It's okay, it's okay. Fortunately, I listened to Brother Murong's words. Otherwise, the rest of us would really be the best. Zhuge Qingyun patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. There were many masters in front of him, not to mention ruthless people.

However, there were too many of them and they couldn't stretch out their hands. Before they could fight back, they were shot by countless swords.

One by one, they rolled down the stone steps.

Brother Murong, now is the time for us to show off our talents. Zhuge Qingyun said excitedly.

Yes! Murong Fu's eyes were indifferent, as if he was strolling in his own back garden, strolling on the stone steps.

Easily dodge every falling sword light.

This guy! Zhuge Qingyun curled his lips and avoided carefully.

[Ten Thousand Swords Formation] After a wave of fire, the rain and dew began to spread.

With every step he takes, his power becomes stronger.

At first, everyone could barely support it, but once it exceeded five hundred levels.

The intensity of the sword light became ten times stronger.

Like pear blossoms in a heavy rain, it beats everyone to the point where the sky and the sky are unable to respond, and the earth and the earth are unable to function.

Kun Zi Jue - Hunting Earth Wall!


Zhuge Qingyun finally couldn't stand the pressure and used magic to resist.

Bang bang bang~

An earth wall rose from the ground, blocking the sword light that attacked him.

Elder Jie Yin immediately noticed the scene here, frowned slightly, and said in surprise:

Strange, why are people from the Zhuge family coming here again?

Zhuge Qingyun said arrogantly: Hey, my Kun Zi Jue, it is not easy to defend against this kind of sword light.

Liu Sen said unhappily: Haha, it is indeed very strong. It's a pity that I can only stand there like a living target.

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned and felt a bad premonition in his heart.


The next moment, the sword light, twice as much as before, fell towards his head.

It crackled, piercing countless tiny holes in the earthen wall above his brain.

If he goes one step further, he himself will almost become a sieve.

Ahhhh~ What should I do? Zhuge Qingyun screamed and dodged left and right.

If this continues, he may not be able to continue.

Murong Fu joked: Brother Zhuge, you are indeed the most hated man wherever you go.

It seems that these disciples of Sword Sect don't like you very much.

Ah! Zhuge Qingyun was shocked and begged with a grimace: Brother Murong, please save me!

Murong Fu had a small shield in his hand and threw it directly to Zhuge Qingyun: I'll lend it to you!

Zhuge Qingyun did not dare to delay and quickly injected spiritual power into the shield.

The palm-sized shield grew larger in the wind, completely blocking Zhuge Qingyun.

Bang bang bang~ Zhuge Qingyun was still miserable. .

He felt like vomiting blood and cursed:

Disciples of the Sword Sect, listen to me.

Don't let your Grandpa Zhuge rush out, otherwise I will blow your heads off.

Murong Fu couldn't help but want to snicker and reminded:

I advise you not to talk nonsense.

Haven't you noticed that Jian Zhen's personal will is very strong?

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned, and instantly understood what Murong Fu said, and cursed in a low voice:

I'm telling you, why are all these sword lights falling on my head?

This disciple of the Sword Sect just sees me as too handsome. This is naked jealousy.

Murong Fu glanced sideways at Zhuge Qingyun, stopped talking nonsense with him, and sneaked up.

If he hadn't been talking to Zhuge Qingyun, none of the Sword Sect disciples would have been able to see him.

Haha, brothers, that boy holding the pot lid is very arrogant, let's help him just once.

A disciple of the Sword Sect saw Zhuge Qingyun with a shield on his head and couldn't help but taunted him.

The other disciples also laughed haha after hearing this.

Zhuge Qingyun's attacks became more and more severe.

On the other hand, the damage suffered by others was much less due to Zhuge Qingyun's appearance.

A trialist noticed something strange after blocking the sword light.

Strange, why is the attack so much weaker?

Yes, I also discovered that it is not as strong as before. Another trialist said.

Look, that kid! The third tester pointed at Zhuge Qingyun in surprise.

Now on the entire stone steps, he is the most obvious.

There was a shield on his head, causing the sword to hit him like a waterfall.

Every step I take is carrying a mountain.

What a good man!

That's right, a good man!

This brother shouldered everything on his own so that we could enter the Sword Sect.

Zhuge Qingyun wanted to cry but had no tears. If he had a choice, he would not want to be a good person and couldn't help shouting:

Ahhhh~ Why do I attract so much hatred from others?

As he spoke, he looked to his left and right, and there was no one else around him.

The third brother and sister of the Liu family ran away long ago when they saw that he was being targeted.


Sighing, the Liu family siblings are indeed unreliable.

He wanted to find Murong Fu again.

Unexpectedly, Murong Fu had already run far away quietly.

She would look back at him and smile from time to time.

Haha, Zhuge's disciples really resist beatings.

With my own strength, I blocked 30% of the sword light of the [Ten Thousand Swords Formation].

Elder Jie Ying stroked the white beard on his chin and smiled happily.

Heaven, earth, can you let me go?

I'm going to be really exhausted if this keeps up.

Zhuge Qingyun felt that his spiritual power disappeared quickly like water from a drain.

Elder Jieying smiled even brighter when he saw Zhuge Qingyun's deflated look.

Suddenly he noticed that not far away, Murong Fu was walking upwards calmly and calmly, and his face was suddenly startled:

What an exquisite movement.

Every step you take, you can skillfully avoid the sword's attack.

Haha, it seems I need to remind those boys not to delay the assessment because of personal grudges.

Murong Fu's soul was so powerful, when the elder Jie Ying looked at him.

He had already sensed the other person's gaze for the first time.

The corners of his mouth raised, and he looked at the top of the steps that were not far away.

Without any hesitation, he poured all his spiritual power into his feet.

Immediately, a long rope appeared in his hand.

He swung it back hard and tied it around Zhuge Qingyun's waist.

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned and looked at Murong Fu in confusion.

Before he could react, he was violently pulled forward by a huge force.

The speed was so fast that the scenery around him became unreal.

Not good! Elder Jieyin shouted as if he could see what Murong Fu was thinking.

The disciples of the Sword Sect who were setting up the formation were still enjoying torturing Zhuge Qingyun.

Who could have imagined that this guy would be taken away in an instant.

Looking at its trajectory again, it was at the top of the steps, and he cursed:

Damn it, we've been tricked, hurry up and stop him.

The disciples shouted in understanding and quickly used their spiritual power to pursue Zhuge Qingyun in the direction he was moving.

It's too late! Murong Fu chuckled lightly, followed Zhuge Qingyun with the Big Dipper under his feet.

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