Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 908 The artistic conception is broken

Hmph! Chen Chang'an, the last formation-locked disciple of [Canglan Sword Sect], smiled coldly: Do you really think that our Sword Sect's [Ten Thousand Swords Formation] is so easy to do?

Do it!

Follow your orders! Dozens of Sword Sect disciples united their minds and raised their fingertips upwards. Several swords drew a sword arc and suddenly stabbed Zhuge Qingyun.

Huh? Real sword! Murong Fu looked surprised. He didn't dare to gamble with Zhuge Qingyun's life, so he pulled the opponent back from mid-air with a gentle force.

Ah~ Zhuge Qingyun was like a brand new kite, rising to the sky and falling to the ground.

With a pop, he fell in front of Murong Fu. He rubbed his waist and said, Oh my god, Brother Murong, do you want to kill me?

Haha, Brother Zhuge, it's not that I want to trouble you, look at what's in front of you! Murong Fu pointed at the sword standing in the air and said calmly.

Huh? Zhuge Qingyun looked along Murong Fu's hand and couldn't help being surprised: Real sword?

Yes, otherwise, why do you think I would leave you here? Murong Fu asked again.

Okay, I would like to thank Brother Murong for saving me! Zhuge Qingyun thanked him and said with a wry smile:

Hey, I don't know why, but these Sword Sect disciples just can't get along with me.

They were targeting me before, but now they are playing with real swords. They are just jealous of my handsomeness.

Stop talking. Besides, I'm afraid you will cause public outrage. Murong Fu knew the viciousness of Zhuge Qingyun's mouth, so he stopped him quickly, his eyes shot out a sharp light, and said: I will attract the firepower in a while, you use Kun Zi Jue Escape.

Ah? Zhuge Qingyun didn't expect that Murong Fu would help him so much, and whispered: Brother Murong is kind and righteous. I, Zhuge Qingyun, will definitely ask you to burn yellow paper and form brothers with different surnames.

Wait! Murong Fu shouted in a low voice and rushed forward, using [Lingbo Microstep], one shadow was like a thousand shadows, turning into several afterimages to face the flying real sword.

Haha, I haven't used a sword for a long time. Although Murong Fu usually used the [Tianji Stick], he was a martial arts genius and his swordsmanship was extremely powerful.

He pulled out a new one, but the [Taiyi Split Light Sword] that had not yet been refined raised his hand to block it.

I don't know how thick the sky is. Chen Changan said indifferently, pointed at the sword formation, and attacked Murong Fu's weak points with great force.

The [Ten Thousand Swords Formation] is a formation as a whole, but it can be divided into countless small formations. With Chen Changan's will leading the sword formation, the intensity of the sword formation has increased several times.

Murong Fu's face gradually became serious, and the speed of drawing the sword in his hand became faster and faster.

The Void Sword rotated extremely fast and turned into a mirror of light, reflecting the light of pure Yang sword light with extremely destructive power.

Puff~Puff~ several times left white marks on the stone steps under Murong Fu's feet.

Zhuge Qingyun's expression changed when he saw this, and he immediately warned: Brother Murong, be careful, the stone steps under our feet are blessed with runes. These pure Yang sword lights are by no means a simple attack.

Just in time, try my [Storm Concept]! Upon hearing this, Murong Fu's expression gradually changed back to indifferent, and his moves became faster and faster.

The sword is like a hundred raindrops falling in the void, holding on and never dissipating.

In turn, a low-temperature barrier was formed, causing the sword array to operate much slower.

Although Chen Changan has only been in the Sword Sect for a short year, he is still the best among the newcomers.

He quickly discovered something wrong with it, and was surprised by Murong Fu's strength. However, he was surprised, but there was a trace of disdain on his face: This person is quite strong, but unfortunately, he can't tell the difference between the situation.

Besides wishful thinking, he wants to defeat the entire [Ten Thousand Swords Formation] by himself. I can only say that he is really out of his mind.


Originally there were only dozens of sword lights, but when they saw that Murong Fu was difficult to deal with, the number of swords suddenly increased several times.

Even though Murong Fu had already brought the stormy artistic conception to its extreme.

A small hurricane formed around the body, blocking the surrounding swords.

Murong Fu felt at this time that Zhuge Qingyun's spiritual power was pouring out like a flood before, and he gritted his teeth and shouted:

If Brother Zhuge doesn't leave now, when will he stay?

Oh~ Let's go now, let's go now. Only then did Zhuge Qingyun react, and he quickly cast a spell and shouted: Kun Zi Jue - Escape the Earth Dragon!

In an instant, his feet softened and he disappeared from the spot. ..

Most of the attention of Chen Changan and others was focused on Murong Fu. Who would have thought that Zhuge Qingyun had the ability to escape from the ground.

By the time he realized it, it was already too late. He grinned widely, took the last step, and said, Haha, I succeeded!

Making trouble in the east and attacking in the west? Chen Changan was furious. He never thought that Murong Fu caused such a big stir to help Zhuge Qingyun. His face immediately turned cold and he said in a deep voice: Boy, since you helped him, then you Don’t even think about leaving.”

Brothers, greet him well.


Without Zhuge Qingyun as a living target, the disciples of the Sword Sect poured all their unhappiness onto Murong Fu.

Murong Fu suddenly noticed that the opponent's sword array around him was becoming more and more fierce, and there was a faint intention to break his [Storm Concept].

If you relax a little at this time, you will be forced to retreat by the opponent.

In desperation, he had no choice but to pour all his spiritual energy into the hilt of the sword, making the artistic conception more perfect, gradually forming a perfect hurricane, forcibly resisting the opponent's attack.

This move can be regarded as one stone causing thousands of waves.

Seeing this, the trialists couldn't help but become a little excited, and shouted: Brothers, take advantage of this opportunity, let's rush forward quickly.

These people are really naive! Another Sword Sect disciple sneered and no longer held back his hand. His spiritual power was running on his fingertips and he pointed forward. The sword on his waist made a series of sword sounds and moved towards the stone steps. The people above stabbed him.

The same is true for other Sword Sect disciples. The sharp swords are like meteors in the sky with a fascinating sword light, and they follow the stone steps without mercy.

Brother Murong!

Zhuge Qingyun looked at the hurricane in front of him worriedly. Sharp swords were stabbing into it like sharp thorns. The intensity of the hurricane was also weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If this continues, you don't need to think about it to know that Murong Fu will definitely be exhausted to death due to lack of spiritual power.

It's a pity. This boy has a bit of the style of my Sword Sect, but he values ​​righteousness too much and doesn't know how to choose. Elder Jieying said unbearably as he looked at Murong Fu who was about to be defeated in front of him.

As his words fell, the hurricane seemed to have reached the end of its life, gradually shrinking into a small ball.

Until it shrunk to the extreme, it exploded with a bang sound.

A strong cyclone swept away everything around him in an instant, and a figure fell backwards in mid-air.

Chen Changan and other disciples couldn't help but show a hint of pride: Humph, whoever can enter the Sword Sect is not a genius. If you want to fight one against many, you really don't know how to live or die!

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