Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 936 The road ahead is difficult

Early the next morning, Murong Fu followed Hong Nianci and several of his junior sisters and left the restaurant.

Walk out of [Musang Town] and go to [Tianming Sect].

Along the way, there are mountainous roads that make it difficult for a carriage to travel, so you can only rely on your feet.

It would be great if I could have a spiritual pet. Ye Lingling complained softly.

She had seen the [Tianming Sect] in its glory days in the classics.

There are cranes, flying tigers, real dragons, fire and phoenixes, everything is complete.

However, now there is not even a clever horse to catch up.

Hong Nianci said angrily: Okay, Lingling, senior Murong is also walking on foot like us.

I don't complain even though I'm from [Canglan Sword Sect].

Ye Lingling frowned slightly and said curiously:

Senior, are you practicing?


Murong Fu shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to find a spiritual pet.

Rather, he had just arrived and had no idea that such a thing existed.

If he had known earlier, he would have brought Xiao Yin here.

No, Xiaoyin is a snake and is not easy to ride.

If you want to ride, you should also find a domineering spiritual pet such as a horse, tiger, or phoenix.

Looking at Ye Lingling's serious eyes, she curled her lips and replied, I'm not good at riding spiritual pets!

No way! Ye Lingling said in surprise: Then what are you good at riding?

I'm good at riding... Murong Fu was stunned. It was difficult for him to answer such a question.

Ahem he said twice: This is a personal secret, I apologize for the inconvenience of telling you.

Ah! Ye Lingling was even more shocked, her small brain running rapidly.

A woman's sixth sense told her that there must be a secret.

You have to dig deeper to get the answer.

There was a flash of excitement in his eyes, staring at Murong Fu closely.

Okay, don't ask random questions that shouldn't be asked. Hong Nianci interrupted in time, Ye Lingling's thoughts were like a moth flying into the flame.

Then he said: Senior Murong, I'm sorry for causing you to suffer with us.

Murong Fu smiled and said indifferently:

It's just a walk, it's nothing.

Hong Nianci, a junior sister, reminded:

I heard that the [Blood God Cult] has been around here recently.

Sister, let's leave quickly!

[Blood God Cult]?

That's right! The junior sister said, Senior, do you know me?

Murong Fu shook his head: I only know that they seem to have a holy son named Deng Yin, right?

Hong Nianci said with admiration: Yes, this Holy Son of [Blood God Sect] is indeed this Holy Son.

It's just that he has always acted mysteriously, and few people have seen his true face.

Murong Fu asked curiously: What level of force does [Blood God Sect] belong to?

This... Hong Nianci looked at Murong Fu in surprise, as if he was shocked by what he said.

Ye Lingling shouted: No way, senior, you don't know what level of power [Blood God Sect] belongs to?

Murong Fu nodded: I don't know much about the various factions.

Of course I don't know what level of force this [Blood God Sect] belongs to.

Hong Nianci showed an expression that looked like this, and explained carefully:

The [Blood God Sect] is a sect founded by the Blood Demon Ancestor tens of thousands of years ago.

Since he was exterminated by Shushan, for tens of thousands of years, he has been like a centipede insect, dead but not stiff.

Always active in [Da Ru Realm].

To say what level of influence he belongs to, the various sects have no final conclusion.

But what we know is that no second-grade sect dares to provoke them at will.

If the demon race is the enemy of the human race, then the [Blood God Sect] is the enemy of all decent people.

Ancestor Blood Demon? Youquan? Murong Fu's mind immediately flashed, The Legend of Shushan.

This guy sent Dan Chenzi to destroy the [Emei Sect].

Use the power of one demon to fight against the righteousness of the entire world.

If Bai Mei hadn't obtained the secret weapon, the whole world would have become the Blood Demon Realm.

And he seemed to have destroyed a trace of their Holy Son’s soul.

This kind of hatred will never end.

Thinking about it now, I feel terrible.

Damn it, if I had known earlier I wouldn't have done such a great job!

Hong Nianci heard Murong Fu's whisper and asked curiously: Could it be that Senior Murong has a grudge against the [Blood God Sect]?

Murong Fu smiled haha, showing the face of a decent person, and said loudly:

We, decent people, naturally have nothing to do with this evil sect.

It doesn't matter if you have any grudges or not. In short, they won't make it easy for me, and I won't make it easy for them.

Hong Nianci was a sister who saw Murong Fu speaking with great justice.

Little stars of admiration appeared in his eyes.

Hehe giggled, as if to say, from now on you will be our idol.

The journey from [Musang Town] to [Tianming Sect] takes at least half a month.

This period was very painful for Murong Fu.

If he had known that today, he would have said anything to get a good spiritual pet.

The crane is not fast and is not suitable for long-term flight.

It would be best if we could find a roc.

Ye Lingling was completely a familiar person, and she had the most interactions with Murong Fu along the way.

From south to north, there are a lot of things to say.

Finally, it comes back to spiritual pets.

It seems that this thing has almost become this little girl's obsession.

The night was starless, the waning moon hung high, and thick clouds slowly moved across the sky, covering the sky and the earth.

It's like a dragon roaring.

Murong Fu looked up at the sky and reminded:

It's probably going to rain soon. We'd better find a place to hide quickly!

Hong Nianci said: I know there is a broken gym ahead, which should be able to shelter from the rain.

Murong Fu nodded and said, Then let's go quickly!

Ye Lingling smiled and said: Hehe, it doesn't matter.

In one more day's journey, we will reach [Dark Sky City], and then we can buy a few spiritual horses for transportation.

Hong Nianci glared at Ye Lingling and said, Do you have a spiritual stone?

Ye Lingling said casually: I didn't!

But...Senior Murong does.

Let's borrow some from him and return it to him when we return to the sect.

Hong Nianci said anxiously: What nonsense are you talking about!

Ye Lingling pouted her lips like a child who made a mistake, but Murong Fu raised his eyes and praised:

That's a good idea, smart!

How many days of travel can we save this way?

At least...well... Ye Lingling bit her index finger and calculated seriously: At least it can save three days of travel.

Murong Fu calculated that they had been gone for ten days and there were five days left.

In other words, we can reach [Tianming Sect] in two days, and he said happily:

Okay, when the time comes, we will buy some of the best spiritual pets.

Hurry back to [Tianming Sect].

Ye Lingling held Murong Fu's hand and said excitedly:

Great, I would say Senior Murong is the best!

I'll definitely lend it to us!

Hong Nianci looked at his junior sister and felt very speechless, and was about to teach her a lesson.

There was a loud boom and a thunder dragon flashed across the sky.

Seeing that the downpour was about to fall, he changed his words:

Let's go, follow me and run!

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