This... Hong Nianci, Ye Lingling and others looked at the scarred face who was kicked away.

Everyone was stunned and their mouths opened wide.


The four coffin bearers screamed strangely and sent out bursts of sound waves, blasting towards Scarface.

Don't...don't kill me!

Scarface yelled in the air without any resistance.

It was shattered into pieces by the four coffin bearers.


The crisp bang rang in everyone's ears.

A blood-red knife fell to the ground.

Like a river of blood, it reflected the surrounding area in a blood-red color.


The four coffin bearers screamed strangely again when they saw the red knife.

Murong Fu's face hardened, and he felt that this red sword was extraordinary.

With a thought in his mind, a suction force appeared in his hand, and in an instant, the blood-red knife was sucked into his hand.

The four coffin bearers blinked with strange eyes.

He placed the coffin on the ground and fiercely attacked Murong Fu.

Ah, they are coming! The bandits had just killed their leader, and saw the corpse bearers attacking again.

They all screamed strangely and tried to escape frantically.

On the contrary, Hong Nianci and his daughters stopped in front of Murong Fu and said, Senior, leave these four guys to us.

Murong Fu smiled and said: That's fine, but you have to be careful, they are not human!

Huh? Ye Lingling asked in confusion: They are not human beings, what are they?

Yuanshen stage, puppet! Murong Fu said calmly.

This... Hong Nianci couldn't help but feel a chill running through his body.

Being able to summon four Yuan Shen stage puppets, how strong is this person?

Don't be afraid, I will deal with the people in the coffin! Murong Fu's eyes came out with a cold sword energy, and he passed over the four puppets.

Almost like a black coffin.

Jie Jie!

With a strange laugh, the coffin lid jumped up.

I saw a white shadow jumping out of it.

A sword mark immediately appeared on the coffin.

Jie Jie, this is the first time I've seen him with angry eyes.

The white shadow clothes were blown by the air current, dragging out for a long time, like the white impermanence that threatens people's lives.

The laughter is even more terrifying.

At the same time, the four puppets also fought with Hong Nianci and others.

The sound of the sword is ferocious.

It struck the puppet, causing sparks to fly.

Murong Fu stood on his arms and walked out of the Taoist temple calmly.

He raised his head and felt the coolness of the raindrops hitting his forehead.

He looked at the man in white curiously and said, Are you from the [Blood God Sect]?

The man in white said with a hehe smile: Jie Jie, I am Yin Shuai Bai Wuji!

Bai Wuji? Murong Fu joked: Is there also Hei Wuji?

Jie Jie! Hei Wuchang hasn't been reincarnated yet! Bai Wuji's eyes shot out a murderous intent.

A bone fan suddenly appeared in his hand and he waved it towards Murong Fu.

In an instant, a dark wind visible to the naked eye swept towards the latter.

Seeing this, Hong Nianci reminded loudly:

Senior, be careful, this is [Yin-Devouring Ghost Wind].

Break bones and devour souls, there is nothing left to gain!

When Murong Fu heard this, he immediately became serious.

With a wave of his big hand, he rolled up half of Scarface's body and smashed it towards [Yin-Devouring Ghost Wind].

In the blink of an eye.

That half of the body seemed to have been bitten by a wild beast.

The flesh and blood were blurred, and apart from the broken bones, only meat residue remained.

So strong! Murong Fu couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the strangeness of [Yin-Devouring Ghost Wind].

This thing is really hard to guard against.

Swish, swish, swish~ Another gust of dark wind came.

Murong Fu did not dare to be careless and swung his sword casually.

He immediately stepped aside to distance himself from Hong Nianci and the other girls.

Otherwise, it will be blown away by the wind and be ruined.

But it’s not beautiful.

Fortunately, it is raining heavily now, which can make [Yin-Eating Ghost Wind] show its shape.

Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to escape.

Murong Fu used [Lingbo Weibu] to lead Bai Wuji to another place bit by bit.

It wasn't until Hong Nianci and others were no longer in sight that he showed a trace of murderous intent.

Jiejie, boy, you have delayed me for so long and finally showed your murderous intent.

You are really tolerant.

Murong Fu's expression changed. He had already felt that the Bai Wuji in front of him was definitely an ordinary person. He said calmly:

Now that you've seen it.

Then I'll give it a try.

With that said, he took out the [Taiyi Light Sword] and pointed the tip of the sword directly at Bai Wuji.

Jie Jie, boy, then I will let you die! Bai Wuji grinned, revealing a strange smile.

He was about to wave the bone fan in his hand again, but he didn't expect it.

Murong Fu was never a passive person waiting for others to take action.

His sword had already appeared on Bai Wuji's left side.

The sword light pointed at it with a sharp Gengjin power.

So fast! Bai Wuji showed shock for the first time.

The body turned into a ghost, leaning back, and a bone sword appeared in his hand.

Blocked Murong Fu's fatal sword.


Unlike the collision of iron weapons, the bone sword made a dull sound that was directly touching people's hearts.

Murong Fu missed a single hit and was about to try again.

But he saw the bone fan in Bai Wuji's other hand opened again and swept towards his face.

Damn it!

There was nowhere he could avoid within a distance of less than half a foot.

With no choice, he could only use the small shield to block it in front of him.

He blocked Bai Wuji's attack abruptly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly stepped back and laughed at himself:

It's really difficult to be a pure swordsman.

When Bai Wuji saw that Murong Fu had successfully dodged, he did not continue to pursue. Instead, he was slightly curious and said:

Boy, which sect are you from? Your reaction is not slow.

Murong Fu said: Haha, I come from [Canglan Sword Sect], have you heard of it?

[Canglan Sword Sect]? Bai Wuji's face immediately turned cold when he heard where Murong Fu came from: Sure enough, you group of sword madmen can be found everywhere.

Really? Murong Fu smiled awkwardly. Most of the people in [Canglan Sword Sect] were pure sword practitioners.

People, when they are pure, become unreasonable.

Being called a lunatic is inevitable.

Just listen to Bai Wuji's tone.

It is obvious that [Canglan Sword Sect] has done many good things to destroy [Blood God Sect].

He pretended to be powerful and said:

Crooked people, shouldn't they run away with their tail between their legs as soon as they see a disciple of my Sword Sect?

Jie Jie, run away? Bai Wuji said disdainfully: I, the handsome and sinister Bai Wuji, run away when I need to see an unknown person.

Do you think you are the Shangguan Tianwo of [Canglan Sword Sect]?

Shangguan Tianwo? Who is it? Murong Fu looked at Bai Wuji in confusion.

He is the first new talented disciple of [Canglan Sword Sect].

It seems that he does not know who Shangguan Tianwo is.

Jie Jie! Bai Wuji sneered and said, You don't even know the number one person in your sword sect today.

What's the point of living? Just die!

Murong Fu felt a hint of danger, and saw Bai Wuji opening the bone fan and blowing out several hurricanes. .

Divided into five directions, he was quickly locked.

If it hadn't been for the heavy rain that caused him to act, he might have died without even knowing how he died!

It seems that if I don't use my special skills, I'm afraid I'll be blown to death by this thing today!

Murong Fu gave a low shout, and the overbearing power of the stars emitted from his body and dispersed towards the five hurricanes.

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