Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 937 Monster and Clown

Everyone followed Hong Nianci and moved forward quickly, taking advantage of the dim moonlight.

Soon, they came to the Taoist temple she mentioned.


It was also a coincidence that as soon as a few people entered the Taoist temple, heavy rain came.

Ye Lingling said happily: Haha, we were just in time, it started to rain as soon as we came in.

It's rainy and cold in autumn. If it falls on you, it will be very hurtful.

You don't use your spiritual power to create a shield. Just keep it out.

A junior sister said disgustedly.

Ye Lingling rolled her eyes and said:

Isn't it too wasteful to use a spiritual shield to block the rain?

You should have known that spiritual power was something I cultivated little by little.

I feel bad for wasting even a tiny bit.

Seeing Ye Lingling's stingy look, everyone couldn't help laughing and laughed a few times.

However, there is also a lot of helplessness in this laughter.

If it were some big sects, why would they care about these spiritual powers.

One [spirit-boosting pill] solves all the troubles.

Being so frugal is mainly due to poverty.

Murong Fu did not joke with the girls, but bowed several times to the statue of Sanqing in the Taoist temple.

He practices the Imperial Way, and when he is in the [Original Realm], he only needs to pay homage to Emperor Xuanyuan.

But now in [Canglan Sword Sect], it is necessary to pay tribute to Sanqing.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the Taoist temple.

interrupted his train of thought.

Dozens of big men wearing bamboo hats rushed in.

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly, a big man laughed and said:

Haha, I didn't expect that there is such a beauty hidden in this ruined view.

We brothers are probably very lucky today.

Ye Lingling looked at the group of people and said contemptuously: Bandits?

Hong Nianci's face turned cold and he said, They are still a group of bandits with some cultivation.

Huh? The bandit leader had a scarred face and put the heavy knife behind his back on the ground.

There was a bang sound and some gravel was smashed out.

He looked at Hong Nianci with cold eyes and said, Where are you from?

Hong Nianci said coldly: You don't deserve to know where we are from.

Get out of here if you don't want to die!

Scarface felt that Hong Nianci and others were unusual, but he did not leave directly.

Instead, he observed the people in the room and found that except for Murong Fu who was standing in front of the statue of Sanqing with his hands behind his back.

The people in the field were all women, so they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He has many ways to deal with women.

This Taoist temple does not belong to you, why should we leave?

Do you want to bully ordinary people like us based on your cultivation?

Ordinary people? A trace of anger flashed in Hong Nianci's eyes: Do you think I can't see the evil aura in you?

You... Scarface heard this and knew that Hong Nianci was not simple.

The palm of his hand was hidden in his sleeve, and a delicate red knife was held in his hand.

Be prepared to give Hong Nianci a fatal blow at any time.

Murong Fu did not take Scarface seriously.

This kind of wild way should be the ultimate level after cultivating the golden elixir.

Even if there is a special magic weapon, it cannot be Hong Nianci's opponent.

Unexpectedly, suddenly there was a burst of ghost crying outside the Taoist temple.

Immediately interrupted everyone's confrontation.

Murong Fu looked up and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Under the night sky with heavy rain, four shadows walked towards them very rhythmically.

When Scarface and the others saw this, their faces turned pale with fright.

He even dropped the knife hidden in his sleeve to the ground because he was so frightened.


The sound was not loud, but it scared everyone.

Ye Lingling looked at the strange scene outside and asked in a low voice:

Sister, are those four people carrying a coffin?

Hong Nianci said in a deep voice: Yes!

A bandit quietly backed away, as if trying to escape from the Taoist temple door, and said in a trembling voice:

Brother, isn't this something that has been rumored very fiercely recently, [The Death-seeking Ghost]?

After Scarface came to his senses, he immediately picked up the dropped knife and bravely said:

What are you afraid of? There are so many of us!

Ye Lingling said softly: What is [Death-seeking Ghost]? Why haven't I heard of it?

Scarface was frightened by Ye Lingling's voice and whispered quickly:

Auntie, please keep your voice down and don't invite them in.

Although Ye Lingling was a little panicked by the coffin quartet, she was not afraid and continued to say loudly:

What are you afraid of by pretending to be a ghost?

This is our [Tianming Sect's] territory, does he still dare to do whatever he wants?

[Tianming Sect]? Scarface said speechlessly: I know alone that these group of [life-seeking ghosts] have killed forty or fifty people.

Now, no one dares to offend it in the entire [Tianming Sect] territory.

What! Hong Nianci said in shock: You said it killed our [Tianming Sect] disciples?

Nonsense! Scarface said angrily: Except for your [Tianming Sect] leader taking action.

I'm afraid, no one in the entire [Tianming Sect] territory can kill these four people.

Murong Fu listened to Scarface's words and observed the four people outside more carefully.

These people were all dressed in black, like zombies from the Qing Dynasty.

Jumping very rhythmically, he carried the coffin, which was one foot long and three feet wide, towards them. ..

The entire coffin was dark and dull, with graphics of evil spirits eating people carved on it.

It seemed very heavy, strange, and eerie.

These four people plus a coffin seemed to carry a kind of magic power.

Staring so hard that it actually made him feel dizzy.


A famous mountain bandit, accompanied by Murong Fu's thoughts, fell to the ground and fainted.

Even Scarface fell to the ground, his face full of fear and said:

It's over, it's over, they're here to claim their lives!

Murong Fu frowned and looked towards the four of them with his consciousness.

A look of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

He actually didn't detect the chance of life from the other party.

Unable to figure out the opponent's strength, he said in a deep voice: Is it really a ghost?

After Ye Lingling heard Murong Fu's words, she immediately felt a chill running down her spine and whispered:

Senior, they can't really be ghosts, right?

Murong Fu curled his lips and said, I've never seen ghosts before. I don't know if they are ghosts.

Senior Murong, maybe you can see the cultivation level of these people? Hong Nianci asked in a low voice.

I can't tell! Murong Fu said truthfully.

This thing is too weird, especially the coffins they carry.

It seemed to be able to block his spiritual consciousness, making it impossible for him to investigate.

Ye Lingling said worriedly: They seem to be coming for us, what should we do?

Murong Fu said with a calm expression: The soldiers will stop us, and the water will cover us.

The best way to deal with people of unknown origin is to beat them up.

Hit them? The women were startled and asked at the same time.

Murong Fu chuckled lightly, raised his leg and kicked Scarface away.

Standing close to the people carrying the coffin, they loudly said:

Where did this monster and clown come from, pretending to be a ghost in front of me!

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