: Boy, you are forcing me to die!

As he spoke, he took out a sword with a strange light shining in his hand.

Murong Fu's expression changed instantly, because he had seen this sword before, it was the [Taiyi Light Sword] that appeared at the [Qingyuan] auction: Why is it here?

Gah, kid, I can only say that you are not very popular. There are too many people who want to kill you. Fang Han laughed and bit his wrist. Blood flowed down the hilt to the sword body.

In an instant, the sound of swords rang in Murong Fu's ears, and an unprecedented sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

Die! Fang Han came out with his backhand and threw the [Taiyi Light Splitting Sword] into the air. The sword turned into countless rays of sword light and shot towards Murong Fu crazily.

Murong Fu did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and ran away quickly, only to see the sword light, like light and water, like a thread chasing him closely, giving him no chance to escape.

At this moment, the speed of a sword light suddenly accelerated, and with a puff, it penetrated his body easily.

A drop of blood floated out from the wound, and was instantly divided into several parts by the sword light in the sky.

[Taiyi Split Light Sword]? Zhuge Qingyun said in surprise: So strong?

That's cruel! Uncle Zhuo said, I didn't expect that the evil boy actually sacrificed his blood to a divine sword.

Excalibur! Lu Yao said in shock: Then what should I do? Isn't my Fu Lang very dangerous?

Uncle Zhuo snorted coldly: Danger? I'm afraid I'm going to die!

How is it possible? Fu Lang clearly had the upper hand before! Lu Yao said anxiously.

Hmph, this sword is not simple at first glance. It is at the level of a spiritual treasure at worst. Master Zhuo said, It's pretty good that this kid of yours has persisted until now.

Is there still a chance to turn defeat into victory? Zhuge Qingyun also put away his previous cynicism and asked seriously.

Uncle Zhuo shook his head and said: Xuan! Unless...

Unless what? Lu Yao and others asked.

Uncle Zhuo said helplessly: Unless that evil cultivator dies first!

Hearing this, everyone's mood dropped.

Some of the younger generation of monks who wanted to leapfrog their ranks and fight felt powerless.

No genius can compare to a senior with many magic weapons.

Oh, forget it, we should practice honestly and don't think about challenging those masters.

Uncle Zhuo shook his head and said: Originally, the leapfrog challenge was just some illusory thing.

Why should those who are successful in cultivation be surpassed by you?

Then they have been practicing for so many years, haven't they become pigs?

Everyone also felt that Uncle Zhuo was right.

Inheritance, talent, combat power, and consciousness are all factors that determine the battle.

And among these things, apart from the so-called geniuses, there are a few people who can truly break this shackles.

It's a pity, it's okay! Uncle Zhuo shook his head. In his eyes, Murong Fu's talent was extremely high.

At the Yuan Shen stage, which is less than 40 years old, apart from being a bit messy in his cultivation, he is definitely a good seedling.

After Lu Yao heard Master Zhuo's words, she looked at the competition stage in despair.

But at this moment, Zhuge Qingyun seemed to have discovered a new continent, pointing to the competition platform and saying:

Look, there are changes!

What's going on? Everyone looked at the competition in Taichung.

Murong Fu took out a token.

Lu Yao recognized this object at a glance. It was Murong Fu's favorite collection of [Qilin Yan].

What is he going to do?

When everyone was wondering what Murong Fu was going to do, the other party sent seven or eight [Qilin Flames] in succession and shouted:


In the Qilin Flame, countless flames burst out continuously.

The flames collided and exploded with intense power.

Immediately, the entire competition stage was blown up beyond recognition and smoke was everywhere.

Fang Han was even swept away by the air wave of the explosion, and his brain went blank for a brief moment.

It was at this moment that he felt a trace of space power rising around him.

While he was doubting, he felt a cold hand without any warmth on his head.

Looking up, he saw the handsome and domineering face of Murong Fu.

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